The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday 6 December 2010

The Word is True!

(Romans 10:11) For the Scripture says, "Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame."

I am forced to think about my own failure in life when I read this verse, completely opposite to the victory that Christ will achieve in so many failed individuals who now are believers. It is all about Him and not about us! He is the alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. I have to deal with so much disappointment that I reflect upon and often, yet I am sanctified by the blood of the Lamb, in spite of my disillusionments. How we all often need reassuring, without my Saviour’s bold comfort I would be of all men most miserable. Thank you Lord Jesus for this great truth that helps me understands my position in you. I know that I will not be put to shame. My mind is flooded with accusations and doubt wants its part, but “Let God be true and every man a liar!” The Word of God, the bible must have access to my thought process even to the expense of my emotions. I must not place my emotional state above the truth of God’s word. This text is a perfect example of a fact that will happen for all who have been sanctified by the Lord Jesus Christ. “Everyone who believes in Him...” we see that without exception, everyone (every person) that believes in Christ,”...will not be put to shame.” Shame is something we regret. By we are told that we will have no regret! Thank you Lord Jesus for this great encourage and the truth that I belong to you and I must not dwell on my failures but remember your victory. May all who proclaim the name of Jesus find grace and strength in and through our great High Priest to walk with this mindset and not to find that we are still conformed to this world and all its lies? I believe this is what Paul refers to in Romans; (Romans 12:2) “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” He is telling us to believe scripture and when we are instructed by it, to walk under its teaching. If we find this hard to do, then we must ask God to forgive us for our unbelief and He will be just to restore us in love. This is what we should ask and pray for, and then we will be confident in receiving God’s blessing. We will receive because we are aligning our wills with His Word and when we do this, our Father is well please! Help us Father find your will for our lives, Amen

Signing off


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