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Thursday 23 December 2010

The Silly Season.

(1Peter 4:4) “Wherein they think strange that ye run not with them into the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you:”

It is the time known as the “time of celebration”, this period over the December holiday all over the world celebrates Christmas and New Year. It is the time to put on your party hat and let your hair down and so what if you overindulge slightly, ever one else will also be excusing that sort of behavior. It must not be this way for the Christian; we must stand and make our mark against such celebration. We must not be like we once were, we need to come out and be separate. In fact it would be a good thing if you find all the unsaved amongst family and friends speaking evil of you because you do not run riot with them in the same excess of riot. It is at times like these that we are able to by our example hopefully speak to the onlookers that we have found a better way and we have such a hope in Jesus Christ our Lord that although some may choose to belittle us by speaking evil of us, some may enquire after our hope and who knows God may even be merciful to some of them and open their eyes.

It is an important principle that Peter wants us to understand and expects us by default because we are born again and have God’s spirit living within us, that we must imply a control that separate us from the world. We are being watched by the world, so that when we err, onlookers excuse themselves for their own sin. If we flounder then those around find justification in their own debauchery, not that they will have an excuse on judgment day, but we will be responsible to some degree for our testimony that they used to justify their own behaviour. In periods passed I have failed miserably in this area, I shudder to think of how bad my pattern in times past has been. I have been foolish with my behavior and have often regretted the scars I have left in my wake. I have paid dearly for my foolishness and will suffer loss on judgment day, that I am convinced of, but forgetting those things behind, how will it help if I wallow in the failures of my life, all it will do is suppress my walk of faith and keep me from loving God as I am drown in self-pity. Worldly sorrow will bring forth death, but Godly sorrow with contentment will bring forth life, not to be repented of. We must be the light of this world, if we will be amongst family and friends that have seen us err habitually, it is now a perfect opportunity for us (God’s Children) to set the record straight.

We must heed the counsel of Peter and there must be a visible change for all to witness; the chapter must read something like this; “Wherein they think strange that ye run not with them into the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you:” It has to if we mean business with God. I am not laying down a law of what we should do or should not do, were we should go or where we shouldn’t. I will leave that to your own wise judgment, so be wise in the matter, but I will say this world is watching do not think otherwise. May we all find strength in Him our Saviour to be the light He intended us to be, if we have blundered in times past like I have, then we need to forget those things behind us and press on; (Philippians 3:13) “Brethren, I count not myself yet to have laid hold: but one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before.” I understand that the context Paul refers to with this statement is no to give up in doing good and not to use a check list finding justification by all the good he had done as a Christian. He was not about to say he had done enough and therefore he could go into retirement. However the principle remains the same for all if we have had a treacherous testimony then we can and must use this verse to press on and find motivation in the spirit to produce good works. If you find yourself ensnared in the web of sin, come out and be separate I say, there is no better time than the present to call upon the name of the Lord, so call I say and find life in Him, for Jesus Christ the Lord is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow and He will open His arms to you and you will find repentance in Him if you truly repent.

May we use this opportune time, this festive season to come out and be separate and may we by our example cause sinners to repent and turn to us so that we may minister life to then in and through the act of Calvary and Christ and Him crucified. I am not aware of anybody who has not heard of the gospel, many may not have received an accurate gospel message that is another topic all in itself. Our example is of utmost importance, and like I said if we have failed in times past, because we still breathe, we still have an opportunity to be an example now, today is the day of salvation, may our example speak with volume and may it be heard for miles. May God help us find grace in time of need so that our lives may be a reflection of Him.

Signing off


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