The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Friday 24 December 2010

Never to Be Repeated.

(Romans 3:23) “For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God;”

This is important for all to understand! The reason we need a Saviour is because we have all sinned, everyone who has every inhaled the breathe of life needs to be saved as they have all sinned and thus fallen short of the glory of God.

Take our schooling growing up as children, we were sent to school so that education could prepare us for life. Math’s was taught and we leant to add so that we are able to handle money and at least do basis accounting. It is something we require for daily living, and so it is with all subjects, we need them to be able to function in this world of ours or at least that is the intention of education. However through life we are tested by exams and we either pass or fail and if we fall short and fail then we need to repeat the year or the subject until we pass. So until then we cannot go on to a higher education. In like manner we also fall short of the glory of God and cannot enter into a relationship with God because we have botched our chances and all because of sin. We have received our grade and are sinners but God is righteous, in other words there is no sin in Him and because of His righteousness He cannot have a relationship with sinners. Now if every man is a sinner what must man now do in order to break the barrier that keeps them from God? No matter how he may try to establish a correlation with his own righteousness he is unable to have a relationship with Jehovah God because he is a sinner. However, we are able to have a relationship with the devil who appears as an angel of light; we may even believe that we will be saved by what we do and when we pray, we are praying to God, when in fact the father of lies is our father and god. This is a little harsh you may say! But when we logically break it down it is easily understood. If I am by birth born into sin then I have access because of sin into relationships with like minded people. We are cut from the same cloth, Satan is the father of sin and he has been a sinner from the beginning, therefore I have direct access to him as he has immediate admittance to me and my life, and why? Because of sin! God cannot stand sin and He hates it, yes He hates sin! But because He is love, He alone has the power to resolve mans dilemma, it was up to Him whether or not He would forgive and bridge the gap between Himself and mankind, but for Him to accomplish this, sin needed to be dealt with, it needed to be removed. Firstly would God be prepared to do this and secondly would He do it? He was not only willing to do it but in fact proved His love by doing it!

How I love Jehovah God, the only true living God! As God He could have chosen so many different options, yet He chose to save mankind from this tragic quandary. He could have said “let them all burn in hell” and He would have in His character of righteousness been within His rights. But His ultimate choice would cost Him dearly, He would have to eradicate sin once and for all and the only way He could do that was by judging sin and removing sin from the equation, in other words sin had to be dealt with by firstly judging it because righteousness requires that sin be judged otherwise righteousness would no longer be righteousness but sin. But a sinner could not pay the price for sin, someone righteous was needed to be judged as a sinner yet He could never have sinned otherwise He would not qualify in God’s eyes. Look at it like this, take every sin ever committed form the start of mankind (Adam) to the finish whenever that may be and stack them in a heap and then let them be judged by a righteous God. There sentence from the smallest of sins to the biggest will all receive the same condemnation, separation from God for all eternity. In other words the sinners will never come into the presence of God as sin will still separate them from entering into His company “for what fellowship have righteousness and iniquity? or what communion hath light with darkness?” When we shine light into darkness, what happens to the darkness? It dissipates and light takes its place! SIN HAS TO BE REMOVED BEFORE GOD CAN HAVE FELLOWSHIP WITH MANKIND.

We all know the story, the sweet gracious story of how He sent His only begotten Son the Lord Jesus, eternal God, to become a man and live a righteous life on earth by never sinning and then being judged for sin. As He hung on that cruel Roman cross with nails supporting His fragile frame, it was there that sin was judged once and for all. Righteousness could have no part with the punishment of sin. Therefore when the Lord Jesus was judged for sin, He cried out; (Matthew 27:46) “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Here we have proof that God being righteous judged sin and in fact He turn his face from His very own Son, which in turn get the Lord Jesus to cry out as He is all alone and it is there that He defeats sin on the cross, praise His name!

Now the bundle of all sin we have spoken about was judged and if we as human beings are not covered by His blood then they will need to be judged by a righteous God for sin, but if they have His covering then they are no longer subject to that judgment as the price has already been paid. How then do I find the lord Jesus’ blood as a covering for my sin? It is extremely simple, I need to repent of my sin, acknowledge that I am a sinner and will and need to be judge for sin, but the good news is someone already has paid the price for my sin if I call on Him in repentance and believe this glorious gospel message and believe that He has risen from the dead, the bible teaches that I will be saved. Saved from what? From judgment!

What a great God I serve, I say exalt and praise His name all you people, He is full of mercies and His love endures forever, fall to your knees, repent call upon the name of the Lord and you will be saved.

Signing off


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