The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday 11 August 2014


“DEFCON” (a cry to make ready) has always been the command for the Christians throughout the world. We are no longer children of the world, but new creatures in Christ! From the day our eyes were opened to see the kingdom of God (the day we were “born again”), from that day onwards we have been at war! My journey has most certainly had its highs and its lows; I suppose all would voice a similar testimony. Be that as it may, although we may have improved tactically along the way, and yet, very volatile at times, similar to water, we can nevertheless take comfort in this fact; our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ has never changed, He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow! He is our Admiral who leads the way, He has conquered all! It is now our time to trust and obey and in turn conquer all. We have the greatest Instructor; He is patient and will never leave you dead for the enemy to ravish. He is for all who bend the knee to Him! He will never leave nor forsake you, NEVER! He is the great Shepherd!  

When we consider the current news, worldwide; it can have one of two effects, it can send us into a panic as I heard around lunch yesterday, “what if Ebola gets to South Africa?” real concern for their lives. Will we also panic when the trial of our faith gets personal? When it comes knocking on our front doors. It is one thing to sympathize with our brothers in arms that are now being martyred across the globe by the enemy, observing from a distance but quite another if we were to be personally confronted. This is not something we in ourselves welcome, it is a scary thought! Nevertheless it may just be what we were born for, could it be the exact reason? This may be the pinnacle, of what God has intended for our lives from before the foundation of the worlds. In His master plan it may just be the queue for our scene! If so there is no need for panic, just go with the flow.

Do you remember the question the disciples asked the Lord about a blind man? Here is the question; “And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind?” (John 9:2) – Here we see a tragic circumstance that must have had an effect on so many people. The parents with the realisation that their son was blind, the young boy who was born blind and never being able to relate to those who could see. People walking by him as he begged their eyes capable of admiring God’s glorious creation but all he saw was darkness. Did he have siblings, and how was he treated? The list goes on… an apparent disaster!  Now look at the Lord’s interesting retort; “Jesus answered, "It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.”(John 9:3) – Do you see how that now puts a whole different spin on things? We must begin to reason with the eyes of the Spirit and move away from reasoning with our carnal minds, which can only ever produce death! We must put on the mind of Christ! Here was a man born blind for no other reason but to glorify God! Praise God! Where do we fit in? What are we doing to glorify our Father in heaven? These are the questions that need to captivate our minds, and not trivial things that will pass away.

The crop is ripe and ready to be harvested; the sheep shall be separated from the goats and it is only tribulation that will differentiate between the two. The proof is in the eating. Let us not cower away from what lies ahead but rather with an earnest expectation look to Jesus the Author and the Finisher of our faith. As we trust Him, He will certainly equip us for what lies ahead, praise His name! May God give us the insight to know what it is He requires from us. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with all those that rely and call on Him, Amen!

Signing off


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