The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday 30 July 2014

This body of death!

(Romans 7:24) “O wretched man that I am who will deliver me from this body of death?”

How often do I have to eat my words with the bitter herbs of repentance? It would seem far too often! “O wretched man that I am who will deliver me from this body of death?” Thank God for the hope the Christian has. Without the hope of one day putting off this sinful body of the flesh, I would most certainly be amongst the most miserable of all living! However it is the hope in Christ that keeps me pressing on. There are times when I would far rather cry, “Take me home Lord, this life has nothing to offer me.” And yet there is work to be done for the sake of the kingdom! It is not as if I have lived a model life like many that have gone before, on the contrary I have blundered more than I care to consider. It is extremely demoralizing! Nevertheless I know that my God shall present me faultless on the day of reckoning. A miracle indeed!

How weak am I in so many areas of my life; thank you for your patience with me my great Father, I have often wanted to throw in the towel but you have come to my aid more times than I could count, Thank you! If only the sin that so easily besets, could once and for all be gone for good. The weight of it has such a negative reaction on those around me, please forgive me. My short temper is such a selfish trait and for this I seek your grace to deal with it in a godly manner. Keep my eyes fixed upon the finished work of Calvary. In comparison to what Christ endures my life should be but a breeze and yet it is far from that. “O wretched man that I am who will deliver me from this body of death?”

The cares of this life my God weighs up heavy on a man’s shoulders. How I long to be like my great Saviour, always focusing on the will of His father and even to the point of death! Praise His name! As the screws tighten may the searching out of your sustaining grace always be in the forefront of my mind. Renew a right spirit in me! In fact most of the distracting “has much to do about nothing”. Trivial nonsense! I shall focus on the promises of God, bless your name my great Jehovah, someday I shall be like Him and what a day that shall be. There is a day coming when I will in person see my God face to face and sing praises to His glorious name!  How I long for that day! Even so come quickly Lord Jesus! But until then help me to remain focused on what counts; the will of God for my life, Amen!

“O wretched man that I am who will deliver me from this body of death?” Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord…” (Romans 7:25) 

Signing off


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