The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Friday 11 July 2014

The King of kings

What woman doesn’t want their fairytale ending? I am yet to meet one! And what man doesn’t want to arrive at the end of his life concluding, “Now that was a great success!” Eulogies at funerals are mostly misaligned, if only an entire life could be accurately professed! Some have great stories and they leave a pleasant taste in the mouth of the masses; take Nelson Mandela as an example, even the staunchest Afrikaner who was once all for apartheid could tip their hats to him. Madiba a man who I met in person on a number of occasions was always approachable; be that as it may where is he now? His soul has left his earthly body and he has now entered the spiritual realm where the chapter of eternity exists! We will eventually all arrive there! From the least to the greatest; all will stand before the King of kings and bow their knee to Him. The Christian, the atheist (if there truly be such a man of which I am doubtful), the Moslem, the Hindu, the Apache, the Dali lama, the pope, the Jew, the Barbarian, and the Guru. Every single knee will bow to Jesus Christ the Lord, the Christian gladly and willingly, the unbeliever forced by the Hand of God!

The Gospel is a very simple message; God sent His Son to live here on earth as a man without breaking one of His laws or statutes. He then was falsely accused of crimes he never committed and then crucified on a cruel Roman cross on a hill call Golgotha. He was then buried and on the third day God raised Him from the dead. He was the perfect sacrifice which allows mankind the opportunity to find forgiveness for their sins. Acknowledgment of this truth must be confessed by the individual and a sincere cry to God for the forgiveness of their sin is needed. For those who find this truth making it their own, will find saving forgiveness! But for those who reject it for whatever reason will face the judgment of God! Both camps will however confess this truth with their mouths! If not in this life, then most certainly in the life to come! Forget all the other dogmas that are bandied around, you will never come back as a cow!

This world has been tainted with so many lying lures that most pursue the wrong end. King David’s son Solomon has written a detailed account in the book of Ecclesiastes of what we chase and his conclusion is this; “vanity of vanities all is vanity!” I have also lived enough to understand his conclusion, “Have you?” True fulfillment can and will only ever be found in the person of Jesus Christ! It is time to stop chasing the trivialities! He is the happy ending and nothing else will satisfy!

Signing off


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