The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Saturday 19 July 2014

Band of Brothers!

Once a man has seriously resolved in his heart to put his hand to the plow as it were, only then does he realizes how much work lies ahead…

It is one thing to take on a task but quite another to see it through to its end. This is the call for the Christian! We have all been summoned to walk worthy of the calling in which we have been called; with the Lord Jesus as our example! It is a high calling! With the enemy, the devil looking to prevent us from reaching our goal; nevertheless our God, our great God will guide us through the mire and the tricky obstacles alone the way. It is imperative that we use the cords of love to bind the shield of faith to our forearms, which in turn will help us quench the fiery darts of the wicked one. His time is short! But for now he continues to roar as a lion seeking those weak in the faith. His objective, to get the Christian to walk in unbelief! However we know in whom we believe! Our God is not only able, but willing to sucker His children! Praise His name, He is the great “I AM”!

The battle rages on, we must all arrive at this end, if we are to be found fit for the Masters use; we must be faithful friends to those who share our trenches, we as brothers must lock hands with a banner that reads; “Band of Brothers”! We must be friends to all Christians and sworn enemies to all sin. Sin looks to destroy and rob! The lure of all sins falls into the same basket, Lies! It looks to deceive the one occupied by it and its conclusion is empty and void of understanding.

Love is the law of Christ’s kingdom; we are our brother’s keeper. Unity of the faith is a sign of maturity; “until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes. (Ephesians 4:13-14)

My life has been so captivated with pride, driven by parents from a young age to be the best of the best. It is all about self! Now by the grace of God and with my hands on the plow the reality of the changes needed is a daunting thought! The means of unity is to be meek, long-suffering, humble and tolerant with one another in love. I needn’t look far to understand this truth, the mirror will suffice! How God has been patient with me, melts my heart and brings with it tears of gratitude. As I gaze across the meadows of my unplowed field I realise that the task ahead is great, but I am persuaded that my God will see me through.

The words of that glorious hymn now comes to mind; “Amazing grace how sweet the sound who saved a wretch like me, I once was lost but now am found.” How I have blundered things along the way, how often have I veered off course and yet now I stand in the grace of my God with a hope that burns bright and clear, praise the mighty name of Jesus Christ my Lord!

With our tender hands fixed to the plow it is obvious blisters will form and there will be times when we find the pain unbearable, but know this, before long callouses will form and the pain will subside. Those once rocky barren lands will in its season bring forth palatable “fruits of the Spirit” that will not only feed us but our brothers also!

May God help us to keep our hands fixed to the plow!

Signing off


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