The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Saturday 16 October 2010

His own Image!

(Genesis 1:27) “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”
Why was a mirror ever invented? To reflect our glory, it is a tool we all use to help us improve our appearance. Teenagers use it intensely when applying gel to their hair. Most woman even carry a miniature mirror in there bag to help with their repeated application of makeup throughout the day. Woman dress with it, budding superstars use it to mimic their pop idols and adolescent kids squeeze pimples in it. Why? The answer is simple; to reflect their glory and to get them to look as good as they can with what they have been given. You never see someone stand in front of a mirror with intent going out of their way to make themselves look less attractive. “I” is in the forefront of their minds; it is about self and their own beauty. The mirror is used to remind and reflect one’s glory. We are self absorbed with self. The only problem with this truth and idea is we as the human race have fallen through sin and so when we admire our own beauty we esteem something that is flawed.
With that thought as a springboard for our consideration this morn I would like us to consider God and who He is and why He created male and female, was it not to reflect His glory. I think it is obviously one of, if not the main reason he created them. “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” We see from our text that God created them in His own image. Why? For the exact reason to reflect His glory, let me explain. God in His magnificence is glorious, He is Righteous and perfect, and he cannot change. This is who He is, neither was He created. He is not an Idolater, He has no other gods before Himself, and nothing is of more importance to God than God Himself. It is important you get this point otherwise the probability of your son-ship stands in question. You probably have never truly been born again. But if know that it would be of great benefit to you, if you thought you were saved but realise you truly have not tasted of God’s grace and experienced salvation. Then you would see your need to repent and be saved; so call upon the name of the Lord, He will not turn one away, He never would. But you must call out to Him with every fibre in your body.
Let explore what it means to be an Idolater; somebody who shows excessive admiration or love for somebody or something. So when we value anything and I mean anything above God, we become idolaters. God cannot value anything higher than Himself, for He is the only true living God. You may say, does God not value His Son equally? You would be precise, but the Lord Jesus is God and so this proves that He glories within Himself. “This is my beloved Son in whom I am well please”, we are instructed to imitate Paul as he imitates Christ, because when we do that, we reflect the glory of God and show the world God’s image. Get the point, I hope you do! Think of the mirror and why we use it. Now think of why God created mankind, they are meant to be His mirror and those who have His spirit living within them, they are His mirror. God cannot be seen by mankind but we can and are seen by the world, therefore we are created in His likeness and mirror His image. This is why we have been commanded to; “you shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. “ So when God looks done upon one of His children and we walk in obedience and glorify Him our own reflection then glorifies Him. So Christianity is God-centred and can and never be man centred. The sooner we understand this the freer we will be to serve and glorify Him.
This is why the apostle Luke tells us that we must love our neighbour as well God;
(Luke 10:27) "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with your entire mind, and your neighbour as yourself."
When the world witnesses us loving our neighbour then God is most glorified and He is then most satisfied in us.
Signing off

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