The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Winning souls

What is the Gospel of Jesus Christ? It is not, as Spurgeon would say, a pinch of snuff that gives someone a quick rush to the head, heightening his senses, but rather it is filled with valuable information that explains in a clear manner what one needs to do to find forgiveness for their sins. It is filled with facts and truth that the brain must process, it is filled with blessing for those who appropriate it into their lives, and it is GOOD NEWS! It is filled with vital information instructing individuals on truths they need to know in order to be saved. It appeals to men’s understanding and it is not a mystical spell that puts someone into a trance under the hype of a moment. That kind of conversion often ends badly once the emotion of that experience has run its course.

It is one thing to call for people to believe but what must they believe? Exhortations must be followed up with an instruction or it will mean very little to the hearer. Faith is also an imperative ingredient in the mix of the gospel. But faith alone cannot save it must be channeled correctly; faith in what or in whom and why is the question that we must make clear to the hearer. Repent is another key ingredient, but what is it we must turn from? And so it is obvious that the gospel is filled with good news but it is up to us, those who have been saved and declare it to others to give them the clearest instruction possible.

God is able to save someone with the nay of a donkey, but this does not give us license to be sloppy with the wonderful gift of the gospel. We must make it our intention to seek God’s face in order to become more accurate with His goodness.

Sin and the doctrine of the punishment of sin cannot be overlooked; this was why Christ needed to die for sinners. Sin and all those taken by it are the arch enemies of God. A person needs to understand their depravity and the punishment for it; separation from God and eternal torment forever. Once they understand the severity of their sin and how God despises sin, we can then move onto Christ’s sacrifice and atonement for sin; I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance." (Luke 5:32) – Why do we tend to undermine sin? God hasn’t! An individual needs to understand that they are full of sin and they need to be saved from it; no differently to a sick person understanding the harshness of their sickness as they sell all they have to seek out the best physician to heal them. The self-righteous who do not think that they are real sinners will have no need for salvation. Until it is too late!

What is sin, what is the evil of sin, and then what is the consequence of sin? A sinner needs to be converted, but how and by what power are they to be converted? From what and to what! Without helping people understand the answers to these questions will leave a void in their understanding, which would not be good. Knowledge is good for understanding and it is up to us to be as accurate as we are able to be with the gifts that God has given us.

Think of it like this, we are not playing pin the donkey with a blindfold on, calling people to repentance in and through the finished work of Calvary as it were with no facts whilst groping in the dark. We present the truth in the light so that people may see. It is not up to us to save, that is the sole responsibility of God the Holy Spirit, but it is most certainly our responsibility to be as accurate as possible with the clear message of the gospel. Stick to the facts and do not think that we have a better way of presenting the gospel. So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed in him, "If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." (John 8:31-32) – We have freely received the gift of salvation, let us therefore make every effort to freely give, but let us be sure to be accurate with the gospel as we give.

Signing off



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