(1John 1:4) And we are writing these things so that our
joy may be complete.
There is a day soon approaching where
the bride of Christ, His church will sit with Him upon His throne as His queen.
This is a glorious thought even now as it infiltrates my mind, wow! To ponder
on this reality is too grand for comprehension and yet I know it to be true for
the Bible so declares it. His glory will be our glory; His inheritance will be
our inheritance. What have we done to deserve such favour? Salvation and all
that accompanies it is God’s love outpoured to a people who weren’t looking for
it nor deserved it. The grace of God flowed out in streams of love and has
touched myriads of people and I am one of them, praise God for His goodness!
If you share the same fate be of good
cheer, for God’s love has found you out and just like me we never deserved it,
God is GOOD!
For the love of God to save us from
ourselves as our sin held us captive, we were in bondage and lost to the only
true God. Sure religion may have played its part in our blindness, or superstition
may have held us captive as we looked to all that was evil with dead idols, a
cross on our necks or a cross in our rooms; nothing more than hocus-pocus, a
dead belief to appease our conscience.
And then the unthinkable happened, God’s
grace found us out, we began to yearn deeper for the knowledge of the truth,
the lies and there were many, began to show chinks in their captivating armour
and then it happened, a preacher preached Christ crucified and the bells of our
understanding began to stir. What a glorious day that was when I recall crying,
“I can SEE!” God’s love had found me out and what had I done to deserve it? Absolutely
nothing favourable, in fact I was the one criticizing the Christian as someone who
needed a crutch, it’s good for you but leave me alone was where I stood on that
topic. Nevertheless God found me out and chose to enlighten my understanding. Could
it have been that someone somewhere was earnestly praying for me, I cannot say
with any certainty why I found His favour, but today I am able with great
assurance to confess Jesus Christ as Lord of my life and with total conviction
believe that God has raised him from the dead. How I have stumbled with sin
along my journey and yet my God has been faithful in spite of my rebellion. I
love my Father so for He lavished me with such compassion, and I never earned
or deserved any of it. The glory belongs to my great Saviour, the one who bled
and died in my stead; the One who took my sin upon himself, praise the name of
Jesus Christ my Lord now and forever more, Amen, Amen and Amen!
What a privilege we have, to now be
like minded with Christ, to belong to Him and to search out his will for our
lives. To learn the lesson of obedience faith teaches us, we suffer with him,
we may not need to die for our faith, but we now finally begin to hate those
things that held us captive, the sin that took us at will is now the greatest
of enemies and we look for revenge. We call upon God’s grace with boldness in
faith believing God for deliverance on all those things that enslaved us and
even for some we shamefully confess that after salvation we were once again beguiled
by the crafty cunningness of sin. Just like a dog to its vomit! But no more is
our cry! We now have the mind of Christ and all because God’s grace
overshadowed in His love has found us out. In hindsight God is Sovereign, He is
not bound by time therefore He has the ability to look into the future and even
with that understanding He still chose to save a person like me, I wonder how
others view this? All I know is I owe it all to Him and by His Grace until my
last breath I will with boldness pledge my allegiance to Him from hereon in.
To God alone is the Glory now and
forever more, Amen!
Signing of
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