The topic of the Lord Jesus’ return is
and has been on the tips of peoples tongues for as long as I can remember. Obviously
this subject would be discussed amongst believers and not the unbelievers as it
is an event the Christian longs for, it is a marvelous hope that one day, and
even possibly in our lifetime, in a moment, in a twinkling of an eye, as fast
as a blink, one minute we would be going about our daily business and the next
we will be changed. Changed! How? Our bodies will take on another form,
consisting of a spiritual substance with eternal properties. Wow! Sound too
good to be true; this is one of the promises that God has afforded all who put
their trust in Him; those who through faith, believe God and trust Him for
their deliverance from this debauched life where no real justice prevails. The
Christian has an array of so many wonderful hopes in Christ and this is just
one of them.
The grace of God, the heart of God,
far too wonderful for our comprehension and yet millions have been on the
receiving end of His mercies, praise His holy name now and forever more, Amen!
Mankind has an amazing vivid imagination,
we need not look much further than the Marvel Comic Heroes to understand this,
Spiderman, Thor, men that stretch, invisible woman and the like, but I tell you
as amazing as they may seem they shall be insignificant when compared to the
saint; for those who love God, He has unexplored marvels in store for us. New
glorified bodies that will never age as we understand the ageing process; to
think that I will be enlisted in God’s elite army excites me so! As a young
soldier the optimal prestige was to be a “Recce”, South Africa’s Elite Armed Force,
an idea that every soldier worth his salt deliberated enlisting in its program and
yet it, if achieved, is still only a temporal organization, but once we make it
into glory and our names are found written in the book of life, our office will
be a perpetual one, praise God!
God’s goodness, who can understand it
like it should be, grace personified! How I long for that day when I shall see
Him not as I now see Him, through the eyes of faith but I shall see Him for who
He is and it will be in person, this is the hope I have in Him. Even so come
quickly Lord Jesus so that my hope may be my actuality.
God the Holy Spirit will now give us a
glimpse into God’s heart, observe and be blessed. In the days of Noah about six
thousand years ago mankind had lost their way and they had no thought for God,
in fact their contemplations were only evil and it troubled God so that He was
sorry that He made man. I suppose it would be similar to a parent cursing the
day they ever had their children because they were so far gone, unruly and
wicked. I do not know what that would feel life but some may. God felt anguish
and wanted nothing more to do with that rebellious generation and so He
concluded they were to be destroyed. Wow! Let that thought sink in; “The
LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every
intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And the LORD was sorry
that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him to his heart. So the LORD
said, "I will blot out man whom I have created from the face of the land,
man and animals and creeping things and birds of the heavens, for I am sorry that I have made
them.” (Genesis 6:5-7) – Mankind and
even the animals getting what they deserved, how do I know that? Because part
of God’s character is that He is righteous, He will always do what is right
even when we misunderstand it. That I have learnt to accept and understand, but
what blows my mind is what He does next, in a state of righteous anger He still
finds it in His heart to be merciful, and this is one of the reasons why I love
Him so; “But Noah found grace in the eyes of
the LORD.” (Genesis 6:8)
often have you witnessed someone losing their temper, or some road rage
incident, you never hear of someone looking to bless someone in the throes of
that rage, BUT GOD is not like anyone else; just as Noah found grace before God
destroyed the world, which He did! His mind never changed; we too can find
favour from Him if only we would look to Jesus Christ the Lord to rescue us
from our sin, that is on offer; “For God so loved the
world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John
3:16) – Destruction is on its way once again, that is a given, this
earth will eventually be folded up like a garment but that has not yet
happened, God’s eyes are still filled with mercy as the gospel message is still
alive and well for the whosoever to respond to it, but respond you must, I cry
out with urgency, today is a day full of hope but I cannot speak for tomorrow
or the days thereafter, who can actually predict when God will say enough is
enough and the trumpet of God shall bellow across the heavens and all His
followers will be caught up to meet Him in the air and then a time of absolute
horror for all those left behind. “For then
shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to
this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days should be shortened, there should no
flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.” (Matthew 24:21-22)
have been encouraged to make our election a sure thing, whatever that may mean
for you, begin to sweep where the cankerworm looks to destroy your faith. Put
off that old habit and put on the new man with zeal and vigour, our God reigns
and it won’t be long and the faithful shall meet Him in the air, to ever be
with Him and like Him, what a hope we have in Him. Even so come quickly Lord
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