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Thursday 13 November 2014

No other gospel

(Galatian 1:9) “As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.”

This morning I have a heavy burden on my heart for my dear friends and family that have shared so many connections with me throughout life. Some thoughts are sweet while others are shameful in the context of my example, for this I ask forgiveness. It is up to us who have received the free gift of salvation to walk worthy of that vocation, I haven’t in times past. I too was taken by the crafty cunning lies of the devil and my own sinful lusts caused a dearth to overshadow my life, bringing shame to Christianity, I have in times past lived as a hypocrite, for this I say I am sorry.

However having said that He who is now in me, the Lord Jesus Christ is greater than he who dominates this world, even Satan and all his fallen angels are no match for my Saviour, praise the name of Jesus! He who has begun a good work in me shall see it through unto the end, in spite of all the opposition.  For this marvelous attribute I will always be indebted to Him, thank you Father God for your never tiring mercies. I will be the first to confess that as a Christian I have done things that I should have shunned with all my being and for my folly I have many scars that I will carry into eternity. However today I have clear vision and realize that many of my mistakes have brought me to the place I now understand, which is of utmost importance, fear God and keep his commandments for this is the soul duty of man.

We will all face God’s judgment; so I will no longer tiptoe around those dear to me but rather bring you the truth of what will unfold. I will no longer do the work of the devil leading you down a road that will end in treachery, with hell your final destination. I understand that I cannot, make up anyone’s mind but what I do have in my power is knowledge, information that has been revealed to me which I will declare in love.

Here are the facts in accordance with what God teaches in His Word, the Bible; Sin will be judged and if we are found guilty of any sin we will be punished by God. God will not overlook the smallest of sins as it is outside of His character to do so, He is HOLY! The punishment for sin will be death! We will all die in that sense but our spirit and souls will live on forever, if found to be sinners we will end up in the lake of fire. There will be no exception other than the sacrifice of another, the penalty for sin must be paid in full and it has been by the Lord Jesus Christ. Not His mother Mary, any of the Apostles or any other saint will be able to help you with your sin, only Jesus can forgive it, this is why you must come to Him and seek His forgiveness. No other gods past or present have paid the price for sin; they are no good to you in relation to your sin, Jesus Christ the Lord is the only One who has it in His capacity to forgive your sins. He died for sinners and no one else holds that office, period!
Whether you believe this to be true or not does not change the facts, Christ died for the ungodly, he died for sinners but in order to be forgiven for our sins we need to find forgiveness for them. We need to own and confess our sin; there will be opposition, our consciences will look to excuse us but to no avail, do not believe the lies, for that is exactly what they are, deceiving lies. Mr Self Righteous will play the not so bad card, another lie! Brother Pliable will excuse our sin but he cannot forgive us of our sins only Jesus can! The long and the short of it all, is there are many opinions about life after death with many differing summations, needless to say they are all traps to lead you to eternal damnation.

It was the man Jesus Christ that lived a life of sinless perfection, no one else has achieved this, nor can anyone else claim it, this is why God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob sent His only begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ to live as a man and to satisfy his righteous penalty for sin. Jesus died for the sins of the world. However do not be fooled to think that if God is love, which He is that He will overlook your sin, He will not. You must be covered by someone else’s sacrifice to escape eternal judgment. If you have not been covered by the blood of the Lamb you will most certainly be judged.

God in His goodness has offered mankind a lifeline; "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) – However reject His sacrifice for your sin at your own peril. There is no other way for an individual to be accepted by the only true God. Any other declaration is a lie and it comes from the pit of hell.

The message I give you is the message of the Apostle Paul and this is what he had to say about any other message that will supposedly get you to heaven; “As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.”

Signing off



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