The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday, 24 November 2014

Overcoming this world...

(1John 5:4) “For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world--our faith.”

How can we be sure that we are walking with God? If I am taught that “it is better to obey than to sacrifice”. Many a true saint sold out for the purposes of glorifying God in and through the proclamation of this glorious gospel message we have come to love; will suffer persecution! Fame and popularity is a sure warning that something is amiss. We must learn to draw forte from persecution it tells us that we are walking closely with our God and that our faith is real and it will endure the test. True faith believes God at His Word, it is as simple as that! Just as Christ was raised from the dead so too will the day arrive when we will also rise to newness of life and we will receive our glorified bodies, there is nothing mystical about that, God has so declared it to be true. If we can embrace that thought, does it really matter about this life and the hardships we may face?   

The Lord Jesus had this to say about His time here on earth, “foxes have holes birds have nests but the son on man has nowhere to lay his head”. I would suggest that we examine our own lives against that statement, how do you fair?

Just yesterday I was doing a bible reading with Lisa and what was penned was unthinkable, there was a severe famine in the land, people were selling donkey heads for preposterous prices, and even the dung of doves was sold and eaten. It was a somber time for some but then the unthinkable happened: two women each with child were driven by their hunger to eat one of them. A disturbing inconceivable thought but yet very true! Although they were amongst a nation of unbelievers, the enemies of God, times were tough and the word “barbaric” would be an understatement. (Read 2 kings chapter 6)   

I have highlighted the worst opposing extreme condition to how many of us in the 21st century live in the lap of luxury. It is diabolical the way we can complain about so much, God forgive our groanings. We must learn, like the Apostle Paul, to be content (more than happy, exceedingly thankful) with food and raiment, anything more than that I am convinced is sensual and fringes on the border of “the slough of despond” (a marsh looking to trap the believer into a state of worldliness). A very dangerous place, and yet most have been imprisoned by it. BUT GOD who is rich in mercy is beckoning to all those who have fallen asleep, to look to Jesus and to be rejuvenated in the Spirit to find a new lease on life and to once again walk with Him.

The closer we walk with Jesus, that harder we will be pressed by the enemy, that is a given, accept it! Why do so many of us question the obvious? Suffering has been implemented by God to teach us obedience. The Lord Jesus learnt obedience this way. What a mind-blowing thought!  “Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered. (Hebrews 5:8) -The cushier life becomes, the further we move away from the will of God. I believe independence is amongst the greatest deceivers to trap the Christian in today’s day and age.

The Christian has been commanded to walk in the same footsteps of the Lord Jesus. What frustrates me as Christians is that we shirk our responsibilities instead of embracing them. It is these muddy waters that cause doubt and drive us towards our old natures; worldliness evident in our lives! That type of mentality is known as having the best of both worlds and it is a trap. Wanting to have forgiveness as we hang on to the lap of the luxuries life affords us. We can’t have our cake and eat it; this is not the way the Christian has been taught! Our cake is meant to be eaten by those in need; “For to this you have been called, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, so that you might follow in his steps.” (1Peter 2:21)

Beware of Christianity that has a form of Godliness and is filled with prosperity at its core, it is from the pit of hell and many are taken by it. Flee from it, deny yourself, look to Jesus and live! Many false prophets lure the weak by such perverse messages, they will give an account to God, they will not escape His wrath, but as for us we will heed the sound council of God’s Word and look for His grace to help in time of need.   

"When we stand upon the pinnacle of popularity, we may well tremble and fear. It is not when we are hissed at, and hooted, that we have any cause to be alarmed; it is when we are dandled on the lap of fortune, and nursed upon the knees of the people; it is when all men speak well of us, that woe is unto us. It is not in the cold, wintry wind that I take off my coat of righteousness, and throw it away; it is when the sun comes, when the weather is warm, and the air balmy, that I unguardedly strip off my robes, and become naked. Good God! how many a man has been made naked by the love of this world!" (Charles Spurgeon)

Signing off


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