The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Thursday, 23 September 2010


Hebrews 13:5 Be ye free from the love of money; content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will in no wise fail thee, neither will I in any wise forsake thee.

Firstly let us consider the love of money and how that effects us in today’s society. Then we need to look at finding contentment with what we have and lastly He will never fail us or forsake us.

We are instructed to be free from the love of money. Why would the writer of Hebrews be as specific as he is, no doubt, this warning has been weight in the balance of God’s wisdom. Every instruction we receive from the word of God is for the child of Gods admonition bringing benefit them. God is for us and not against us. How this truth needs to find its abode deep within our hearts. The reason I mention his allegiance toward us, is our enemy; the lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh and the pride of life (possessions) war against the spirit and those fruits that belong to Satan, the Father of lies. He is the one who introduced the lie to Eve in the Garden of Eden. God’s word does give us truth and when we find it, when it becomes part of our lives, then the truth itself sets us free. Not to serve our lusts but to walk in obedience to the will of God. The Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians explains this phenomenon. “For although we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds ;) Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience, when your obedience is fulfilled.” Let us put off any trait we find in our minds that want to exalt itself above the word of God. For if we don’t it will be to our detriment. Now let us get back to our first point, “lets us be free from the love of money.” This evil, the love of money is like a cancer, it begins almost undetected and then grows and spreads into an ugly beast with one intention to destroy and produce lots and lots of fruit. However, the fruit it produces is exactly what Christ came to die for, SIN! It drives us for “more”, more fashion, more luxury, more of what the “Jones” have and deeper into sin. The Lord Himself rebukes those with this mindset. Please I beg you to pay careful attention to His rebuke.

Rev 3:15 “'I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot!

Rev 3:16 So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.

Rev 3:17 For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.

Rev 3:18 I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see.

Rev 3:19 Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent.

The concept of wealth as a blessing here on earth is not sound doctrine; we are called to walk in faith so that we can find obedience to Gods will and not our wants.

The second point, “Be content with such things as you have.” I believe we need to find peace with our portion in life, we must not be driven by the mindset of “more”. More of Christ, obviously, we can never have enough of Him. Yet, less of the love of this world and all that is in it. Remember John’s teaching he could not have put it simpler; “Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.” It (the world’s goods) is geared to distract us but we have been warned in love from God’s word to be on the lookout against its traps. Let us not get confuse, we must work, we must provide for our families, we must also be diligent in all we do but having said that, we must “be content with such things as you have.” Why? The lesson for us all is there to help us apply ourselves to the principle of Faith. God’s children must draw nourishment from there heavenly Father. Remember the children of Israel in the wilderness. How God fed them daily with manner from heaven and before long they began to moan with their portion, so God then sent them quails and yet they still complained. Many did not enter in because of unbelief (disobedience).

Lastly because of our great God and His great plan and his instruction for us, especially in the framework we have just addressed, He then, our Great Jehovah goes on to reassure us that “for He hath said, I will in no wise fail thee, neither will I in any wise forsake thee.” So then if we trust in His word and find grace to apply it to our lives, remembering that it is impossible for God to lie He reassures us that he will not fail us nor will he forsake us. How comforting are those words? Like honey to the pallet or marrow to the bones. I leave you with this thought, would you dare to believe God and trust his word, for if you do, you will find life.

Signing off


Wednesday, 22 September 2010

How To Become Great

Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? This is a question I have often pondered. God undoubtedly is the greatest, He has no beginning or end, neither was he created, His wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be in treated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. When God settles something in His heart it is done. No debate, no opinion polls when he commanded light to shine forth out of darkness it happen and this is how it occurred. God said, “Let there be light: and there was light.” He is also a jealous God and will not share His glory with another. God is jealous you may ask, surely that is a sin? No, it is impossible for God to sin as He is Holy (morally and spiritually perfect). He is perfect and therefore no change in Him is possible. His character requires worship and He will have it both in this life and the life to come. Every knee will bow and confess Jesus Christ as Lord. Many even now by the grace of God and through Faith confess Jesus Christ as Lord, today they bend the knee to Him but there are others that refuse to bend the knee and make riling accusations that there is no God. Professing themselves to be wise they have become fools and some even change the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. Why then should God tolerate any co existence with any other god worshiped by man when He is the only true and living God? He will not tolerate it either in this life or the life to come.

So who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven his disciples asked? I love how the Lord Jesus responses. I can imagine the thoughts as they flashed through the disciple’s minds. Maybe some would have considered Noah, how he found grace in the eyes of the Lord and was saved from Gods judgement through water (the great flood), or Daniel as God delivered him from the mouths of hungry lions. Maybe Job was considered when losing all his siblings, his live stock and servants (save one) and then his body was infected with painful boils and his wife turn on him trying to get him to deny God, yet he did not falter, not once. This in turn silenced Satan and glorified God. Many others could be mentioned; yet the Lord in his calm and gentle demeanour calls a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, and said, “Verily I say unto you, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Let us remember to remain humble as little children, for God resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble. May we find grace to live in humility!

Signing off


Tuesday, 21 September 2010


Of late I am looking into the mirror a lot more than I did in time past, and the truth be told it is not a pretty site. There was a time where I force myself to ignore my actions and pretend I was an actor in my own movie, “The destruction of Tyrone”. I know that seems somewhat extreme, but is it, when you or I ignore Gods word and His instruction, who suffers? It is the one who disregards God’s instruction. But there comes a time in a believer’s life when he can no longer ignore Gods voice in certain areas of his life. He/she must stop pretending or acting and find grace and obtain mercy in wisdom and look to put off all that defiles, whatever that may be. This is a continual battle, but the time for excuses is over.

Spurgeon puts it like this, “We cannot see any reason in ourselves why the Lord should take pleasure in us; we cannot take delight in ourselves, for we often have to groan, being burdened; conscious of our sinfulness, and deploring our unfaithfulness; and we fear that God’s people cannot take much delight in us.”

However, (Mar 9:47) “and if thine eye cause thee to stumble, cast it out: it is good for thee to enter into the kingdom of God with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into hell;” I think it is a healthy thing to reflect on life looking into the mirror, remembering that it is self examination and not self justification excusing ourselves and accusing others. If I am doing that, then once again, it will be circle time for me. I will not go on and more will not be given to me. The lesson must be learnt before I can go on. I understand that we all differ in our trails, yet although they differ in appearance they all have the same objective, to get us to walk in the flesh and not in the spirit. Remember God’s instruction in Galatians 5:16; But I say, walk by the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.” All these blessed truths are to teach us what to do and how to live, they are not meant to be a yoke and burden us. If that is how we decide to reason, then we have not understood the purpose of God’s word. The purpose of God’s word is to free us with liberty to serve Him and glorify His name. That was the whole purpose of Calvary and our blessed Redeemers sacrifice. Remember the enemy, our flesh and the devil. They were both defeated by the Lord Jesus on a cross, on a hill called Golgotha. It was there that the Lord defeated sin and made a way for all those who would believe. Praise His name.

Why then do we as God’s children so often suppose that we can outsmart His word? We cannot, we will not and if we ignore it there will be consequences. Remember for every action there is a reaction. May we find grace and obtain mercy in our endeavours to become more and more like our Saviour. May we cast aside the bushel that hinders His Light? May our light so shine, let your good works be such, that when men look upon you, they shall know that you have been with Jesus. Our light must be a light for sinners by proclaim Christ crucified, we must take the gospel to them, we must put it in their way, and they must hear and not escape. Blow the trumpet of Christ’s sacrifice for sin in their ears and do not let your feeble minds reckon that he or she will never be saved. I have also been guilty of thinking like that, but once again the word sheds light and trims our sails and we once again find direction. (Luke 5:32) “I am not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.”

Signing off


Monday, 20 September 2010


Let me start by focusing on the word “unbelief”, the Greek word is “apistia” which is translated; faithlessness, that is, (negatively) disbelief (want of Christian faith), or (positively) unfaithfulness (disobedience): - unbelief. In other words unbelief and disobedience go hand in hand. When we are not trusting God and believing in His ability to accomplish, not our will, but His will, then we are guilty of unbelief and we walk in disobedience.

Our short time here on earth some 70 years for many, maybe a little more for a few and then less for the rest, is all to teach us one simple principle, “let God be true and every man a liar...” (Romans 3:4). Reflect and bleep back through the chapters of your life and what do you see? I cannot page back through your life but I can flip through mine. In hindsight, if only I had trusted God’s word through every chapter of my life, how many scars I would have avoided. Yet God deals graciously, He is merciful, slow to anger and has great love for all His children. How patient he is with us. But for this very reason have we received our allotted time here on earth. Let me explain, firstly God gives mankind the law (Ten Commandments) as a teacher to teach us that because of Adam’s fall (sin), we, the entire human population, have been born sinners and now because of sin we have by default been declared enemies of God. The Law is then introduced by Moses to show us God’s requirement needed to be kept by us all if we are to have any doings with Him. It is obvious through time that it is impossible for sinful man to uphold this law. What is man to do? He can do nothing, his fate seems sealed, damnation and hell is his lot for all eternity. What a sobering but miserable thought. BUT GOD, by wisdom, has from before the beginning, had a plan for mankind.

The Law was introduced to teach us that we could never keep it; it proves to us that we are sinners and ultimately should lead us to understand that we are in big trouble and we need help, we need a Saviour. The law is a teacher that teachers us that we need a Saviour. We need God to intervene which He graciously does and He sends his Son, His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus to live on earth as a man yet He upholds the law, He never ever breaks a law and is then sacrificed for sin, on behalf of mankind’s sin. God the Father then judges Him for sin and then He accepts His sacrifice. A way is now opened for mankind once again to commune with the only true and living God. I hope you understand and have grasped the severity that God had to place on His Son to achieve His goal. When that is understood, it is then easy to understand that only those who accept the Lords sacrifice as a sin offering for our sin will have the right to be called the son’s of God. I have said it before but need to say it again, no other religion, no other work, no other prophet, saint, god, angel or any other way will get you to heaven. The only way all must come is through the blood of Jesus. What about other religion you may ask? Well, what about them? They will not get you to heaven only hell. But all from every other religion or belief system may repent, turn to Jesus and find life. It all comes back to, “let God be true and every man a liar.” Do you believe it or do you think you know better that God. O foolish man what will you say when you stand before the Lord Jesus on Judgement day? Repent, believe and find life, look to Jesus and live. Once you stop breathing it is over and then the judgement! However, while you breathe there is hope. May God open your eyes to see?

For those of us who by God’s grace can see, may we begin to trust God and His Word? May we start applying it in faith, for if we don’t, we will just keep getting dizzy form our “circle of life?”- Remember the children of Israel; it took them 40 years to get to the “Promised Land”. In a straight line it would only have taken weeks.

Signing off


Saturday, 18 September 2010


A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. (Matthew 7:18)

When we look back in history we are able to see many men and some woman who made their mark as dedicated followers of Christ. We look at the Apostles and see how they were martyred for the hope that was set before them. They were seeking a city not from this world but a city whose builder and marker is God. Their faith in Christ and His resurrection had captivated their entire existence. What they witnessed and what they saw was so captivating, that they could do nothing else but preach the gospel even though it cost them their lives. Imagine if it be possible walking and talking with the Lord, God in the flesh, a man full of wisdom and the answer to every possible question you could ever think of. Not only did they walk with Him for three years but they saw Him ascend into heaven on a cloud after He had risen from the dead. Think about that encounter, try and visualise it. We believe it by faith; it is God’s gift to us, all who believe. But, they actual witness the Lord ascending in the clouds, from earth to heaven. How privileged they were. Then there were other faithful men that stood on God’s word and preach the truth to God’s people. Another man who has radically influenced my life with his sermons from the 19th century is Charles Spurgeon. These Faithful men, who dissect the word of God skilfully to help us grow and walk with insight, but what about the men who don’t always seemed to be as upright or as blameless. When I look at my life and I consider its mistakes and I then look to the word of God, that always speaks truth, for it is impossible for God to lie and so the bible-God’s word will never lie, remember that, it can’t! So whatever has been penned is for our benefit as believers. Yes is it hard at times to swallow, but if digested it, it will be to our benefit and nourish our body and souls. I pray that God would open our eyes so that we may see and in perceiving, to be honest with ourselves.

Can a person pick apples from an orange tree; the answer is obvious, of course not. Or do thorns grow on a fig tree? Again the answer needs no explanation, but a simple no is understandable. With this in mind when I look into the mirror, and I see the chapters of my life before me, I must conclude I am found wanting. My example in my actions leaves question marks to onlookers. If I compare my walk through life on earth to a fruit tree, what type of fruit am I producing? The text teachers us that a “bad tree cannot bear good fruit nor can a good tree bear bad fruit.” Yet my life has been full of disobedience and rebellion leading to bad fruit. So does that now make me a bad tree? Well the mind rages on, trying to get to grips with this verse, this truth. Therefore the word goes on to say “that by their fruit you shall know them.” This is a hard verse to look into the mirror with, but it is needful, so look and understand and then call on the One who is able to deliver you, the Lord Jesus. Again the truth goes on to love us and it announces that “not everyone that saith Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of God but he who does the will of my Father in heaven.” Fruit is linked and can be measure on our willingness to do God’s will. “Obedience is better than sacrifice.” It is only those who do the will of the Father that will get to heaven. That is clearly spelt out. It is all about the Fathers will, His plan, He is the potter and we are the clay. But with all our understanding on God’s Sovereignty and with the word teaching us, “so then it is depends not on human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.” (Romans 9:16). With this verse in mind when I look at all my mistakes as a Christian what am I to do? The hyper Calvinist believes that God is Sovereign and therefore whatever He has pre-ordained will come to pass. This is obviously true, however where I differ in my understanding with theirs, I understand that I am responsible for my actions. If God has not shown me mercy for whatever reason and I in times past have walked in disobedience, could I have realistically acted in any other way? If it does not depend on “human will or exertion, but on God, who has mercy.” This thought has disturbed me as I have disappointed my heavenly Father and walked in disobedience. It a terrible place, for one’s mind and thoughts to dwell. Thank God that He does not leave all those like me and others in my predicament without an answer and the hope of heaven and finding the will of the Father. Once again it is the apostle Paul that comes to the rescue and gives us some insight. In a house there are many ornaments and furnishings that occupy an abode. There are expensive pieces that are placed in positions for all to see and then there is less expensive practical gear that is never noticed. But remember God is the potter and we are the clay how can the clay tell the potter how he should be moulded. As a child of God we are now entitled to special privileges as we have the spirit of God and are part of Gods family. There is a throne room full of grace and as children of God we are entitled to the access of this throne, no, more than that, we are instructed to “draw near with boldness (confidence, bravery, valour and courage) unto the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy, and find grace in time of need.” Every time in my life where I have walked in unbelief (disobedience) I have ignored this command and not come to the throne of grace, but walked in the flesh. God has given me the ability to purge out all that defiles. How? In receiving mercy and finding grace in time of need. So we (all Gods children) can now have an influence on our position in Gods house, we can purge out all that which defiles and taints our example as Christians in this world. This is very encouraging and causes my heart to sing. I will now prove this thought to you by the word of God.

(1 Timothy 2:19-21) “Nevertheless the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, The Lord knows those who are His: and, everyone who names the name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness.”

20 “Now in a large house there are not only gold and of silver vessels, but also vessels of wood and of earthenware; and some unto honor, and some unto dishonor.”

21 “Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.”

So then it is up to the individual to purge oneself. How is this done? Well we have covered that, we need to “receive mercy and find grace.” So in us, our own abilities as humans, it is impossible to achieve. However because of our new birth, because we have the spirit of God and because we now belong to His house hold and are His children we have right and privileges that unbelievers do not have. Although we have an enemy the devil who will always try and get us to walk in disobedience and our flesh that will also try and accomplish the same goal. We now have the wear with all to put off that which defiles and although we may have up until now, just been vessels of dishonor, we are taught and given a guarantee, look at the verse, “he will be a vessel for honor.” How I love God’s word. “A vessel of honor will be prepared for every good work.” What a hope I have, yes I may have blunder in times past, but now I by God’s grace have the wherewithal to receive mercy and find grace to equip me to become a vessel of honour and so do all those who have the spirit of God.

Remember Samson and how all had given up on Him, although his eyes had been taken from him, his hair once again began to grow and he was more victorious in his death than his entire life.

May God equip us with His Will?

Signing off


ps if you have any questions or any input whatsoever feel free to correspond...

Friday, 17 September 2010

Deliver us from evil

“But deliver us from the evil”... Matthew 6:13

Once we have been called, and the call has been heard, we then will respond to it by repenting and believing. This now entitles us to a Father son relationship with the only true and eternal God. Through the process of regeneration (we are born again) we receive the spirit of God and His spirit comes to make his abode with us. I would like us to just ponder this thought and marvel at its meaning, spend time digesting it and once you have understood it, cry out, our God reigns! It means that God the Holy Ghost comes and inhabits this body, our vessel, and abides in us. That is why Paul the apostle has this to say and teach us... 1 Corinthians 3:6 Know you not that you are the temple of God, and that the spirit of God dwells in you?

I want us to look at the Lords reaction to those in the physical temple in Jerusalem at the time.

Matthew 21:12 And Jesus entered the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the money changers, and seats of them that sold doves; There is much to say about this, but the only point I wish to now make is that there was a physical temple. In other words there was a place we people went to learn of God. It represented all that should be holy and true and what had it become? God house was to be called a house of prayer, but men had turned it into a den of robbers. With that in mind how can we learn from this? Well the physical temple is no longer a building but it is now made up of individuals, the body of Christ. So people with the spirit of God come together and now make up the church. What must we not do? I is obvious, we must not use our liberty in Christ to achieve personal gain at the expense of others. We must not be church goers to receive a blessing financially because that is exactly what those men were doing in the temple. They were selling doves and exchanging money and how did the Lord react? We see the Lord Jesus not impresses with what He saw and it compels Him to executing righteous anger and turn over the tables. No more needs to be said on this point.

“Know you not that you are the temple of God, and that the spirit dwells in you?” With this thought now in mind I think of my life and how I have hashed it. The places I have gone, the things I have done and the unbelief I have walked in at times leaves me feeling very disappointed an inadequate. How I have spent my life not occupying the time with diligence and looking to walk here on earth as if I was in heaven. Yet with that thought in mind, it has not all been failure, disarray and disobedience. There have been times when I have stood on the mountain tops with the tranquillity of peace surrounding me and with the love of God reassuring me of this Father son relationship. Other times God in His mercy has disciplined me for my disobedience. Yet, through it all He remains faithful and how this love relationship grows from strength to strength as He continues to love me. How great is my God, to begin to tell my lips can only start?

However the instructing from God’s Word reminds us because we are the temple of God and that the spirit dwells in us we need, no we must, act in a certain manner. Let us therefore refrain from any appearances of evil, whatever they may be.

So now let us look at what will keep us from achieving this objective?

As children of God we now have insight to see where we once could not see. The word of God has now an illumination to it that gives us life. It is a path for our footsteps. Yet, there is an enemy that goes around like a “roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.” We also have a body that was born into sin but now we have God’s spirit that enables us to walk in the spirit. The spirit and the flesh are at war with each other; Paul again gives us teaching on how we need to combat against this evil.

Galatians 5:16-18 “But I say walk by the spirit and you will not carry out the desires of the flesh, for the flesh sets its desires against the spirit, and the spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so you may not do the things you please. But if you are lead by the spirit you are not under law.”

Here we have two enemies the devil and our flesh which will try and keep us from walking in the spirit. But we never lose sight of the truth and that the victory over both these enemies was accomplished on Calvary by our very own Saviour, the Lord Jesus. So if we are “lead by the spirit you are not under law.” How then do I walk in victory and walk in the spirit. This topic has no end it is vast and full of gold nuggets. I address one point only, “but deliver us from evil”. We have established that evil come from the devil but it also comes from the flesh. When we look at our verse mentioned above, “but deliver us from evil.”

Who must deliver us from evil? This is where in now gets exciting. Our Father in heaven will deliver us from evil. But I will be as bold to say if we are not praying and asking Him to lead us not into temptation and to deliver us from evil, then I think until we learn this truth we might walk in circles for a very long time. How Can I make such a statement you may ask? It was the Lord himself who taught us how we should pray and in that teaching He instructs us to pray to the Father and ask Him to not lead us into temptation and to deliver us from evil. Let me now conclude by reminding us that God is Sovereign and the whole of creation, seen and unseen is subject to His rule. That is why we need to trust and depend upon Him. The Lord sometimes allows his children to be driven into a corner so that they by experience may learn the necessity to depend upon Him. Whatever our mornings needs may be, let us hasten to Him while he waits to meet us.

Signing off


Thursday, 16 September 2010

Has God called?

What does it mean to be an effectual Christian and to walk circumspectly? Well, obviously God must equip us and enable us to achieve this Goal. However, it is by grace through faith. God is sovereign and His will, will be achieved. Remember, “Jacob has He loved and Esau has he hated.” This manifestation of God was before either was born, nor had they done anything good or bad, that the purpose of God might stand according to election, not of works, but on Him that calls.

Everything to a Christian’s success must hinge on His call.

1. You must be loved before you are born; this has all to do with God and nothing to do with you, it can have nothing to do with you because you have not yet been born, so the truth is easy to understand or so it should be!

2. Therefore God in His Sovereign will choose individuals to love regardless of their participation. So, He elects individuals, in the same manner in which He chose to love Jacob and hate Esau before they were born, we fit into the same category, are we loved or are we hated? This is where I see the brilliance of God shining just a pittance of His ingenious intellect and wisdom into this world. Are you elect, have you been called? Are you one of those loved by God? Can you hear his voice calling your name? I’ve heard the call, have you? The call has been made, here it come now, are you ready for it, it is clear and precise, what will you do with it? “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” Some points to highlight, Jacob was loved and Esau was hated.

Firstly, let’s look at Gods love. For God so loved the world... we now find God loving the world, yet the text is in a past tense, so loved. Nevertheless, the love of God to the world is not in any vain imaginations, any opinions or warm fuzzy feelings but can only be found in the Lord Jesus... “That whoever believes on Him (the Lord Jesus Christ) will not perish but have eternal life.” God’s love also then entitle all who believe to eternal life. So then the love of God is only found in the Lord Jesus, nowhere else, no other religion, no other program and no other way will get anyone to be covered by God’s love. I trust that is clear for all to see! Have you personally been called? Well has the call gone out, of course it has, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, the same message for you as for me. The message is not a different one for you and then another one for me. “Whoever will believe will not perish but have eternal life.” The question is do you believe? Believe what you may ask? That is a vast topic, but just to mention a few points; that God became a man, lived on earth without sin, then died to pay the price for sin (your sin) on a cross, on the third day he rose again from the dead, thus making a way for man once again to have a relationship with the Eternal God.

Lets now look at “Esau have I hated.” Let us look at God’s call... “This manifestation of God was before either was born, nor had they done anything good or bad, that the purpose of God might stand according to election, not of works, but on Him that calls.” So let us now look at God’s call, this is important, the purpose of God in an individual’s life will depend on whether he has been called or not. Jacob was called Esau was not, although He was entitled to the birthright, he sold it for a plate of porridge. You too are entitled to God’s love, “for God so loved the world that he gave”... if you now respond to that message, repent, believe in your heart God raised Jesus from the dead, and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, the bible tells us you will be saved. If you do not believe this message then just like Esau you are hated of God, although he was entitled to the birthright (God’s promises) he rejected them and sold them to his brother Jacob. Likewise you too now have a decision to make, have you been called?

Lets some it up in a nutshell, God’s love can and will only ever be found in His Son, the one and only redeemer Jesus Christ the Lord. So if you are found in Him then are you loved of God, if not, then you are hated by God and will be subjected to His wrath, eternal damnation for all eternity. That however does not mean an end for you now; because you still breathe there is still hope for you. How you may ask? Repent and believe and you shall be saved, you shall be covered by the love of God!

O may God have mercy on your soul and call out your name.

Signing off


Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Can God Change?

There is another question that needs answering? But this topic is not milk, but meat and needs a skilled preacher to expound its truth. Spurgeon has helped me understand the Immutability of God.

Can God change? The scripture we will look at is Malachi 3:6 I the Lord do not change; therefore you sons of Jacob; are not consumed. lets face it, how often do we can Our minds on any given day?

Most, if not all penned, is either a direct quote or reference made from his sermon on January 7th 1855. I will mention my thoughts

Firstly there needs to be a proper study of the great true God, before we can truly bask in His love. Many other topics may make us feel good about ourselves and even leave us feeling as if our ego’s have been tickled, which is not a good thing - if and when we receive even a glimmer of the glory due to our input or application to a certain topic, this is not a good thing, as it set us up for a fall if not checked. (my thought) 

The subject of the divinity is so vast that all our thoughts are lost in its immensity. It is so deep that our pride is drowned in its infinity. There is no subject that will humble the mind like thoughts of God. How infinite are you great God? What worthless worms are we! Although all these thoughts of God humble the mind, it will also expand it, it must! A man may study geology or even extinct animals and profess himself to be wiser than his neighbour. I dare say it will leave him wiser. But, there is no study greater than the science of Christ crucified and knowledge of the Godhead in the divine Trinity. Nothing will so enlarge the intellect as the investigation of the deity. I love the way Spurgeon uses words... In the study of Christ there is a balm for every wound. In the influence of God the Holy Spirit there is a balsam for every sore.

If one wants to drown his sorrows, it is not to be found in a bottle or a similar lie. Rather plunge yourself in the Godheads deepest sea. You will come forth with rest, the soul will find comfort, you will calm the billowing grief of sorrow and you will mute the voice of trail.

Spurgeon felt this text should read... I am Jehovah or so it should have been translated, I change not. Therefore you sons of Jacob are not consumed.

Three points to address;

  1. An unchanging God.
  2. The persons that derive benefit, the sons of Jacob.
  3. The benefit, they are not consumed.

Spurgeon’s hermeneutic (the interpretation and explanation of something) of proving scripture would be to expound the doctrine and then expand on the thought and then he would look at a few arguments to prove its truth.

He admits that he does not know what substance the Godhead is. It is a being; He changes not in His essence. God is Jehovah and does not change. So that essence never changes. All creatures change, man changes his atomic state on a daily basis. Nature is always changing; God on the other hand is Spirit and is not composed of any material that changes. Therefore He is immutable, He remains everlasting the same. He sees ages pass but with Him it is ever now! He is the great I am. Now Christ when he took on flesh, the essence of His divinity did not change. Flesh did not become God nor did God become flesh by real actual change of nature. The two were united in hypostatical union but the Godhead was still the same. Even when Christ was a babe in a manger, He has not ever changed in His essence not even in his carnation did His essence change. He remains the everlasting, eternally never changing God. There is not even a shadow of change. His attributes are the same in the beginning as they are now. He knows as neither much now as He always new, neither more nor less. He is unchanged, blessed be His name in His justice. He is unchanged in his promise and He brings it to pass. This thought is very encouraging to me... for he who has begun a good work will complete it on the day of salvation. Once we have the spirit God the Holy Ghost indwelling us. He will forever be with us. There are many other scriptures proving eternal security to all those elected by God. The crux behind this truth is who is it that has been elected, obviously the sons of Jacob. However we also know that many will say on that day, "Lord Lord" and they will be turned away.(my thought). He does not vary in His love, He cannot, He will not, for He is love. His essence is full of compassion, love and long suffering is who He is. A quote from Spurgeon, “His strong love stands like a granite rock, unmoved by the hurricanes of our iniquity.” He is unchanged in His love, when He first wrote the covenant how much affection His heart had for his people. Yet He knew that Christ would have to die for sin. Yet he signed the covenant willingly and full of affection. (my thought) It is hard to comprehend these thoughts without a tear of joy showing itself. One attribute of God you may think about He will forever be the same. “I am Jehovah and I change not.”

In the content of God and His unchangeable attribute, how can we not trust Him? He is our God, He is our Father, and He is for us and not against us. What a beautiful thought.

Spurgeon now looks at some potential objections; a question he puts out there; some may say that God does not have a plan. Do you think God is more foolish than you o man, every man has his own plan and so God has a plan too. God in His Gigantic intellect arranged everything with His mastermind before He did it. But, once having settled it, He never alters it. That is so encouraging the iron hand of destiny marks it down and it is brought to pass. Neither Earth nor hell can alter it. If we consider God as almighty why should He alter His plan? He is all wise and therefore cannot have planned wrongly, even if we hold a different opinion to the tragedies in life (my thought).What are we but worthless Adam’s of existence, we change our plans often. But God’s plan is to save me, how safe am I. Praise God I know in whom I trust! I want immutable things and with God I find immutable things. For by two immutable things I see that it is impossible for God to lie, and He has signed and sealed every promise of His. So when I look to God’s word and its promises and it no longer seem sweet to me does that mean that the promise has changed? Absolutely not, I have changed. Let me look out for the stubble wooden hut I may have built. It is that which has been shaken not God’s promises. For His promises cannot change. Spurgeon then uses this example to illustrate his point. A man says to a Negro (a poor man- my thought) I can’t imagine why you are always so happy in the Lord and I am often downcast. “Why master” he says “I have often thrown myself down on the Lord and there I lie on his promises. You stand on the promise, you have little to do with it and then when the wind comes down you go. I go down flat on the promise at once. Therefore I fear no fall. Remember every promise is a rock and unchangeable thing. Every threatening as well as every promise will be fulfilled by God.

Lets now talk of decree’s, he that believeth not shall be damned. That will never change. Be as upright as you will, be as honest as you will but there stands a threatening - He that believeth not shall be damned. It does not say he who does not live a holy life, that may be true but it does not say so... It says he who does not believe will be damned. So then we must believe or be damned. After 1000 years of torment you will look up and see words burning with fire, “he that believes not shall be damned.” So if you do not believe you will be damned but nevertheless it says you shall be damned still. “How dare I speak like this, but I must” says Spurgeon, “ye must be warned sir; lest you come into this torment you must be told rough things. Woe to the watchman who does not warn the ungodly. Beware o sinner it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God. But before we leave this thought we must see that God is unchanging in the objects of His love. Not only in His love does God not change, but in the objects of it. If one dear sheep of God should perish, then might all perish? If I could believe that ever a saint of God could fall finally, then what love is this? If I believe that God could have loved me once and then stopped loving me, what love is this? Spurgeon then concludes if that be the case then the bible is a lie. If God has loved me once then He will forever love me. Did Jesus once upon me shine, and then Jesus is forever mine. Those whom God has called he will justify, those whom He has justified He will sanctify and those whom He has sanctified He will glorify.

All that has been discussed up until now is just the thought of God and His immutability.

Spurgeon then moves on to prove that God is unchangeable. He goes as far as to say that it is even unconceivable to conceive a God that changes. (My thought) I agree otherwise God would be manlike and not Godlike, for man is always changing. I often change with the simplest of decisions. Yet when I use the word, God, my mind must conclude unchanging- an unchanging God. If God is a perfect being, which He is, then He cannot change. How can something that is perfect change? Only that which is imperfect can be altered and changed. If something is perfect it requires no change. But more than that, it cannot change as it is perfect. If God is perfect He cannot be altered without becoming imperfect. It is an easy thought to process (my thought) perfect means unchangeable; yesterday, today and forever the same! If we look to the passed (history) can we not see whatever God has said has come to pass? Where are the nations that God said He would destroy? Where is Babel or Nivenah, has He not uprooted them and cast them from remembrance. Has He ever broken His covenant or promise? Never! You cannot point to History and show in one instance that God has changed. God has been immutable in His purposes.

Spurgeon then turns his attention to his congregation; He thinks he hears someone say, I can think of one scripture where God has changed and so did He think the same once. The account of Hezekiah; Isaiah came in and said to Hezekiah you must die as your disease is incurable, so set your house in order. Hezekiah began to pray and before Isaiah got to the outer court he was told to go back and tell Him he would live for another 15 years. You may say that this account proves that God changes, but there is not the slightest proof in the world that this proves that God changes. How can you say God did not know this, of course He knew it. For if He knew that then He did not change because He knew that... Did you Know in this story that Hezekiah’s son Manasseh was not yet born and if Hezekiah had died there would of been no Manasseh and no Josiah and no Christ, because Christ came from that very line. Manasseh was twelve years old when his father died, so then he must have been born three years after this encounter with Isaiah. So God spoke to Hezekiah to stir him up for prayer. (My thought) this opens a chapter to look into the power of prayer. The prayer of a righteous man avails much. God leaves us cryptic clues throughout scripture that only those those who have eyes to see can see, if only we would spend the time investigating. The brilliance of God intertwined throughout the pages of the BIBLE! 

2. Let’s look at the benefit and who will benefit from this unchanging God. The text, I am God and I change not, therefore you son’s of Jacob are not consumed. Who are the sons of Jacob and who will rejoice in God? They are the sons of election, for it is written Jacob have I loved an Esau have I hated. The children having yet not been born; neither has either done neither good nor evil. It is written the older shall serve the younger. The sons of Jacob are the sons of God by election of a sovereign God; by eternal destination they receive grace and glory. The second point of benefit is those that enjoy peculiar rights and titles. Jacob had no rights at birth but he changed them when he gave his brother a pot of stew and then gained his brothers birthright. Spurgeon make a point not to condone the manner in which he obtained his birthright. Yet Jacob also obtained the blessing and so acquired peculiar rights. (my thought) And yet the point is this that whatever it takes to please my heavenly Father must be my objective, period! So this text means to tell us that the sons of Jacob are those who have the rights and titles. Unto them that believe gave Him the right to those who believe to become sons of the living God. They have an interest in the blood of Christ. They have a right to enter through the gate and into the city. They have a title to eternal honours. They have a promise to everlasting glory. They have a right to call themselves sons of God. There are peculiar rights and privileges belonging to the sons of Jacob. Jacob also had peculiar manifestations from God and was therefore highly honoured. So too are the sons of Jacob highly honoured. Jacob laid down one night and slept with the hedges as his curtains, the sky as his canopy, a stone for a pillow and the earth for a bed. It was then that he had a peculiar manifestation. He saw a ladder which reaches from earth to heaven with angels ascending and descending to bring us mercies. Christ representing the ladder, a bridge between man and God. Another encounter He had when he wrestled with God at Peniel. These were account of peculiar manifestations. This passage refers to those like Jacob who has had peculiar manifestations. Now then Spurgeon asks, “How many of you have had personal manifestations? O you say that is enthusiasm, that is fanaticism, well it is a blessed enthusiasm.” For the sons of Jacob have had peculiar manifestations, they have talked to God as a man talks to a friend. God the Holy Ghost has so shone into their lives that they would not be able to doubt about their special manifestations. The sons of Jacob are the men who enjoy these manifestations. But then again they are men of peculiar trials. Spurgeon says he will not choose Jacobs lot if he did not have the prospect of Jacobs blessing. (My thought) does our hope in our resurrections burn right, if not we must understand our predicament for without hope the people perish! Faith feeds our hope as hope feeds our faith. For a hard lot it was! He had to run away from his father’s house to Laban’s house. Laban treated him roughly, he cheated him all the years he was there. He cheated him of his wife, of his wages and of his herds. He had to bye and bye run away from Laban, who eventually pursued him and overtook him. Next Esau came with 400 men to cut him up. Then there was a season of prayer and he wrestled with and angel and the angel put his thigh out of joint and so it stayed for the rest of his life. (my thought) I see the tenacity of Jacob pleasing to our heavenly Father, at all cost I must be blessed by the One true God. A little further on his beloved wife Rachel died and then his daughter Dinah is lead astray and his sons murder the Sechemites. Then Joseph is sold into Egypt and a famine comes. Ruben commits incest with his Daughter-in-law. All his sons become a plague o him. At last Benjamin is taken away. The old man almost broken of heart has this to say, “Joseph is not and Simeon is not and you will take Benjamin away.” Never was a man more tried than Jacob. (my thought) Not sure that Job was not as tried . Although his sin was to cheat his brother, all through his life God chastised him. Spurgeon reckons that many would be able to sympathise with Jacob. Many have had to suffer for the wrong they have done, and rightly so! Yet we are not consumed due to the unchanging nature of our God. But remember no one was ever afflicted like Jesus. We do not understand what trouble means. We have hardly sipped the cup of troubles, maybe a drop or two. But, Jesus drank the whole cup, even the dregs. Fear not says the Lord I change not. Therefore you sons of Jacob, men of peculiar trails are not consumed. One more thought to consider, who are the sons of Jacob? Spurgeon then puts it out there and wants to get you to consider if you are a son of Jacob. There are some things in Jacobs’s character that we cannot commend (Spurgeon’s thought). There are one or two things that God commends.

Jacob’s faith is highly commendable and he is mentioned amongst those of faith in Hebrews 11 the great faith chapter. Are you a man of faith beloved, do you know what it is to walk by faith? Do you get your temporal food to sustain the body, by faith? Do you live on spiritual manner from heaven? Is faith a rule of your life? If so then are you the sons of Jacob. (my thought) Without understanding this point; that the just will live by faith and not be cushioned by the luxuries of life, if so, it will always leave us with this challenge - do I truly believe. Then Jacob was a man of prayer, a man who wrestled and groaned with prayer. Spurgeon then again put it to his audience; there was a man this morning that came to the house of God without prayer. “You poor heathen don’t you pray”, he asks. No says the man I never even thought of such a thing. For years I have not prayed. Spurgeon then put it to him like this; I hope you pray before you die. Live and die without payer and you will pray long and well in hell. He uses another example; there was a woman this morning to busy sending her kids to Sunday school, that she had no time to pray. No time to pray! Did you have time to dress? There is time given for every purpose under heaven. If you had a purpose to pray you would pray. Sons of God cannot live without prayer, they are wrestling Jacob’s, and they are sons of God in whom the God the Holy Ghost works. They cannot live without prayer as much as I cannot live without breathing. They must pray sir mark you, if you are living without prayer, then you are living without Christ. To die like that will be your portion, and that portion will burn in the Lake of Fire, may God have mercy on you and redeem you from such a lot.

But you who are the sons of Jacob take comfort, for God is immutable.

Thirdly, the benefit for the sons of Jacob; you sons of Jacob are not consumed. What? How can man be consumed? Well according to Spurgeon there are two ways, if God had been a changing God then the sons of God of old may have ended up in hell. There is such a thing as being alive but dead. (my thought) Imagine if God left us to our own devises, I know where I would be in some gutter somewhere and yet there is a responsibility attached to our actions, another gem of scripture! I have personally gone to a place of terror, a place where sin held both my arms as I stood on the precipice of hell looking in. What a frightful sight it was. I quivered on the brink of ruin. But my unchanging God did not change in His love for me. How thankful I am and forever indebted, not that I could ever even begin to pay back the debt, the Lord Jesus has accomplished that. How thankful I am as a strong arm did save me. I wonder how I could have gone so far and yet come back again. Yes I am here unconsumed because the Lord changes not. We should all be consumed by ourselves, after all Mr. Self is the worst enemy of a Christian. We call God our father, but there is not a father in the world that would not have killed us all by now, so provoked would he have been with us. God has the most troublesome family in the world. They are unbelieving, ungrateful, disobedient, forgetful, murmurs’ and stiff-necked. Just as well God is long suffering. Not only would he have taken the rod but the sword to some of us long ago. There was nothing in us to love at first (we need to digest this point - my thought) so there cannot be less now. John Newton uses a story to prove election... A woman said, “God must have loved me before I was born, for there is nothing to love in me after I was born.” If God did not choose his elect before they were born, He would have found no reason to love them after they were born. (My thought) - a very interesting thought and it make perfect sense when reason out correctly. For since He loved them, without works, He loves them still without works. Since their good works did not win his affection, then there bad works cannot sever His affection. Since their righteousness did not bind there love to Him, so there wickedness cannot snap the golden links! He loved them out of a pure sovereign grace and He will love them still. We should have been consumed by the devil, our enemies and a hundred other ways if God ever changed. Spurgeon concluded as only having touched on the subject, but now hands it to me and I now hand it to you. You sons of Jacob may this portion of meat be digested well. Remember God remains the same whatever is removed.

Signing off


Tuesday, 14 September 2010

What is one to do?

“If a thing is right, though you lose by it, it must be done.” C.H. Spurgeon

With this thought in mind let me pen where I find myself. There are so many voices in the world today. We have a voice that cries out for human rights, another that speaks for the dolphin and yet another which bellows gay rights. The list goes on and would have no end if I had to give it an in-depth study. Yet with all of these voices and their messages, when broken down, all one would see is “self”. That may need an explanation! The voice of human rights speaks, and trumpets that what is fair in a democracy should benefit all. Yet who benefit? Take abortion and the call to legalise it. The law is passed and mothers can now abort. The mother may gain by it, only on the surface as a judgement is coming, but that is another topic for another day. The mother relinquishes her responsibility to rear a child, but the child is put to death. This they call justice.

Let’s look at what they call “hate speech”, if a man/woman believes in Jesus Christ as the only true messiah and publicly declares that to someone who has a deferent belief pragmatic then he/she has a right to bring a case against that individual. Lets unpack it in more detail; I believe that Jesus Christ is who He said he was, He is God incarnate, He lived as a man for about 33 years, He never broke God’s law not even once. He was then judge and tried by man, where He was found guilty of a crime He never committed. He then was crucified and died and on the third day He rose from the dead. He alone accomplished the opportunity for mankind to be reconciled back to God. In other words without His sacrifice I would not be able to commune with God at all, but now I am able, all because of His selfless act on Calvary. So therefore when the Lord Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth and the life no man comes unto the Father but by me.” We must then conclude that ever other religion is a lie and will not get people to heaven; the flipside of heaven is almost unthinkable yet very real... HELL. A place, full of people who would not, repent and believe, a place of continual torment. Forever is immeasurable in the realm of time, it never ends. Imagine a million years if you can and then when it has passed those who reject this message will still forever be in torment. That thought should rock you to the core; it shakes me and makes me ever thankful for my Saviour’s love for me and by making a way of escape for me. Therefore, I believe and align myself with the truth of the bible.

I am now compelled to declare the truth as I have found the truth. It was the man Jesus Christ who alone paid the price for sin, therefore it is impossible to get to heaven and God any other way. No other cult, no other religion, nor any other way shall keep mankind out of the furnace of hell. Jesus Christ and Him crucified is the message and every other message is a lie. So to those who hear this message and repent and believe will find life. Yet those who are offended by it are dead and cannot see, although all I have told you is true, a charge may be brought against me, so what am I to do?

I have no option by am compelled to declare the truth, even if I lose by it!

Signing off


Saturday, 11 September 2010

Holy Ghost

John 14:16-17

- True and Proper personality of the Holy Ghost

- United trinity of the 3 persons in our salvation

- The indwelling of the doctrine of the Holy Ghost

- Why the carnal mind rejects the Holy Ghost

4 questions that C.H.Spurgeon answers...

Some observations on what Spurgeon’s persuasion was on this topic.

1. We tend to miss the point that the Holy Ghost is actually a person, we take the Holy Ghost as an animation flowing from the Father and the Son, and not an actual person. The reason for this is the Father is associated with all we see in creation and therefore our minds are able to process Him as a person. It is the same for the Son as He is bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh. He walked the face of the earth as a man. But the Holy Ghost acts are secretive, but a person He is. Let’s look at the doctrine to back this point. We must be a Trinitarian and believe in the three persons of the trinity. When we baptise a believer it is done in the Name, not names of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. If the Holy Ghost was merely an influence he would not be mentioned as a person. When the Lord Jesus was baptised He showed Himself as a bright light and in the form of a dove. He came from Heaven to show that he is from Heaven. He also in the book of acts appeared in a manifestation of cloven tongues.

A power of Knowledge 1 Corinthians chapter 2 is ascribe to the Holy Ghost. Spurgeon concludes that any rational man will conclude that if anything is spoken of as having understanding it must be in existence and He is mentioned in conjunction with the Father and the Son who are actual persons. The Spirit has a will, He has a will of His own and power is also ascribe to Him. Whenever you find will, power and understanding it must be an existence or person. Spurgeon also ascribes creation to the Holy Ghost. Holy men of old spoke when they were moved upon by the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost still deals with his saints. Some examples used acts and the separation and when Phillip was carried away by the spirit. He uses his own spoken ministry under the influence of the Holy Ghost and how it captivates the audience as if their life depended upon it. The person of the Holy Ghost gets us to repent and believe. He points out that the Holy Ghost can be grieved (Ephesians 4:30) and vexed (Isaiah 63:10). He has feelings (acts 7:51) you can also resist the Holy Ghost.

2. 3 persons of the Godhead doing something for our salvation. The Lord (Son) prays, the Father sends and the Holy Ghost will comfort. In Genesis it mentions that man will be created by us, this speaks of unity and that they are united

3. The indwelling of the Holy ghost... He uses an example of the senses with relation to pain... you cannot see, touch, smell or taste pain but you surely can feel it. So is it with the Holy Ghost, you can’t see, touch, smell or taste Him but you most definitely can feel Him. We are the temple of the Holy Ghost for He dwells in you. He then says, if a person is full of studies and all knowledge and he does not know if the Holy Ghost dwells within him. This is where I find his point very interesting. Whenever Spurgeon found a brother filled with the Holy Ghost the spirit within him would leap. He would have a witness. The spirit witnessing with the spirit. An act of God, not mans intellect, because it is of God and not of man (my summation). We must however know if the Spirit is in us. Why? Well he uses an example of a man being shocked by electricity to illustrate the awareness of reality. Likewise if the Holy Ghost indwells a man’s body it must be obvious. When Spurgeon has difficulty in his life he looked to the Holy Ghost for direction. When he did not understand a portion of scripture he asked God the Holy Ghost to illuminate truth to him. In this sermon, he emphasis, that the Person of the Holy Ghost reveals truth and not commentaries. He held the revelation of the Holy Ghost in high regard. (That is my opinion). He also saw the point of people playing the fanaticism card and had to deal with those objections. It is at this point that he says despise not the Holy Ghost as it the unpardonable sin. He then speaks to unbelievers and how they should rather tremble than speak out against the Holy Ghost. He then Challenges the Armenian and draws on the word “forever”. The text says He will abide with you forever. The Armenian point of defence will eventually be the translation and it is wrong. Which it is not!

4. The unregenerate world cannot receive the spirit, all those who God passed over when He elected those who would be saved. We feel the Holy Ghost but the world rejects Him because they cannot see Him. Once you have felt the influence of the Holy Ghost it is impossible to deny. Even though it is beyond our senses. The Holy Ghost dwells in all believers. The Holy Ghost must own our labourers. The answer to Hebrews 6... Spurgeon said, “I do not know what the unpardonable sin is, I do not think any man understands it! But it is something like this, he who speaks a word against the Holy Ghost; it will never be forgiven him. I do not know what that means but tread carefully. There is a danger, there is strife, go to the ale house, I do not say you will be resisting the Holy Ghost and committing the unpardonable sin, but it is somewhere there, be very careful. There is no crime on earth as bad as blaspheming the Holy Ghost as you can never be forgiven. Neither in this world or the world to come.” He does not professing to understand it or to tell us what it is. But there it is, what he does say, “stop, stop man stop if thy has despised the Holy Ghost. If you scorn what Christians call His influence, stop, I beseech you stop.” “Let us not trifle with words or the acts of the Holy Ghost.”

January 21st 1855

Sunday, 23 May 2010

The Need to Succeed

A Life often does not pan out the way we plan. I did say I would be writing a daily blog, but many days have passed and nothing penned. I will confess that I have a weakness to sticking to my guns; however my computer did crash and was down for a while.

I also said that I would look at what the gospel means, instead of trying to teach like so many in a better position than myself to teach. There are so many who have been gifted with teaching, so let me leave it to them. I think it would be better to shift gears and concentrate on life and what it has taught me and what I am still learning.

I have so often chased the dream of success and the want to find acceptance that I have often lost my way. I think of the time when I way eighteen and was told by my rugby coach that it had already been decided that the Transvaal 8th man had already been decided on - even before Craven week trails. Vaughan Botha was his name and he was the 8th man for Sandringham High School. Without making too much noise about our game against Sandringham, all I will say is that I was so driven in that game to achieve and prove to all the selectors watching that game that they had made a mistake and forgotten about me. It was probably my best game of the season. I was so driven I can clearly remember it as if it was yesterday. After crunching him in a tackle I ran to my coach on the sideline where he stood with all the other selectors and with arrogance and confidence saying, “He is nothing Vis (my coach’s nickname)” and then running back onto the field. We won that game 6-3.

I was then called up for the Transvaal’s Craven week trails and I remember clearly thinking that if I make the side my holiday in Plettenberg Bay would elude me. So driven on the one hand and yet scared I may lose out on the pleasure of life. I never made the actual trails as I was on crutches. Angry on the one hand but relieved that Plett and my holiday was back on the cards with all my mates.

There are many other incidents I could refer to however let me use the most recent. I have been trading on the JSE (stock market). A volatile monetary system that is as unstable as the tossing sea. Once again driven by my need to achieve and turn a million into millions. Believing that I would succeed - desperate to succeed - yet listening to many voices, looking at the fundamentals, studying technical analysis and making bullish moves - needless to say not achieving my objective. Once again I was driven by my need to find approval of family, and even possibly friends. This hunger to achieve was larger than life itself, yet just another decoy, to take my eyes off the ball. The answer to my dilemma is once again the ever wise, true and faithful saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ and his word. He says with food and raiment be content and come to the river of life and drink and you will find life.

You see, in the scenarios above - the same type of mistake yet with different consequences. How long will it take me to learn life’s lessons? I suppose it will take just as long as I take to learn them.

Signing off
