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Thursday 16 September 2010

Has God called?

What does it mean to be an effectual Christian and to walk circumspectly? Well, obviously God must equip us and enable us to achieve this Goal. However, it is by grace through faith. God is sovereign and His will, will be achieved. Remember, “Jacob has He loved and Esau has he hated.” This manifestation of God was before either was born, nor had they done anything good or bad, that the purpose of God might stand according to election, not of works, but on Him that calls.

Everything to a Christian’s success must hinge on His call.

1. You must be loved before you are born; this has all to do with God and nothing to do with you, it can have nothing to do with you because you have not yet been born, so the truth is easy to understand or so it should be!

2. Therefore God in His Sovereign will choose individuals to love regardless of their participation. So, He elects individuals, in the same manner in which He chose to love Jacob and hate Esau before they were born, we fit into the same category, are we loved or are we hated? This is where I see the brilliance of God shining just a pittance of His ingenious intellect and wisdom into this world. Are you elect, have you been called? Are you one of those loved by God? Can you hear his voice calling your name? I’ve heard the call, have you? The call has been made, here it come now, are you ready for it, it is clear and precise, what will you do with it? “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes on Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” Some points to highlight, Jacob was loved and Esau was hated.

Firstly, let’s look at Gods love. For God so loved the world... we now find God loving the world, yet the text is in a past tense, so loved. Nevertheless, the love of God to the world is not in any vain imaginations, any opinions or warm fuzzy feelings but can only be found in the Lord Jesus... “That whoever believes on Him (the Lord Jesus Christ) will not perish but have eternal life.” God’s love also then entitle all who believe to eternal life. So then the love of God is only found in the Lord Jesus, nowhere else, no other religion, no other program and no other way will get anyone to be covered by God’s love. I trust that is clear for all to see! Have you personally been called? Well has the call gone out, of course it has, for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, the same message for you as for me. The message is not a different one for you and then another one for me. “Whoever will believe will not perish but have eternal life.” The question is do you believe? Believe what you may ask? That is a vast topic, but just to mention a few points; that God became a man, lived on earth without sin, then died to pay the price for sin (your sin) on a cross, on the third day he rose again from the dead, thus making a way for man once again to have a relationship with the Eternal God.

Lets now look at “Esau have I hated.” Let us look at God’s call... “This manifestation of God was before either was born, nor had they done anything good or bad, that the purpose of God might stand according to election, not of works, but on Him that calls.” So let us now look at God’s call, this is important, the purpose of God in an individual’s life will depend on whether he has been called or not. Jacob was called Esau was not, although He was entitled to the birthright, he sold it for a plate of porridge. You too are entitled to God’s love, “for God so loved the world that he gave”... if you now respond to that message, repent, believe in your heart God raised Jesus from the dead, and confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, the bible tells us you will be saved. If you do not believe this message then just like Esau you are hated of God, although he was entitled to the birthright (God’s promises) he rejected them and sold them to his brother Jacob. Likewise you too now have a decision to make, have you been called?

Lets some it up in a nutshell, God’s love can and will only ever be found in His Son, the one and only redeemer Jesus Christ the Lord. So if you are found in Him then are you loved of God, if not, then you are hated by God and will be subjected to His wrath, eternal damnation for all eternity. That however does not mean an end for you now; because you still breathe there is still hope for you. How you may ask? Repent and believe and you shall be saved, you shall be covered by the love of God!

O may God have mercy on your soul and call out your name.

Signing off


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