The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday 20 September 2010


Let me start by focusing on the word “unbelief”, the Greek word is “apistia” which is translated; faithlessness, that is, (negatively) disbelief (want of Christian faith), or (positively) unfaithfulness (disobedience): - unbelief. In other words unbelief and disobedience go hand in hand. When we are not trusting God and believing in His ability to accomplish, not our will, but His will, then we are guilty of unbelief and we walk in disobedience.

Our short time here on earth some 70 years for many, maybe a little more for a few and then less for the rest, is all to teach us one simple principle, “let God be true and every man a liar...” (Romans 3:4). Reflect and bleep back through the chapters of your life and what do you see? I cannot page back through your life but I can flip through mine. In hindsight, if only I had trusted God’s word through every chapter of my life, how many scars I would have avoided. Yet God deals graciously, He is merciful, slow to anger and has great love for all His children. How patient he is with us. But for this very reason have we received our allotted time here on earth. Let me explain, firstly God gives mankind the law (Ten Commandments) as a teacher to teach us that because of Adam’s fall (sin), we, the entire human population, have been born sinners and now because of sin we have by default been declared enemies of God. The Law is then introduced by Moses to show us God’s requirement needed to be kept by us all if we are to have any doings with Him. It is obvious through time that it is impossible for sinful man to uphold this law. What is man to do? He can do nothing, his fate seems sealed, damnation and hell is his lot for all eternity. What a sobering but miserable thought. BUT GOD, by wisdom, has from before the beginning, had a plan for mankind.

The Law was introduced to teach us that we could never keep it; it proves to us that we are sinners and ultimately should lead us to understand that we are in big trouble and we need help, we need a Saviour. The law is a teacher that teachers us that we need a Saviour. We need God to intervene which He graciously does and He sends his Son, His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus to live on earth as a man yet He upholds the law, He never ever breaks a law and is then sacrificed for sin, on behalf of mankind’s sin. God the Father then judges Him for sin and then He accepts His sacrifice. A way is now opened for mankind once again to commune with the only true and living God. I hope you understand and have grasped the severity that God had to place on His Son to achieve His goal. When that is understood, it is then easy to understand that only those who accept the Lords sacrifice as a sin offering for our sin will have the right to be called the son’s of God. I have said it before but need to say it again, no other religion, no other work, no other prophet, saint, god, angel or any other way will get you to heaven. The only way all must come is through the blood of Jesus. What about other religion you may ask? Well, what about them? They will not get you to heaven only hell. But all from every other religion or belief system may repent, turn to Jesus and find life. It all comes back to, “let God be true and every man a liar.” Do you believe it or do you think you know better that God. O foolish man what will you say when you stand before the Lord Jesus on Judgement day? Repent, believe and find life, look to Jesus and live. Once you stop breathing it is over and then the judgement! However, while you breathe there is hope. May God open your eyes to see?

For those of us who by God’s grace can see, may we begin to trust God and His Word? May we start applying it in faith, for if we don’t, we will just keep getting dizzy form our “circle of life?”- Remember the children of Israel; it took them 40 years to get to the “Promised Land”. In a straight line it would only have taken weeks.

Signing off


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