Why do people blog? Here are a few reasons;
some want to be heard, others noticed and some even accepted. Why do I blog? It
is simple; it is my diary, thoughts, struggles, joys, trials, failures and the
lessons along my Christian pilgrimage. All I have chosen to do is make it
public! Why? I hope to encourage others who may need encouragement. It is one
thing to stand on a platform proclaiming the good news with a squeaky clean testimony,
being blameless from accusation, to have the testimony of Paul the Apostle. But
I do not share his testimony, in fact many have chosen to ignore my voice for
the exact opposite reason, and who can blame them. As I look back on my
Christian journey, it has been marred by many mistakes. For this I have already
suffered loss and will continue to face the consequences of my actions along
the way. BUT GOD is far greater than any blunder I may have incurred along the
way. And this goes for all who trust in Him! There is no failure too great, so
long as we haven’t trampled underfoot the perfect work of the cross, having
once believed and then denouncing that Jesus Christ died for our sins. There is
“much to do” about these verses we wrestle with in Hebrews chapter 6, but who
can of a certainty say, thus and thus says the Lord? All I know is God will
complete what He has started, regardless of the opposition He faces along the
way. He is greater than all! Sin may very well need to be irradiated from many
of our lives, but our God has conquered all!
For me the process has been severe,
but needful! We must never think that we are beyond reproof. Correction will
often right our wrongs along the way. To think back on how I found my place in
the body of Christ (a local church) and to be used by Him to minister into the
lives of others was a peaceful time in my life. And then to have that taken
from me, because of my sin and pride, and there is much more I could add to
that list! BUT GOD, my merciful Father was willing to stay the course with a
reprobate like me! I am forever thankful!
This I have learnt along the way, God
exalts and He disparages those whom He once elevated. He is God and He is Supreme;
it is about His will and not the wants of men. Sin looks to rob us of that reality.
But even if that is some of our testimonies, our God is not only capable but in
certain cases willing to be merciful to those who have fallen victim to
themselves; I am forever indebted to Him! He chooses to change the mindset of
certain men, thank you Father! I owe everything to my Lord and Saviour, praise
His blessed name!
This morning I will share a brief
testimony at Florida Baptist Church, it has been a long time since I have been
in such a position, I am so thankful that God my ABBA FATHER has seen fit to
patch up what I so miserably destroyed, my life! Regardless of where you may
find yourselves, know this that God is able and knows how to give good gifts to
His children, and what better gift can a child receive than to know he finds
favour with His Father! He has such a big heart, who will ever be capable of
measuring His mercies? They are unmeasurable! I am so thankful that I belong to
a God, the only true living God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, The God
who is full of compassion and who cares for me, thank you Lord Jesus for doing all
the will of the Father, enabling me now to call out to Him. Bless you now and
forever more, Amen and Amen!
Here then are some of my experiences I
needed to face along the way as a Christian; it hasn’t been pretty but extremely
needful. Wherever you may find yourself today, step out in faith believing God
and He may very well cover you with His mercies, I am praying for you!
the age of 22 I came face to face with my depravity and the realization that I
needed to find forgiveness for my sin and that could only ever happen in and
through the finished work of Calvary. Jesus Christ paying the price for my sin!
Once I understood the magnitude of it all my life did a radical 180 degree turn
and the life I once lived, wine, women, and song was now a thing of the
past. For years it was well with my soul
and then sadly deception began to wiggle its way back into my life with license
becoming a way of life. Before long I was involved in a relationship that I
should have avoided at all costs. I didn’t!
If we despise the
chastening of the Lord and carry on in a life of sin, as I was doing, then the
Bible teaches that a more drastic step needs to be taken.
When you are assembled in
the name of the Lord Jesus and my spirit is present, with the power of our Lord
Jesus, you are to deliver this man to Satan for the destruction of the flesh,
so that his spirit may be saved in the
day of the Lord. (1 Corinthians 5:4-6)
This then happened to me, at
that time, accepting church
discipline wasn't easy. Those were trying times and the spiral of sin took root like never
before. Before long I noticed that my glands on my neck where very swollen and
I went to see the doctor. He was newly qualified and couldn’t diagnose what was
wrong. He then consulted his partner and I heard him say, “Test for HIV!” I was
27 at the time and I then knew that the rubber had now hit the tar. Prior to
being tested I understood that this was now God’s judgment on my life. My test
confirmed my hunch.
In hindsight I thank
God from the bottom of my heart for caring enough to do what was needed to
bring me to a place of true repentance. God used church discipline and the eventual
result was restoration back into fellowship in the local
church. Verses very dear to my heart are; “And have you forgotten the exhortation that
addresses you as sons? “My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the
Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him. For the Lord disciplines the one he
loves, and chastises every son whom he receives." It is for discipline
that you have to endure. God is treating you as sons. For what son is there
whom his father does not discipline? If you are left without discipline, in
which all have participated, then you are illegitimate children and not sons.” (Hebrews 12: 5-8)
I am truly thankful for God’s discipline in my
life. Without it where would I be? Possibly on some street corner begging
bread. All honour and glory belongs to my King, praise His name now and forever
more, Amen and Amen!
life is about 70 years but God is eternal and He is merciful and He has it in
His power to choose what to do with His mercy, I am thankful for His mercy, in
spite of myself. I am forever indebted to Him who at the time would have been
able to understand the restoration
that I now enjoy. Thank you Father God! It
is well with my soul.
Signing off