The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday 26 March 2014

David's example...

Why was it Father God that you felt it upon your heart to declare that David was a man after your own heart? Such a faithful man and yet a man who made mistakes, not many, but nonetheless he still had his blemishes.
I wonder if any other man had as much faith as David, a boy who overpowered the lion and the bear and then later on in life, when he was entering manhood, he defeated or rather annihilated the most feared man in the world, a giant named Goliath. How did he do it? With a slingshot and a stone! That was what he chose to take into battle; he could have used the king’s armour and the best crafted sword of the time, but it was cumbersome and he felt clumsy wielding it.  Here we have it, a small insight into the favour of God.

Note: - the ingenious craftsmanship of man is on display all around us, fashion high on the priority of so many, A Louis Vuitton bag could be priced as high R200 000 and these items are selling; all in the name of Fashion! In like manner David could easily have taken the best of man’s ability to fight the enemy (Goliath), He was offered the best man had to offer in readiness for battle and yet he refused it, why? For this exact reason; it was man’s way of sorting out a dilemma and not the way of his God! Instead without fear he boldly went into battle with that which he was accustomed, a slingshot and five pebbles! In other words, it was his faith in God that clinched the victory! … 'I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will.' (Act 13:22)

I could spend a lot more time here looking to prove a point, but it isn't needed. Obviously the answer to why David was a man after God’s own heart is an obvious one, even though he fell into a treacherous sin and later on in life he had to bear the brunt of that, like many of us will also have to bear the brunt of own actions, thank God for His merciful character and His willingness to forgive.

However we cannot shy away from the consequences of our actions and we must learn to appropriate this truth into our lives. David was all about pleasing God with His application throughout his lifetime. We can learn so much from his example; “Now it was in the heart of David my father to build a house for the name of the LORD, the God of Israel.” (1Kings 8:17) – We must continually learn to put our trust in our God regardless of our current predicament, We must seek God’s face with an earnest expectation to walk by faith, we must pray for our God to continually “renew a right spirit” in us. We must begin like never before to be captivated with our hope, our reward will one day to ever be with our God! We must become obsessive with this thought. Our God knows our needs before we even know them ourselves; we must learn to trust Him! It is all about bringing glory to Him! He is so worthy of that accolade! Praise the name of Jesus!

I would earnestly pray Father that you equip all your children with David’s desire and passion to be about your business and not our wants!

Signing off



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