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Monday 11 April 2011

The Rebuke of the Wise!

(Ecclesiastes 7:5) “It is better to hear the rebuke of the wise, than for a man to hear the song of fools.”
Back when I was a youth the rebuke of the wise was far from sight and eager ears; sadly this verse had little positive influence over my life, or maybe I should rather say it had a great negative influence over me and the outcome to my life. I was not given the nickname “Typhoon” because I had a gentle character and was softly spoken. It was not as if I made it my goal to live up to my nickname that just seemed to be who I was as a young boy growing up into adulthood. Trouble followed me and often! Why some would ask? The answer is before our very eyes, I listen to the “song of fools” with great anticipation and eagerness. I knew no better one could say, as I was dead in my trespasses and sin, although that may partly be true I still loved the sound of the music and how its chorus “O fool” had such a catchy tune to it. How I love the beat of the drums that dominated its chorus. Nevertheless I was not alone; all my friends seemed to love it too. In fact almost everyone I encountered enjoyed its tune! Surprisingly, the “song of fools” never seemed to drop off the hit parade, in fact it is still number one in many countries. It still influences so many lives!
I had breakfast with a good friend of mine on Saturday as he was out from Nigeria, however he does not share my sentiments as far as Christianity demands. He is the Managing Director of the Nampak operation in Nigeria and with it comes great responsibility. He is no doubt good at his job and he is very level headed as far the secular world demands. We were discussing the world’s economy and how volatile the stock market is, just one of God’s judgements, a volcano, earthquake or a tsunami and the markets hit a speed wobble, panic sets in and people rush to sell so not to get caught in another market crash! His comment to me was this, “that is why we must live life to the fullest we never know when it will end.” That was a direct quote from the “song of fools”; it is the line that leads into the chorus. My retort was a simple one but I think it cut deep, God knows! I pray it did! I said "Terry, as astute as you are when it comes to making provision for your family, you have life cover etc, why then will you not make provision for your next life, your spiritual life that will never end?” No more was said on the topic but I would ask all to pray earnestly for Him, his name is Terry Wilson and for his family that God may have mercy on their souls and save them.
We are bombarded from every side with this powerful song, "the song of fools” it has cast its spell on so many, it had me dancing to its tune for so long, but GOD sent a man to preach the gospel to me and through his rebuke and the work of God the Holy Spirit’s intervention my eyes where opened to the truth, that Jesus saves! And how well He is able to do exactly that! How I have learnt to love the rebuke of the wise! It may have taken a lifetime but it finally begins to bear its fruit. “Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you.” (Proverbs 9:8) 
For so long I shunned the counsel of the wise and I have many scars that remind me of my folly. I have a leg that is an inch and a half shorter than the other, I am HIV positive and take medication on a daily basis to keep the virus at bay, but what that does do for me is to remind me of my recklessness and how I should have known better but I still chose to danced to its melody. I have learnt and am still learning to love the rebuke of my heavenly Father as He corrects me through His Word. It teaches me how to walk circumspectly before Him, sometimes it is as gentle as a cool breeze but there are times when a forceful hand is needed and I can truly say I love Him all the more for it! Let us never forget to love the rebuke of the wise as it will stand us in good stead here on earth, but especially for the life to come! Heaven is our final destination and there will never ever be a song such as this, which we are so easily lured by here on earth. Folly will have no place there! Heaven will be so full of wisdom that it will overshadow the negativity of craziness and all its fruit. Heaven will be a new beginning for all who overcome and who learn to love the rebuke of the wise here on earth even though the “song of fools” is bellowed through ever medium we are exposed to in our daily lives. If we once lived under its influence, it no longer should have any hold on us. Our great Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ has defeated all, even the folly of the worldly wise! So let us remember to love the rebuke of the wise as it will equip us to run this race with determination, we will finish our race victoriously bringing glory to our heavenly Father, as there is a day coming in the not to distant future where we will hear these words; “His lord said unto him, Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” (Matthew 25:21)
But in order to achieve this goal we must pay careful attention to all of wisdom’s direction and that can only be found in God’s Word, the Bible and nowhere else! Of course there are many great books written to teach us to walk in wisdom and circumspectly before a Holy God, just so long as they draw accurate direction from the Bible.
“Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.” (Luke 21:33)   
Signing off

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