The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Let's get serious...

What do humans long for? I suppose that would depend upon who is answering the question; they say “one man’s meat is another man’s poison”. Some may be given to hunting whilst others would despise the thought resenting the hunter and yet a large portion of their diet would in fact be meat. A Christian may favour a beer whilst the other would refrain. Charles Spurgeon a preacher that lived in the 1800’s, a man that God no doubt honoured as we see much to do about him and his teaching throughout the globe in the 21st century, he was a man mightily used by God and was convinced that there was no problem smoking cigars. He smoked cigars and was often found posing with one. But I’ve noticed that some have taken it upon themselves to remove the cigar from his hand and replace it with a walking stick in a portrait they display on their website. I can understand the reason behind it, but Spurgeon stood firm on his laurels in that regard, so who has the right to change a person’s perception without his consent? But these types of concerns are not the pressing ones we need to take to heart. There are far more pressing issues that we need to consider. We have been given direct instruction to issues pertaining to life and death. These are the truths we need to search out if it is to end well for us. Whether a man drinks a beer or smokes is neither here nor there in bigger scheme of things, but what is of utmost importance is what we do with God’s free grace offer found in the Lord Jesus Christ. Will we accept Him as a propitiation for our sins? Simply put, will we cry out to Him and ask Him to forgive us for our sins? It is as simple as that! Every other voice that proclaims a different way will be found wanting on the Day of Judgment.

The next hurdle we need to then overcome is the habitual sin in our lives that has somehow enslaved us to certain sinful patterns that we have had no victory over up until now. We are now new creatures in Christ; So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, "Abba! Father!"” (Romans 8:12-15) – We now need to find grace to change the way we once lived, I am however aware that some sinful habits take a lifetime to conquer. But we must continue to seek grace to find victory in those areas of our lives.

I do not make reference to the opinions of men but rather the instructions we receive from the Word of God. It’s not about eating and drinking, per say but rather about our conduct as Christians. Thankfully we have been afforded the opportunity to daily find forgiveness for our sins. Repentance must become a way of life for the Christian. Although we have been sanctified by the blood of the Lamb and made worthy, there must still be a resolve from each and every one of us to find daily sanctification. In other words we must make every effort to pursue holiness in our lives. Some areas in our lives will now be effortless whilst others will still need much sweat and tears.

Thankfully we have been given the Word of God, the Bible, to work this out in our lives. Let’s say I have a tendency as a man to sexually be attracted to other men, I cannot continue to live here, regardless of the lying voices throughout the world. Or if I am continually drunk and drink to the extent of escaping through alcohol, neither can I continue to live there. If lying has become a way of life for me I must seek grace to stop lying and so on. These are the pressing issues that we need to look to conquer. How do I know that this is important for the Christian? God has given us clear direction through His Word.

It couldn’t be plainer than this; “Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies, and things like these. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.(Galatians 5:19-21) – The question I now need to ask myself, am I clear in every one of these areas in my life? My answer would be no! What now? Well I cannot condone the failures that still rob me of my victory in Christ; I must continue to find forgiveness in those areas of my life. Repentance must become a lifestyle that continues to live as part of my daily character until the victory needed becomes my reality; until the next hurdle that needs to be cleared and so on.

There will come a day when the race will be over and for all those who endure until the end we will receive a crown of glory. This is our hope and every Christian places that reality in the forefront of their minds, if not we need to change our mind-sets and cry out unto our God. But cry we must! For it will eventually be worth it all.

Let us all learn to have the heart of David and to plead with God to “renew a right spirit within us”.

In conclusion, let us not spend so much time on the strawmen (deceptions) in our lives but rather place serious thought on the real issues that keep us from a right relationship with our God.

Signing off



Tuesday, 22 September 2015

A work in progress...

Have you ever walked into a mechanics workshop and seen an old vintage car stacked away in one corner? I know I have and on questioning them about it, I am always told that it is a work in progress, a personal project that they have in mind to one day complete. But for that to happen much is needed; parts, time, resources and the like has to be carefully worked into the equation if it is to end well.  

Similarly I like working and shaping Bonsai trees, but it takes years for the desired results to finally arrive. It is not a hobby that comes with instant results, patience is required but the reward is certainly well worth the wait. Although I have some idea of what I want the tree to look like, it is never quite precise. I suppose the intrigue to how it will eventually turn out is part of the excitement. However when the tree is worthy of display it is very gratifying.

We too are a work in progress; God is patiently molding us into the image of His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. With a crucial key ingredient that will help all of His children with their transformation, GRACE! Without it none of us would ever arrive. But grace cannot work alone it needs a catalyst to drive it, which is faith, not faith in faith but faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Which in turn has nothing to do with our abilities but it is a work of God. Here are two verses which prove this thought; For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

When the bible is specific with its instruction, I am learning that our carnal nature instinctively looks to push us in an opposite direction. Our carnal nature resists the instruction… Therefore it is imperative to heed the instruction without interference. And yet, although salvation with all the mechanics attached is obviously initiated by God. It would be premature for me to conclude that it is a one sided affair. Life itself teaches us that those types of relationships never quite cut it. The verses above are very well constructed and it leaves no wiggle room if unpacked correctly; “For by grace you have been saved through faith” – Grace is the vehicle used to save an individual. Grace means unmerited favour “or capacities to tolerate, accommodate, or forgive…” it’s not as if grace finds a particular type of individual and then latches onto that person because of their characters. But rather grace is highlighted and puts on the greatest of displays in spite of the individual’s character; in fact the viler the person the grander the show. The hymn “Amazing Grace” is probably where I will leave it to illustrate my point. John Newton wrote that Hymn; a slave trader who lived in the 1700’s and God took pity on Him; why? Is a question I am not willing to answer, what do I know, can I understand the mechanics of the only true and almighty God? But this I will say, it was God’s grace that saved Him. Resulting with a man compelled to pen the words to that amazing Hymn which he so aptly gave the title “Amazing Grace”.

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.”
He understood the Apostles point. Have we? If and when we start looking to justify our behavioural patterns outside of our covering in Christ’s accomplishments we have begun a journey down the wrong road and it will not end well for that individual. Every true Christian I have ever encountered regardless of their persuasion on varying doctrinal truths understands this in principle, but when it comes to a practical application behind this truth I know many of us fall short. We love to justify the reasoning for why we are favoured. It is prevalent within relationships; if you do this I will then do that and so on. That type of mentality is the opposite of grace and acts in accordance with merit. We always conclude when pressed that we can never earn salvation and yet we often look to earn it. Wow!

I think many make this mistake when they equate the reasons for our acceptance before a Holy God. I know my mind looks to do it all the time, and it comes to the fore especially when I look to be financially blessed by God. A mastery of mathematics combined with the laws of physics merging in my puny little brain as I search out vary winning formula’s. If I do it like this it may just work, and then I realise that it doesn’t so I try something else and so on, which is very tiring and unrewarding.

I think we muddle the lines between our responsibilities within our relationship with our God and Father and we keep reverting back to our carnal understanding. We must be on guard against these enticing traps. Sin and life has so instilled these types of mind-sets that we find it hard to separate our carnality from our Spirituality. Did you know that these two actualities will always be at enmity; “For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.” (Romans 8:7-8)

We were taught these truths and they are instilled into us by the Word of God soon after salvation and yet sadly we continually need to be reminded of them, we need to constantly trim our sails in this area of our lives, thank God for His life changing WORDS and His patience with us

In conclusion it is obvious that we had nothing to do with our own salvation, it was God’s work and our born again experience had nothing to do with us, never forget this! If we skew this truth we allow pride to live and God will always resist a proud heart. But now that God has done the work in our hearts we have very particular instructions to follow and the Bible is full of them. Life now teaches us to test our actions in accordance with His instructions. This will take a lifetime. But the sooner we find them governing our lives the sooner we will embrace maturity. It’s that simple to understand and yet without faith impossible to accomplish. Faith is not only the catalyst used to save us but is needed on a daily basis if we are to arrive. It is no different to a car that needs gasoline for it to run. We need faith alive and healthy within us to feed our hope. And yet we have many enemies that look to rob us of this reality. The cares of this life is a vicious enemy. God help us to realise this. Our carnal effort will never feed our faith; we must learn to trust in the finished work of our Lord and Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. When God establishes a truth in His Word we must believe it to be so and it must become our certainty. Regardless of the other voices that press in on our thoughts. You may have often heard the phrase that “God helps those who help themselves”. NO! God helps those who put their faith in Him and in His instructions through His Word, the Bible!

God cannot lie and He will reward those who diligently seek Him.

Signing off


Monday, 14 September 2015

Chose this day whom you will serve

Chose this day whom you will serve

Society teaches us that to get ahead we need to be focused and for us to set goals is a must. Just as an avalanche begins to gain momentum when the snow gathers on the mountain tops unable to hold its weight and then shifts, it then begins its downward spiral gathering speed collecting volume whilst engulfing all in its way, so too will this world with all its lies begin to follow suite. It has begun to shift like I have not seen and before long it will be full steam ahead looking to bury all of its unsuspecting victims. Therefore it is imperative that we as Christians begin to understand the signs of the times, which our Lord and Saviour warned us to be on the lookout for. This is a drum that has been played for millenniums now, but in my opinion we are now entering a steady drum roll and before long those sleeping will be caught off guard.

Today is a day for reckoning, it is a day for us to all trim our sails and to pull out our compasses and to make sure we are on the right path without any interference hoodwinking us into believing the world’s opinions and their lies. It is time for us to stand up as men and to be counted. Regardless of the cost! Yes we shall be persecuted for our faith and the wolves will look to attach and confer they shall, so be it! We know in whom we believe, our Saviour has cried that victorious war cry, “it is finished”! He has conquered hell, death and the grave. We know in whom we believe and that it will end well for all who are faithful even unto death if that is required. Our goal is an eternal one and we must not be swayed by any other voice.

As I watched Carte Blanche last night I was saddened to see how this world is so hoodwinked with apparent worthy causes that will lead them astray. In fact I was tearful thinking about how severe it really is. So much energy for God’s creation and the efforts people place upon serving the creature and yet not giving due benevolence to their creator. This is where the initial downward spiral all began way back when; For although they knew God, they did not honor him as God or give thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things. Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen.” (Romans 1:21-25) - It is imperative for us as Christians to stand upon the truth of God’s Word and declare our allegiance to Him. We must not accommodate any wiggle room when it comes to His rightful place in this universe, we must all make our voices clearly heard in this dying and perverse generation. God will never share His glory with another and why would He? There is no one greater than Him, “He is a jealous God”! And He is jealous for us and He has proved His loyalty to all who profess Him as their god and Father by sending His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ to die in our stead. Praise His name now and forever more.

The time is short for us all but I can promise you on the authority of God’s Word that it will end well for all the faithful; “But, as it is written, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him"—“ (1Corinthians 2:9) – We must wrestle to find a resolve like never before to find wisdom and keep her close as we see that day approaching. If we have erred from the truth and the call that God has placed upon our lives let us repent and ask, no, rather plead with our God and Father to restore a right spirit within us. He will respond to our cries.

You see judgement must begin with the household of God: “For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? And "If the righteous is scarcely saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?" Therefore let those who suffer according to God's will entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.” (1Peter 4:17-19)

With these thoughts now captivating our souls let us run our race with patience.

Signing off


Saturday, 12 September 2015


“Much to do about nothing” was a catchphrase used to depict the emptiness of life and then some in a movie not so long ago. No different throughout the history of time. Everyone has been occupied with their lives and then some. That is the one side of the coin that we all take care of and play out the hands we are dealt; we end up where we end up; some with money, others without, some with multiple marriages, others faithful to one, and some with children and others without; some with terminal diseases whilst others live to a ripe old age and so on… This is a reality that affects both the heathen and the believer (Christian) and it all comes with a measure of anxiety, sin with the cares of life has taken care of that. To be more accurate the sin of one and his punishment has affected us all.  

However the cares of this life, as real as it may be for all in one way or another will hold a very insignificant bearing on the reality of our own eternity. Needless to say that sadly this is often the blinding blow that trips up those weak in the faith. The cares of this life press in so hard that it strips away our vision on what really counts, ETERNITY! Without financial security it becomes almost unbearable. And yet with it we have no need to focus on eternity because everything seems to be cool for now. But should either one of these realities captivate so much of our attention, how does that help us? Well it doesn’t! We have been commanded not be become anxious about the cares of this life. I am suggesting we must place exactly the same emphasis and not to find security in money as many of us do.

How often do professing Christians see their loved ones in agony and suffering immensely and yet are always praying for God to heal them and keep them around? Why! The truth of it all is that heaven with God ruling perfectly is our final destination and this is certainly the authenticity of our faith driven hope. As I ponder this thought in depth, I arrive at one conclusion, how many really believe like the saints of old. I come to the same conclusion no matter how I unpack it, many of us lack the faith of old, and may God help us. And I know He shall bring us around, because His works are perfect. But we must lend an ear unto His voice, the time for lukewarmness is nearing its end. The words of Joshua ring loud and clear; “choose this day whom you will serve”! Our attention needs now to focus on eternity whilst the cares of this life must become secondary to our existence. It has to become part of who we are.

How then do we practically achieve this goal? It is rather simple, one step at a time. God will get us home, He has so promised.

The next question I have considered is what delays the second coming of the Lord? Here is my conclusion, God is merciful and He is kind and full of love, although so many in this world pays Him very little attention, He deals outside the realm of time and because of that He patiently prolongs the return of His Son so that some may come to repentance. With that said a day will arrive when He calls it and then it will be too late for those left behind. It is therefore imperative not only for our sakes but the sake of those still of the fringes of repentance to live our lives sold out for Him.

Who will make it to heaven? It will not only be the those who have had model lives as Christians but rather those who in spite of their mistakes have learnt to depend upon the Lord because of their mistakes and have learnt from them and found repentance in the only One who has the power to forgive, the Lord Jesus Christ, bless His name now and forever more. Life on earth is a schoolmaster to teach us to live by faith and to find repentance when we err from God. It is an ongoing process.

There is a day just over the horizon when the trumpet of God will sound and this will become the Christians reality;Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written: "Death is swallowed up in victory." "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?" The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” (1Corinthians 15:51-58)

We have a glorious hope that is driven by faith and it will eventually arrive, of this I am totally persuaded. Therefore let us not be side-tracked by money or the cares of this life for they will soon be forgotten and that day will arrive where our God and Father will wipe away every tear; we will be His sons and He will be our God, WOW! With that in the forefront of our minds let us make every effort to fight for this exactness.

Signing off



Friday, 11 September 2015

The Spoken Word...

Why does the Christian place such emphasis on the Word of God? Why is it so important to our existence? The answer is rather an obvious one, but we often get lost in translation when the cares of this life press in. Circumstances of life seem to overshadow the most important fundamentals to a person’s life, which is the Word of God. You see creation began with God speaking it into existence, it’s the Word of God that created all things, and He alone has it in His power to create from His spoken Word. God alone has the power to create from a simple Word, phenomenal! But unfortunately not all believe it to be so, and this will be to their own detriment. Here then are the facts; Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” (Mark 13:3) – The Lord Jesus has proclaimed to the world that heaven and earth as we know it will end, “it will pass away”. Regardless of mankind’s efforts to preserve the earth as we know it, it will eventually run its course and be done away with. How do I know this to be true, God has so declared it! Now whether we believe this to be true or not, it will never change the reality of this truth. God has spoken!

It is therefore essential that we all get in line with God’s reality if it is to end well for us. There is an offer that has been extended to all of mankind and that is to find repentance for our sin in and through the finished work of Calvary. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only One who has it in His power to forgive us for our rebellion against the Word of God. When God preordains something to happen it always come to pass. Do you know that it is impossible (not able to happen any other way) for God to lie, how do I know this to be true? Once again the Word of God has so affirmed it; “… in which it is impossible for God to lie…” (Hebrews 6:18) - Whatever God has preordained will happen, nothing in existence will ever change the facts and this is the reality of God’s sovereignty and the sooner we get in line with His plans the better-off we will all be. This is not rocket science, so then why do so few align themselves with God’s production and take up their roles as they should? Again the answer is an obvious one; sin has blinded us to the overarching plans that God has preordained from before the foundations of the worlds. Men and women have been hoodwinked to believe a lie! We will only ever find ourselves in one of two camps, the encampment of lies or the faction of truth. Where do you fit in? As for me and my family we will seek out forgiveness for our sins and be thankful to the One who has afforded us this opportunity, our Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ has freed us from sin, death and the tricks of Satan. Therefore if we find grace to see it through until we all breathe our last breath I know that it will end well. Of this I am persuaded!

Jesus Christ has paid the price for my sins and for all those who find true repentance in and through Him. These are the fact pertaining to God’s offer for all of mankind. How do I know this to be true? God has so declared it in and through His Word, the Bible. For those who are fortunate to be reading this you all have a choice to make, life or death now knocks at your door. Do not take what has been penned lightly, or leave the decision until tomorrow, today may well be your last, take action repent and believe on the finished work of Calvary. You may be asking yourselves on what authority am I able to claim such authority? I can assure you that I do not claim any right of my own, but what I have declared unto you is from the Word of God and it is His lifeline, His instruction I have inscribed and not my own opinion, for if it was it would hold very little weight, but now because He has spoken it has the power to change a person completely. My prayer is that regardless of what you think you know that these two pages of captured words would cause you to act in accordance with God’s Word and that you would find true freedom in Him, to serve Him with a clear conscience. Only then will you be able to cry, “I was blind but now I see”.

Thank you Lord Jesus for making a way of escape for mankind in and through your finished work of Calvary, Thank you for dying in the place of sinners so that we can find forgiveness for our sins; there is nothing else a person could do to earn this favour and yet we have been liberated from ourselves when we find true repentance in you. God is good! Thank you Father God for sending your Son, the One who was without sin to pay the price for my sins and the sins of all who find repentance in Him. All honour, praise and glory belongs to our God now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

Signing off



Monday, 7 September 2015

The rewards of true faith...

Rewards often drive people to a deeper commitment to the required task at hand, and it can become a powerful tool to assist in any investigation. Some are taken up by the reward at the expense of others around them, whilst others may commit on the basis that it may be a worthy cause that fits into their persona and commitment to life. Some will save whales but punt evolution as their underlying belief values, honouring God’s creation and yet not giving God the due benevolence for His Creation. You see the danger of any skewed perception to what is TRUE? Twist it slightly and people will find themselves chasing shadows instead of God’s reality towards the reward. Heaven as opposed to hell, the ultimate sentences.

What is a crucial truth we need to implement in our lives if we are to benefit under God’s rule for this life and the life to come? We have to put Him first in every one of our decisions, if not we will always end up chasing the shadows of destruction, of this I am convinced. We must walk by faith and with sound doctrine dictating the steps of our lives. In other words we must place God’s Word above our own understandings. The voices in this world will only ever take us down the wrong road. This is the lesson we all have to learn and it will take us a lifetime to absorb. Thankfully God is patient with all of His children. However the sooner we learn to trust our God and Father the happy we will be. The sooner we learn to rest in the Lord Jesus’ finished work the more content life will become.

What then should be our commitment when we search our God’s deep truths if we continually seem to be hitting the wall, when our prayers seem to bounce off the stockades, what are we to do? Do you remember the man who was sick with the palsy in the book of Mark chapter 2? The entrances to the house that the Lord Jesus occupied was jammed packed to the brim and those who carried that man on his sick bed could not get to the Lord, but they we so determined to see a miracle unfold for their friend that they went to extremes to make it happen. They climbed the roof and began to remove the tiles in order to make an opening whereby they could eventually lower him down through the gable. This was true commitment, accurate faith personified. Faith is full of inventions and we must do our utmost to be a part of that crowd in order to be blessed of God. We are taught in the book of Hebrews that we must approach the throne of grace with confidence, we cannot assume that we will receive anything from God our Father and we must be committed to His cause, the basis of faith must become central to the way of life for all of us.

If the world is full of solutions whereby it teaches it’s population to invent in order to succeed, why then can we not become inventors with our commitment to God’s call upon our lives as we search out the deeper truth to our existence. Jacob also teaches us a valuable lesson, when he was in the wilderness and he saw an angel and he wrestled with him all night to receive a blessing. It cost him dearly, the angel pleaded with him to let him go, but he would not. Eventually the angel dislocated his hip socket. Nevertheless Jacob received his blessing. This is the resolve we must seek out for our lives, as it will bring with it God’s blessings. I do not wish to be misread as some would like to emphasise that if we are children of God we should be prosperous in this life that is a misrepresentation upon the call God has placed upon a believer’s life. God may very well bless us financially but that is entirely up to Him. The point I would like to stress is that we will have peace with God. The fruits of the Spirit will become a way of life for all who learn to appropriate true faith into our daily routine. Which is; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. This is what we wrestle for as Christians.

Let us plead with our God and Father to equip us with a resolve to fight for these values with all our might. So that His name may be glorified amongst the heathen and so that other believing Christians will also be encouraged by our examples of faith. To God be the glory now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

Signing off


Wednesday, 2 September 2015

The trial of our faith

(Job 6:13) Have I any help in me, when resource is driven from me?

This is a reality that hits home all too often and yet I know that I am exactly where I need to be through these trying times, God is stripping the rot from my character and teaching me to trust and obey Him along the way. It is such an unnatural mind-set that I know that without faith it would be impossible to implement if God had not given me His Spirit. The mercy of God on display in my life, many would look at an apparent struggling man and condemn him as damned if he is viewed on a carnal level. But when we peel away at the outer layers of the shell we soon see many examples in scripture where others also had to bear the brunt of their rebellion. Nevertheless if God has begun the work in a believer’s life, He will see it through until completion, of that I am convinced. Why? Because God is perfect and it is impossible for Him to fail, perfection will never accommodate failure that would be impossible. It is simple mathematics; ask yourselves this question, is God perfect? If you agree then you must conclude that nothing can be added to His perfection, for if we could add to it all that would prove is that He was never perfect to begin with, which would be ludicrous.

Our faith must be rooted upon a foundation of perfection. If we can arrive at that conclusion with all our hearts then we will always be able to face whatever the day throws at us. This does not mean, we welcome calamity, but it does mean that we understand it’s purpose, which would be to arm our minds with an understanding that the One who is perfect is in control and not our circumstance. Our situation must never swallow us up to the extent of unbelief, for that only proves that we walk in the flesh, which is destructive and full of sin. The cushier our lives may become the less we will rely on God’s provision to see us home. Independence opposed to dependency upon our God and Father in and through the finished work of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. As we feed off our helper, God the Holy Spirit, who leads us into all truth.

It is a mentality foreign to this world and its systems. They say they are blessed when they are able to compete with the Jones’ but we say that we are truly blessed when we have peace with God. Wherever we find ourselves today let us remember that our perfect God and Father is at work with our unbelief and teaching us to walk by faith; “If God is for us who can be against us”? Therefore let all who confess Jesus as Lord squeeze a little tighter on the hope that is ours in Him. We needn’t look far to see another brother with greater trials in their life who have also has been called to walk by faith. Our measures may vary in accordance to God’s calling upon our lives but the same spiritual weapons are available to every true Christian and we must learn to use them when needed.

In conclusion, I am not undermining the pain that we may feel when the screws are tightened in our lives and God teaches us many valuable lessons through our pilgrimage here on earth. If it wasn’t needful, it wouldn’t be part of our lives, of that I am sure. In our watered down day of lukewarm Christianity discipline in our lives is often due to our own folly, but either way God is graciously conforming us into the image of His Son. Let us therefore rest in His ability to get us home come what may. To God be the glory now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

There is a day coming where every tear will be dried up, where there will be no more pain, a time where we will hear our Saviour confess our names before His Father and where our Father and God will utter these marvellous words; “The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son.” (Revelation 21:7) – How I long for that day, but until then let us encourage each other with the hope that is ours in Christ. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus!  

Signing off


Sunday, 30 August 2015

Trimming the sail

Throughout our lives it is never easy to face death as it is a constant reminder of our volatility. Growing up I never liked the thought of it, especially when it was someone close to home. But as life rolled on and I had now understood something far deeper than our carnal deaths as eternal life had now become the pressing issue, heaven or hell was the question I now faced, with that realized, could I have done more with the gospel message prior to that person's death? Sadly the answer is yes, I was found wanting…

I should have spoken out to my father, Nonna (grandmother) and others at a particular given time, but I didn’t! Here today and gone tomorrow; there are many accounts of regret with this reality alive and well. I am sure I am not alone with these types of thoughts…

Death attached to the reality of that person’s future existence had now become an overarching burden that would vex my soul. Whether I was walking obediently or in rebellion to the call that God had placed on my life, somehow I felt responsible. Have you ever had a burning desire to share the gospel with someone but for some reason held your peace? Has circumstance which is often attached to sin kept you silent? On reflection I do have regrets with the way I once behaved under the banner of Christianity, shame on me is the conclusion. But by the grace of God I will no longer live under the power of that death, for my Saviour has conquered death; “Since therefore the children share in flesh and blood, he himself likewise partook of the same things, that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, and deliver all those who through fear of death were subject to lifelong slavery.” (Hebrews 2:14-15)

If you have similar thoughts it may just be time for you to forgive yourself and let your mistakes go for God is thankfully in the process of restoration in so many areas of my life; I will always be indebted to Him and yet never be able to pay Him back. “Jesus in my place”! How thankful I am to my God, Father, the precious love of my life, my hero, the Lord Jesus Christ, the one who bled and died for me, giving me eyes to see, what a privileged man I am and all of this in spite of me, WOW! We serve a great God! God is love personified, God laid down His life for me, once an enemy of the cross and yet now I am a confederate with ability to sing praise to my God and Father, bless His name! ALL HAIL KING JESUS!

Within the bounds of life it is important to trim our sails from time to time. To sit back and examine our lives and the paths we are on, have we even veered off course; if by one degree today how far gone will we be a year from now if our rudder is not corrected? We have been given a guarantee, God the Holy Spirit is our compass who will keep us on track and teach us along the way. We have the Spirit of God, we have His Word, the Bible and we have our brothers and sisters in Christ. All of these are interwoven helps that we need to pay very careful attention to. Today may just be the time to be still and to listen, waiting with eager anticipation to hear the still voice of God as He speaks to us through His Son, our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ, through the penned words of scripture. The Bible is our reference and that must never change. We must cling to it for our lives do depend upon SOUND DOCTRINE. There are many false messages being bandied around Christian circles but they will eventually all end in ruin. God will not tolerate lies especially when it involves Him and His perfection. He will never tolerated misrepresentation, if you doubt what I say; read the book of Job and this will soon become evident.

What about me, my commitment and the lack of it in so many areas of my life? I suppose we all have our weaknesses that always looks to rob us of our victory in Christ, the cares of this life press hard on all of us as they look to drive us towards unbelief, however I will trust in my God for I know the end result for God has shown it to me. Heaven is just around the corner, a place of tranquility, where hope will be a distant memory. There is a day coming where all of God’s children will take up their places in heaven and "Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them as their God.” Faith will no longer be required for we shall see Him as He is, Wow! Hope will no longer be needed for we shall have arrived, but love will endure forever when we understand the magnitude of God’s commitment to sinful man who by the grace of God has found repentance as a way of life.

What I find very interesting is the understanding that Paul the Apostle had with God’s patience towards his children. It is obvious that Paul was a man that was totally committed to the call that God had placed on his life, he most certainly led from the front and yet he still pens these words; it would be good to commit this lesson to our lives and to follow suite when dealing with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Here is the instruction; “And we urge you, brothers, admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.” (1Thessolonians 5:14)

Signing off




Saturday, 29 August 2015

Speaking in parables

(Matthew 13:33) “He told them another parable. “The kingdom of heaven is like leaven that a woman took and hid in three measures of flour, till it was all leavened."

Leaven does its work without noise; it works speedily, powerfully, effectively and eventually works its way through the body of the flour affecting all of it.

There are two ways of looking at the effectiveness of leaven, or yeast like fermenting agent if you prefer. Its proficiency can be used to draw analogies by highlighting many truths within an individual’s life and the Lord Jesus often spoke in parables teaching some very valuable lessons to those who had been given ears to understand. Not everyone will understand the lessons behind the allegory but that was always God’s intention. The gainsayer and the manipulator or the one seeking out God’s blessings for their bellies sakes will always misinterpret the intended message.

The gainsayer will twist the parable into a doctrine of devils and use it as a manipulation tool to feed his own selfish wants, But God will have the last Word, that is guaranteed.

However yeast if used correctly within its correct application to bring about change in the body of dough often results with a bakers masterpiece enjoyed by many. Faith will have a similar effect if applied correctly in any given circumstance; “the just shall live by faith”! We must learn to put our anxiety aside and in faith commit our causes to God, trusting Him, for God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. It is never natural to lay our independence aside as we learn to depend upon God’s provision, but it is most certainly extremely needful if we are to make progress with our Christian plight.

We can often end up toiling to no avail; here is a wonderful example that teaches us so much if and when we pay careful attention to the lesson…

“On one occasion, while the crowd was pressing in on him to hear the word of God, he was standing by the lake of Gennesaret, and he saw two boats by the lake, but the fishermen had gone out of them and were washing their nets. Getting into one of the boats, which was Simon's, he asked him to put out a little from the land. And he sat down and taught the people from the boat. And when he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch." And Simon answered, "Master, we toiled all night and took nothing! But at your word I will let down the nets." And when they had done this, they enclosed a large number of fish, and their nets were breaking.” (Luke 5:1-6)

Let me break this down; there was a crowd pressing in to hear the master teach and only after the Lord Jesus had spoken life to the hearers and once he had their attention did He offer up a miracle. We must first hear the voice of our God speak clearly to us placing all of our dependence upon him before we will reap the true benefits of Christianity. The Bible is full of these types of examples, but how will we ever know the voice of God if we do not read the Bible? Reading with intent to study and learn must be in the forefront of our minds if we are to be instructed by the voice of God. God the Holy Spirit will teach us right from wrong. We must show respect to what is being taught and we must learn from the intent of this crowd that they were bullish when it came to receiving from Christ, which can be forgiven even though they wrestle amongst one another and “pressed hard upon him”. We have in like manner been commanded to approach the throne of grace with boldness; confidence must be evident in us when we seek our God’s face. We are not to be timid and approach God hedging our bets allowing unbelief to dictate. God is well pleased when we learn to apply faith to every one of our predicaments. The Apostle Peter had fished all day without any return but He had understood that it was God who had commanded Him to cast out the nets in spite of his situation; he had heard the voice of God speak! Often our efforts bring no return, but if God is for us who can be against us? The result was phenomenal, at God’s word Peter cast out the nets and the impossible then happened, the nets were filled to bursting, praise God!

God will always use an opportune time to teach us to rely on Him, but how can that ever happen if we do not understand the magnitude of these types of miracles in our lives? We must be prepared in order to comprehend the full measure of the lesson. The brilliance of God is rather phenomenal when realised. We have so much in us that always looks to drive us in the opposite direction, our independence must diminish and the sooner this is learnt the happier we will be. Our total dependence is in God’s provision and nothing else will hack it. This is why we often have to find ourselves in a position of want before the lesson can be learnt. Therefore let us not run from our dependency toward God but let us learn to appreciate what it can teach us, Amen and Amen!

Signing off



Tuesday, 25 August 2015

A vital lesson...

There are so many fundamentals we need to continuously monitor as Christians. It is so easy to become complacent and before long we will start to sink into the “slough of despond”. But what really presses home this morning is how often I make bad choices that lead me to the edge of the miry swamp that get me to feed off unbelief…

It’s not as if I am being persecuted per say and been physically stoned for my faith, as others were. That would be suffering for the sake of righteousness and with these types of acts God is well pleased. When I suffer because of my own stupidity then who is to blame? I have thrashed this particular drum for a long time now, and thankfully over time, because we have the Spirit of Christ in us we will learn to see our errors the way we should. It will take a lifetime, but God is rich in mercy and long-suffering towards His children, blessed be His name! His investment in those whom He has called and those whom He has chosen to fly the Christian flag will bring Him glory once the process has run its course and of this I am sure. The Lord Jesus Christ has completed the work, blessed be His name now and forever more!

On reflection at this stage of my Christian walk I am still aware of how volatile I can be at times and yet I see the merciful work of God in my life as He exposes the rot and shows me Christ. I have a responsibility to my Christian family to expose my mistakes so that you do not have to make the same mistakes over and over again. It is fruitless and brings with it a lot of hurt.

What is God teaching me?  

God works in the realm of the unseen, hence the just shall live by faith. We all have the written Word, the Bible to guide us along the way. We also have the Spirit of God in us that pricks our conscience and drives us towards His righteousness. But we still house all this beauty in an earthen vessel; our carnal minds drive us from God and not toward Him. Here is the Apostle Paul’s take on the subject; “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace. For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.(Romans 8:5-8) – Therefore when I or any of us try to juggle the flesh and its passions whilst walking in the Spirit, it will always have the same result. Zero growth and idolatry dictating the way we live. Our priorities will become clearly evident to all those around us, this is what is meant by the Lords quote concerning our commitment, “You shall know a tree by its fruit”. 

If I am staring to learn correctly, then I must live by faith. I cannot claim to live by faith and then chase money as if there’s no tomorrow. It is a very simple lesson to understand but quite another to implement. But apply it we must if we are to live life peacefully before our God and Father. Put anything above God and we are living hostilely toward Him. Idolatry has then become a way of life and when we get it wrong it will result in misery. God will never share His glory with another, for there is no one like Him in perfection and we must learn to trust Him.

Take the snippet from Carte Blanc the other night with that slaughter of the Pilot whales. It caused uproar but there was no mention of God the creator, mankind worshipping the creature (God’s creation) at the expense of giving God homage. Do you see the error, just like a magician with sleight of hand misleading people? Obvious Idolatry at play and yet it seems to be such a worthy cause. Now there are many idols that captivate our energy throughout any given day. Money is first on that list, we understand that without money we will never survive and therefore we drive hard trying to build bigger barns. It is impossible to divide our energies whilst we determine to go to church and even serve in the church if we are driven by money. We must confess our error and seek out God’s forgiveness. We must be consumed with the God of our salvation, He is so worthy of that commitment, God help us to be consumed with this idea. We must be totally committed to Him. This is the ultimate lesson for all the Christians throughout the world. God first in every area of our lives, and this is easy to test. What is the first thing you do in the morning, take that thought into every minute of every day and then what do we end the day doing before we go to bed?

I am not for one minute suggesting that I have this worked out, but this changes me and not the truth. We must learn to walk the way our forefathers walked and that is to live by faith in every area of our lives.

Do not be deceived into thinking that God will condone our unbelief. I understand that He is patient with us and that He is willing to teach us this valuable lesson over a lifetime but the sooner this becomes our reality the happy we shall be with peace an overarching phenomenon in our lives.

Thank you Father for your patience with me, but please renew a right spirit in me so that my life will become a living testament of your grace and mercy.

Signing off


Sunday, 23 August 2015

Gospel for DUMMIES

To kick against the pricks seems to follow some without much effort whatsoever and yet others seem to glide with the stream. This is just the way life seems to unfold. Put two men in the same room under the same conditions with the same tools at their disposal and you are guaranteed different results. One will excel whilst the other may really struggle, why? That is a complex question but if we strip it bare, we will soon realize that God is Sovereign and He rules in accordance with His will. However as individuals within his production we all make thousands of decisions a day and we determine the action we need to take at any given time. We are not machines but are living souls and therefore God has created us with an ability to “adapt or die” yet always within the bounds of the parameters He has set out. We can only ever go so far.

We have all been subjected to the same laws; gravity doesn’t only apply to some, we are all governed by it and because someone is unaware of the laws of gravity that does not exclude them from its downward force. In like manner we think since we make so many independent choices throughout the day that we are the masters of our own destinies. That however is partly true but only within the bounds we have been afforded and yet I see another hidden rule that eludes the majority, which is the unseen lies of a man’s life which he believes will go unpunished if he dodges the ones he deceives. God has established a truth and just like gravity’s effect on all of us.

Here is a quote from King Solomon from the Bible in the book of Ecclesiastes; For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.” – Whether we believe this to be true or not will have no bearing on the outcome. God will have the final say! That I can promise you and no stone will be left unturned. God is so brilliant that nothing will slip His attention. Have you ever tried to count the hairs on your head? That would be an impossible task and yet God could give you an immediate answer, in fact there are billions of people on our planet and He could give a simultaneous answer on all that live and His answer would be exact, wow, wow and wow! This is the God we are up against and we will never outsmart Him. He rules and reigns in accordance to the parameters He has set out and the sooner we submit to His reign the freer we live.

The very same God will judge both the living and the dead; what is meant by the living and the dead? We will all die! We will never live in this corruptible body forever that has been proved over time, mankind trying to cheat death to no avail. Egyptians mummifying their bodies in the hope of finding a cure to be brought back from the dead and all they have achieved is an archaeologist digging them up and people ogling at their dead bodies. Death personified! Death can never be cheated by mankind! But God who is rich in mercy has afforded all an opportunity to escape death, which is to offer sinners the opportunity to live forever. How? God sent His son the Lord Jesus Christ to pay a penalty for which he was not guilty of. Jesus Christ died for the repentant sinner and paid the price for our sins. God became a man, lived a life of sinless perfection and then bled and died for the sins of many. He is the substitute for all those who acknowledge their sins before a Holy God and seek out His forgiveness for their sins, we cannot look to find justification for our sins, and we need to own them.

Here is an example to help us understand the severity of our condition; let’s say a man has a failing heart and he is on the verge of death, what will he need to survive? Firstly he will need to believe that his heart is failing and only then will understand that without a new heart he will die; a healthy heart is needed for him to live, but before that can happen a donor must be found. Someone needs to die for him to live. Not any heart will do, it will have to match his blood type and so there is certain criteria needed for this to happen successfully. In like manner we are all guilty of sin and must understand our need for forgiveness, once that is understood we are on the right track to find clemency. Two thousand years ago God sent His son to live a life without sin, he then had to die as if he had sinned, he bled and died for me, and I now know this to be true. I’ve understood this and because of this understanding I’ve now been qualified to find forgiveness for my sin. I’ve repented and asked god for forgiveness and because He is a loving God He has now forgiven my trespass, my sins have now been covered by the Lord Jesus’ sacrifice and they will now be remembered no more.          
But what about those who reject God’s mercy? Even the wicked have been afforded God’s communal graces; the worst of the worst still breathe the same oxygen the child of God breathes. Questions that so many ask are why does God allow that? Why allow some murderers to get away with it? We have all been given a similar chance to find the grace of God in our lives. Let me put it to you this way, can you fail someone if you aren’t afforded the opportunity to write the test? If I reach the age of eighteen and I now want to drive a car legally, I need to get a driver’s license, easier enough to understand. But if I am not allowed the same opportunities as another, where is the justice? However there is always a criterion I need to meet to qualify for such a test. I need to study the rules of the road, write and pass a written test. I then need to learn how to drive applying those rules and then my eyes need testing and finally if I pass the entire requirements I will be given a driver’s license. However I can choose to drive without a license but that will be at my own peril and I will be subject to the laws of the land if caught out. The same principal applies to all of us, the murderer, the drunkard, the sexually immoral, the pedophile, the liar, the idolater, the sorcerer, fits of anger, the jealous and things like these will all be subjected to the judgements of God and these acts will exclude all those who practice such things from inheriting the kingdom of God. God has so determined it; however without the mercies of God, we would all choose the wrong options because we are by nature sinful beings. Sin is such a deceitful power that it even tricks people into believing that they are not sinful. We are quick to accuse others and excuse ourselves. Here are some verses that should help us get a better grip on things; “Therefore, as one trespass led to condemnation for all men, so one act of righteousness leads to justification and life for all men. For as by the one man's disobedience (the sin of our forefather Adam) the many were made sinners, so by the one man's obedience the many will be made righteous. Now the law came in to increase the trespass, but where sin increased, grace abounded all the more (Jesus in my place), so that, as sin reigned in death, grace also might reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 5:18-21)

Regardless of the sins you’ve committed if you truly repent and seek out God’s forgiveness you will find it. There is no sin too great, but we must own our sin and not excuse it whilst accusing others. This type of mentality will only ever keep us from finding forgiveness and eternal life. I hope that is easy enough to understand.

The last question we need to answer is what about the judgement of the dead? Death in this instance does not refer to an unconscious state of once here and then gone. It is very clear from scripture that what this means for those who reject God’s mercy is that they will be in a state of consciousness and bear the magnitude of their rebellion against God for eternity. They will all end up in hell and bear the brunt of that decision, suffering unthinkable consequences forever and ever. Now whether you believe that to be fair or not, just like gravity has a downward force that prevents us from floating up into the air, if we reject God’s free grace offering to find forgiveness for our sins we too will suffer the consequences, God has spoken! With that now established we all have a choice to make; REPENT AND BELIEVE ON THE FINISHED WORK OF THE LORD JESUS OR SUFFER THE PENALTIES…

Signing off




Thursday, 20 August 2015


Put infinite, mercy and perfect into the same sentence and what do you get? We see a reflection of God that is life-changing; when we consider the magnitude of my request and our minds begin to methodically work by unpacking the enormity of Somebody that is infinite (immeasurable); hold that thought, do not undermine the immensity of what that actually means; God is boundless, as far as we can see when we gaze up into a starlight sky, God is there and then get your hands on the Hubble Space Telescope and gaze beyond this galaxy and into the next and God is there also. WOW! But it doesn’t stop there, the very same God, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is merciful in character… merciful? Yes, He has a tender touch, imagine a child delicately handling a butterfly, one wrong move and death would be imminent and yet even within our rebellion at times God is ever so gentle, teaching us right from wrong. Praise His name! He heals the brokenhearted and dresses their wounds. His mercy is so great that it forgives even the greatest of sinners from great sins. And we have done nothing to deserve God’s kindness; in spite of ourselves God is merciful. There is no merit on the behalf that sinners warrant such favour and yet God has afforded us a lifeline in and through His beloved Son, our cherished Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ. He is ever so patient with the likes of men like me for God willingly teaches me the same lessons time and time again until the penny finally drops into place. There is nothing little in God’s economy, for we have already established that He is infinite and therefore His mercies must also be infinite, they are boundless, and wows of exclamations hammer that part of my brain which filters the awe of God. And to cap it all He is perfect in every area of His character, nothing can be added or taken away from Him to make Him any better than He already is. Let this resonate deep within your soul and your mouth will begin to sings songs of melody proclaiming the goodness of our God. Nothing within the hardships of this life will detract from the reality of that joy; it is a delight full of merciful musical notes that breathes life into every difficult dilemma we face. How does a man remain silent when this is realized? It is impossible to remain hushed and it causes me to chant, “If God is for me who can be against me.” Amen and Amen!

How I now long for the day when I will move from this life into the next, when this corruptible body of mine will take on an incorruptibility and become in type just like my glorious Saviour’s body, where nothing will ever be able to distract me from the presence of God, where I will be in His presence for all eternity and I will be able to cry out unto Him and sing about His goodness, not from a distance or through the vale of faith which feeds all of God’s children’s cemented in Christ with our eternal hope, but I will be in His presence and see Him as He actually is, WOW! How I long for that day to finally arrive! But until then, may God keep me faithful in the plight to which I have been called and that is to glorify your name in this crooked and perverse generation. To proclaim the mercies of my God and to beckon all to come the way of the cross and find true salvation in and through the wonderful redemption of my glorious Saviour’s sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Bless His name now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

Repent, call upon the name of the Lord and you shall be saved from assured destruction…

Signing off



Saturday, 15 August 2015

A valued relationship...

With so many pressures pushing inwardly on a man’s existence and with the daily necessities of life demanding their attention, I should be amongst the most miserable of men and yet I am beaming today with the joy of my salvation; with a refreshing realization that my sins have been forgiven, that my beloved partner, the love of my life, the one who personifies true love has set me free and paid the price for my sin. Jesus died in my place so that I may understand what I now appreciate to be of utmost importance to me for I have been freed to serve Him in liberty.

My heavenly Father, the One who has no beginning nor will He ever end, knowing what He knows and understanding all of His creation, life, death and everything in-between with an understanding of perfection. Sympathetic to my sinful character and how easily I am swayed by my own lustful desires, nevertheless has offered me a lifeline, He sent His only begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ to die in my place. My prayer for the band hood of Christianity is that God would bestow mercy upon His children this morning and give us all a fresh understanding of our first love.

We can all relate to relationships, the spark of any new found connection where everything pivots around that union, with every effort made by both partners to feed that wonderful emotion of true happiness. Come what made a blow on the cheek form an outsider with our new found love is easy to defend as we stand in defense of our partner even if they have wronged us. But over time the same events that we defended now become the wedge that begins to separate. The spark of love begins to dwindle and then comments like, “I no longer love him”, or “I have fallen out of love” begins to captivate our minds driving us apart. Sadly this is not only applicable within our carnal relationships but can become very real within our souls. As soon as repentance begins to become a distant memory that we did many years ago and we begin to accommodate certain sinful traits as the norm, BEWARE! We now need eye salve!

I have a question for you; do you honestly treasure the Lord Jesus today as much as you did the day you got saved and truly understood the magnitude of what that actual meant? When last did the waterworks of joy flow from your tear ducks as they now flow from mine, oh the joy of the Lord who can understand it? Bless your name my love! Your commitment is freshly revitalizing and it feeds my hope with new vigour as my mind begins to sing melodies to itself with a multitude of thoughts all being triggered at the same time, “Jesus in my place and thank you for saving a wretch like me”. Wow!  Do you have similar visitations? If not, the error of complacency has robbed you of what is rightfully yours in Christ and danger lurks, so I urge you to pay careful attention to our lovers warning; 'I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy from me gold refined by fire, so that you may be rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself and the shame of your nakedness may not be seen, and salve to anoint your eyes, so that you may see. Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline, so be zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. The one who conquers, I will grant him to sit with me on my throne, as I also conquered and sat down with my Father on his throne.” (Revelation 3:15-21)

Jesus is totally committed to this relationship come what may, but are we? Let’s make every effort to fight for it and give Him the love He affords us, bless His name now and forever more, Amen and Amen! Thank you Father God for sending Jesus Christ my love to die for my sin, your mercy and thoughtfulness is treasured. Your love has covered a multitude of sins. THANK YOU!  

Signing off


Wednesday, 12 August 2015

An author's intention

When we analyze any masterpieces that have stood the test of time, we look to learn from these writings with the intent to deepen our understanding on any given topic. And if serious about our studies we try our utmost to get into the mind of the author’s commitment if we are to truly benefit from their stroke of genius; the over-arching intention is to always understand the author’s intent. Take William Shakespeare a playwright, poet and an actor; date of birth unknown; a man who lived for 52 years and then he died on the 23th of April 1616. And yet today many of his writing are still studied intently at schools and universities across the globe. However if we read his writing merely as a story without unpacking some of the underlying wizardry of his inscriptions we will miss so much of what he has to say. A gifted man! But what about giving God the same thoughtfulness; just imagine the benefit!

If I had one wish, it would be for my family and friends who have not realized the reality of my seriousness as to why I have an itch that needs to be scratched by urging people to find salvation in and through the Lord Jesus Christ and no one else. It is through the study of God’s Word that He has opened my eyes to this truth, praise His name! Any other claim outside of God’s endowment to be forgiven for our sin apart from repentance in and through the Lord Jesus Christ is nothing more than a LIE! How can I make such a bold statement? I have studied enough of the Bible to conclude that this is an obvious deduction.

It is a book filled with all sorts of drama, bloodshed, deliverance, intrigue, romance, super-hero type accounts that is hard for our natural minds to process, famines, wrongful imprisonments, wickedness that is beyond human comprehension and the list is endless but when we see God’s brilliance in the background as He works these wicked intensions from evil people and uses their wickedness to highlight His brilliance will never be understood by the novice. This will never be realized if we do not find intent to study Him in and through the Bible. But His Word if filled with so many hidden treasures that it brings a smile to my face causing me to fall to my knees and crying, thank you Father God for saving me.     

God wrote a book and yes He did use men to pen what has been written as a means whereby we would get to understand His character. That book is commonly known as the Holy Bible. All of its writings have been inspired under the influence of the Spirit of God. It was men who held the quill in their fingertips but it was God who filled their minds with His intent. He has left us with the BIBLE and it is what He has chosen to give us in order to explore His intentions concerning all of His creation. Neglect the reading of it at your own peril! I will now make a bold statement by making a promise to you, whoever you may be, that if you read the Bible with an open mind looking for answers to life you will be set free. You will eventually conclude and echo these words. “I was blind but now I can see”! God will open your eyes to the truth.  

When we compare a created being like William Shakespeare to the creator (God) and we give this thought some attention we will notice that the real genius lies with the Creator; He is the think-tank behind the desired result. An obvious conclusion is that the palpable intellect must then lie with the inventor. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is the prodigy behind His creation and if we are to understand His intentions we must study His work. How could we ever make any accurate assessment about His intentions if we haven’t studied his works? This would simply be ludicrous. And yet, so many have so much to say about God and His mistakes but have never taken the time to study his writings, the Bible must be explored if we are to understand anything pertaining to this life and eternity; the foolhardiness of so many, claiming evolution to be true or other hocus-pocus philosophies as an answer to our existence only because it suits their lifestyles and it accommodates their sinful characters excusing the way they have chosen to live.

If you are an individual that believes in a higher being and that we can chose whoever we want “IT” to be, we prove our ignorance, nothing more! God has spent much time touching the lives of individuals and allowing men to pen their accounts so that we may learn to find Him. But in order for the light switch of truth to be flipped within our understanding we must be deliberate with our intention. Time is running out and hardship for all of mankind is just over the horizon, we must search out the deeper meaning to life while we still have the light to see. The night is coming and then it will be an almost impossible task to find liberty in Christ. Sure many will flock to what they believe to be the true Messiah but they will be mistaken. How do I know this? God has so declared it in His Word, the Bible! “Then if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or 'There he is!' do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect. See, I have told you beforehand.” (Matthew 24:23-25) 
If I didn’t read or study the bible I would be oblivious to that truth. Get the point?

Has anyone ever been given a doctorate or taught Shakespeare without ever reading any of his works? Only a fool would listen to such a person claiming to understand the author’s intentions. In like manner for all the sceptics out there, don’t comment on God if you haven’t studied any of His writings; that only exposes your unawareness concerning Him, His creation and His plan for mankind.

Look to the Word of God to bring sight to your spiritual blindness, “seek and you shall find, knock on His door and it will be opened unto you.”

Signing off


Monday, 10 August 2015

The ultimate lesson of life

Whilst giving the word “journey” some thought this morning the floodgates have opened as it directly relates to all in such a meaningful way. All of us are on a journey, the journey of life! This is not up for debate per say although we make many decisions along the way, we most certainly had nothing to do with our starts. Our parents came together whether in the throes of passion, or under a planned calculated mutual decision or maybe even outside of the bounds of marriage with sin playing its part, conception took place and then nine months later we were born. Obviously our journeys started from conception, but who can ever recall being inside their mother’s womb? But we can recall some childhood memories. Although we were never taught to tell our first lie, it happened and then it happened again and so on. Sin had begun to mold our characters. It’s not as if we deliberately chose to be sinful, it is who we are. Once placed in a compromising position due to varying specifics we will always look to protect our reputation and lie if and when needed to not be caught out. It’s almost as if we have a default button that engages without our consent, proving this one fact that all have sinned and fall short of God’s characteristics.

The question we find ourselves often asking is why did God make us like this? Well he didn’t! Our great grandparents (the first man and woman created) disobeyed a commandment from God and because of their disobedience we bear the brunt of their judgement. It’s just the way it is. One may cry “foul” whilst another may shout, “that’s not fair” but whatever your opinion on the matter may be it is irrelevant in the bigger scheme of things. God the creator is the final authority on the matter and He does not need our approval to implement whatever He chooses. He is God and we are his creation, the clay never dictates to the potter, it is always the other way around. The potter spins his potter’s wheel and he molds and shapes whatever he has decided. The sooner we realize this the earlier we will be able to skillfully tackle the task at hand, which is our pilgrimage and the God-centered decisions we make along the way.

I can with utmost assurance conclude that this is what I have learnt; when we start our journeys with a misguided intention it will always ends badly. Let me break this down to help us understand… if and when we have God’s will in the forefront of our minds with his will driving our decisions I can say with complete confidence it will end well. However when we disregard Him and place our own selfish wants as our motivation it will cost us the price of learning the lessons of life the hard way; resulting with much heartache and with many regrets. So the sooner we understand our position within God’s production the happier we will be. It is all about finding His purpose for our lives and it can never be the other way around. It often is and that is why we suffer such remorse.

With that now established we are left with many daily decisions that we ourselves have the power to implement. Now let us not under emphasize our roles in God’s sovereignty like the hyper-Calvinist may often highlight. It is obvious that God will have the final say with all of His creation and He will most certainly achieve every one of His purposes. But within His genius he has left us with the ability to make decisions along our journey. We didn’t choose life, that was outside of our choice, we all arrived through conception and were all conceived in the same way. But as we begin to mature we now face decisions that we have the power to implement. This morning I lay in bed and the alarm buzzed and so I was left with a decision, I could either hit the snooze button or get up and do what I am now doing, penning my thoughts onto a word document. Sure, I may well have been influenced by a God given willingness to contemplate various issues pertaining to life but the decision on whether to continue sleeping or get up was mine and not someone else’s.  I’m sure you get the point.

King Solomon, King David’s son was the man of wisdom. And he unpacks so many valuable lessons for us to learn from, but all his conclusions point to the same result and that is that everything in life is senseless within the bigger scheme of things, if we skew our perceptions about our journey here on earth it will be extremely costly. Here is his conclusion after considering life and all the decisions we make along the way; The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13-14) – We must all eventually arrive at the same conclusion if it is to end well with our souls (that part of us which continues to live after we die), which is to give God His rightful place in our lives. This can only ever be achieved through repentance for our sin in and through the finished work of Calvary, a call or a cry unto Jesus asking Him to forgive us for our rebellion against God. It is not a difficult concept to understand but quite another thing to implement correctly. But it is crucial for us to find repentance if we are to have our fairy-tale ending.

Another very wise man teaches us this very valuable lesson about the decisions we make throughout our lifetimes. Paul the Apostle and not like King Solomon the man who tested life to learn from it. Paul received what he teaches us directly from the mouth of God; “For I would have you know, brothers, that the gospel that was preached by me is not man's gospel. For I did not receive it from any man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 1:11-12) – With that established this is what he goes on to teach us about our decision throughout our pilgrimage; “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2)

Here then is my final conclusion; we will face many decisions throughout our lifetimes but when we place our own selfish wants before the will of God in the bigger scheme of things it will bring us much heartache. God is merciful and He is patient with His children, praise His name! Without that trait to His character where would I now be, in a ditch begging bread? However I live to face another day filled with opportunities to learn from my Saviour and through the day test my decisions against the will of God for my life. This is a wonderful truth when realised. God has opened my eyes to His will for my life, where do you stand on this issue?

Signing off
