The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday 7 September 2015

The rewards of true faith...

Rewards often drive people to a deeper commitment to the required task at hand, and it can become a powerful tool to assist in any investigation. Some are taken up by the reward at the expense of others around them, whilst others may commit on the basis that it may be a worthy cause that fits into their persona and commitment to life. Some will save whales but punt evolution as their underlying belief values, honouring God’s creation and yet not giving God the due benevolence for His Creation. You see the danger of any skewed perception to what is TRUE? Twist it slightly and people will find themselves chasing shadows instead of God’s reality towards the reward. Heaven as opposed to hell, the ultimate sentences.

What is a crucial truth we need to implement in our lives if we are to benefit under God’s rule for this life and the life to come? We have to put Him first in every one of our decisions, if not we will always end up chasing the shadows of destruction, of this I am convinced. We must walk by faith and with sound doctrine dictating the steps of our lives. In other words we must place God’s Word above our own understandings. The voices in this world will only ever take us down the wrong road. This is the lesson we all have to learn and it will take us a lifetime to absorb. Thankfully God is patient with all of His children. However the sooner we learn to trust our God and Father the happy we will be. The sooner we learn to rest in the Lord Jesus’ finished work the more content life will become.

What then should be our commitment when we search our God’s deep truths if we continually seem to be hitting the wall, when our prayers seem to bounce off the stockades, what are we to do? Do you remember the man who was sick with the palsy in the book of Mark chapter 2? The entrances to the house that the Lord Jesus occupied was jammed packed to the brim and those who carried that man on his sick bed could not get to the Lord, but they we so determined to see a miracle unfold for their friend that they went to extremes to make it happen. They climbed the roof and began to remove the tiles in order to make an opening whereby they could eventually lower him down through the gable. This was true commitment, accurate faith personified. Faith is full of inventions and we must do our utmost to be a part of that crowd in order to be blessed of God. We are taught in the book of Hebrews that we must approach the throne of grace with confidence, we cannot assume that we will receive anything from God our Father and we must be committed to His cause, the basis of faith must become central to the way of life for all of us.

If the world is full of solutions whereby it teaches it’s population to invent in order to succeed, why then can we not become inventors with our commitment to God’s call upon our lives as we search out the deeper truth to our existence. Jacob also teaches us a valuable lesson, when he was in the wilderness and he saw an angel and he wrestled with him all night to receive a blessing. It cost him dearly, the angel pleaded with him to let him go, but he would not. Eventually the angel dislocated his hip socket. Nevertheless Jacob received his blessing. This is the resolve we must seek out for our lives, as it will bring with it God’s blessings. I do not wish to be misread as some would like to emphasise that if we are children of God we should be prosperous in this life that is a misrepresentation upon the call God has placed upon a believer’s life. God may very well bless us financially but that is entirely up to Him. The point I would like to stress is that we will have peace with God. The fruits of the Spirit will become a way of life for all who learn to appropriate true faith into our daily routine. Which is; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. This is what we wrestle for as Christians.

Let us plead with our God and Father to equip us with a resolve to fight for these values with all our might. So that His name may be glorified amongst the heathen and so that other believing Christians will also be encouraged by our examples of faith. To God be the glory now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

Signing off


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