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Tuesday 22 September 2015

A work in progress...

Have you ever walked into a mechanics workshop and seen an old vintage car stacked away in one corner? I know I have and on questioning them about it, I am always told that it is a work in progress, a personal project that they have in mind to one day complete. But for that to happen much is needed; parts, time, resources and the like has to be carefully worked into the equation if it is to end well.  

Similarly I like working and shaping Bonsai trees, but it takes years for the desired results to finally arrive. It is not a hobby that comes with instant results, patience is required but the reward is certainly well worth the wait. Although I have some idea of what I want the tree to look like, it is never quite precise. I suppose the intrigue to how it will eventually turn out is part of the excitement. However when the tree is worthy of display it is very gratifying.

We too are a work in progress; God is patiently molding us into the image of His beloved Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. With a crucial key ingredient that will help all of His children with their transformation, GRACE! Without it none of us would ever arrive. But grace cannot work alone it needs a catalyst to drive it, which is faith, not faith in faith but faith in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Which in turn has nothing to do with our abilities but it is a work of God. Here are two verses which prove this thought; For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9)

When the bible is specific with its instruction, I am learning that our carnal nature instinctively looks to push us in an opposite direction. Our carnal nature resists the instruction… Therefore it is imperative to heed the instruction without interference. And yet, although salvation with all the mechanics attached is obviously initiated by God. It would be premature for me to conclude that it is a one sided affair. Life itself teaches us that those types of relationships never quite cut it. The verses above are very well constructed and it leaves no wiggle room if unpacked correctly; “For by grace you have been saved through faith” – Grace is the vehicle used to save an individual. Grace means unmerited favour “or capacities to tolerate, accommodate, or forgive…” it’s not as if grace finds a particular type of individual and then latches onto that person because of their characters. But rather grace is highlighted and puts on the greatest of displays in spite of the individual’s character; in fact the viler the person the grander the show. The hymn “Amazing Grace” is probably where I will leave it to illustrate my point. John Newton wrote that Hymn; a slave trader who lived in the 1700’s and God took pity on Him; why? Is a question I am not willing to answer, what do I know, can I understand the mechanics of the only true and almighty God? But this I will say, it was God’s grace that saved Him. Resulting with a man compelled to pen the words to that amazing Hymn which he so aptly gave the title “Amazing Grace”.

Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.”
He understood the Apostles point. Have we? If and when we start looking to justify our behavioural patterns outside of our covering in Christ’s accomplishments we have begun a journey down the wrong road and it will not end well for that individual. Every true Christian I have ever encountered regardless of their persuasion on varying doctrinal truths understands this in principle, but when it comes to a practical application behind this truth I know many of us fall short. We love to justify the reasoning for why we are favoured. It is prevalent within relationships; if you do this I will then do that and so on. That type of mentality is the opposite of grace and acts in accordance with merit. We always conclude when pressed that we can never earn salvation and yet we often look to earn it. Wow!

I think many make this mistake when they equate the reasons for our acceptance before a Holy God. I know my mind looks to do it all the time, and it comes to the fore especially when I look to be financially blessed by God. A mastery of mathematics combined with the laws of physics merging in my puny little brain as I search out vary winning formula’s. If I do it like this it may just work, and then I realise that it doesn’t so I try something else and so on, which is very tiring and unrewarding.

I think we muddle the lines between our responsibilities within our relationship with our God and Father and we keep reverting back to our carnal understanding. We must be on guard against these enticing traps. Sin and life has so instilled these types of mind-sets that we find it hard to separate our carnality from our Spirituality. Did you know that these two actualities will always be at enmity; “For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.” (Romans 8:7-8)

We were taught these truths and they are instilled into us by the Word of God soon after salvation and yet sadly we continually need to be reminded of them, we need to constantly trim our sails in this area of our lives, thank God for His life changing WORDS and His patience with us

In conclusion it is obvious that we had nothing to do with our own salvation, it was God’s work and our born again experience had nothing to do with us, never forget this! If we skew this truth we allow pride to live and God will always resist a proud heart. But now that God has done the work in our hearts we have very particular instructions to follow and the Bible is full of them. Life now teaches us to test our actions in accordance with His instructions. This will take a lifetime. But the sooner we find them governing our lives the sooner we will embrace maturity. It’s that simple to understand and yet without faith impossible to accomplish. Faith is not only the catalyst used to save us but is needed on a daily basis if we are to arrive. It is no different to a car that needs gasoline for it to run. We need faith alive and healthy within us to feed our hope. And yet we have many enemies that look to rob us of this reality. The cares of this life is a vicious enemy. God help us to realise this. Our carnal effort will never feed our faith; we must learn to trust in the finished work of our Lord and Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. When God establishes a truth in His Word we must believe it to be so and it must become our certainty. Regardless of the other voices that press in on our thoughts. You may have often heard the phrase that “God helps those who help themselves”. NO! God helps those who put their faith in Him and in His instructions through His Word, the Bible!

God cannot lie and He will reward those who diligently seek Him.

Signing off


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