“Much to do about nothing” was a catchphrase used to depict the emptiness of life and then some in a movie not so
long ago. No different throughout the history of time. Everyone has been
occupied with their lives and then some. That is the one side of the coin that
we all take care of and play out the hands we are dealt; we end up where we end
up; some with money, others without, some with multiple marriages, others faithful
to one, and some with children and others without; some with terminal diseases whilst
others live to a ripe old age and so on… This is a reality that affects both
the heathen and the believer (Christian) and it all comes with a measure of
anxiety, sin with the cares of life has taken care of that. To be more accurate
the sin of one and his punishment has affected us all.
However the cares of this life, as
real as it may be for all in one way or another will hold a very insignificant bearing
on the reality of our own eternity. Needless to say that sadly this is often
the blinding blow that trips up those weak in the faith. The cares of this life
press in so hard that it strips away our vision on what really counts,
ETERNITY! Without financial security it becomes almost unbearable. And yet with
it we have no need to focus on eternity because everything seems to be cool for
now. But should either one of these realities captivate so much of our
attention, how does that help us? Well it doesn’t! We have been commanded not
be become anxious about the cares of this life. I am suggesting we must place
exactly the same emphasis and not to find security in money as many of us do.
How often do professing Christians see
their loved ones in agony and suffering immensely and yet are always praying
for God to heal them and keep them around? Why! The truth of it all is that
heaven with God ruling perfectly is our final destination and this is certainly
the authenticity of our faith driven hope. As I ponder this thought in depth, I
arrive at one conclusion, how many really believe like the saints of old. I
come to the same conclusion no matter how I unpack it, many of us lack the
faith of old, and may God help us. And I know He shall bring us around, because
His works are perfect. But we must lend an ear unto His voice, the time for
lukewarmness is nearing its end. The words of Joshua ring loud and clear; “choose
this day whom you will serve”! Our attention needs now to focus on eternity
whilst the cares of this life must become secondary to our existence. It has to
become part of who we are.
How then do we practically achieve this goal? It
is rather simple, one step at a time. God will get us home, He has so promised.
The next question I have considered is what
delays the second coming of the Lord? Here is my conclusion, God is merciful
and He is kind and full of love, although so many in this world pays Him very
little attention, He deals outside the realm of time and because of that He
patiently prolongs the return of His Son so that some may come to repentance.
With that said a day will arrive when He calls it and then it will be too late
for those left behind. It is therefore imperative not only for our sakes but
the sake of those still of the fringes of repentance to live our lives sold out
for Him.
Who will make it to heaven? It will not only be
the those who have had model lives as Christians but rather those who in spite
of their mistakes have learnt to depend upon the Lord because of their mistakes
and have learnt from them and found repentance in the only One who has the
power to forgive, the Lord Jesus Christ, bless His name now and forever more.
Life on earth is a schoolmaster to teach us to live by faith and to find
repentance when we err from God. It is an ongoing process.
is a day just over the horizon when the trumpet of God will sound and this will
become the Christians reality; “Behold! I tell
you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a
moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will
sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. For
this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must
put on immortality. When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the
mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written:
"Death is swallowed up in victory." "O death, where is your
victory? O death, where is your sting?" The sting of death is sin, and the
power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through
our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable,
always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor
is not in vain.” (1Corinthians
have a glorious hope that is driven by faith and it will eventually arrive, of
this I am totally persuaded. Therefore let us not be side-tracked by money or
the cares of this life for they will soon be forgotten and that day will arrive
where our God and Father will wipe away every tear; we will be His sons and He
will be our God, WOW! With that in the forefront of our minds let us make every
effort to fight for this exactness.