(Romans 3:4) “…Let God be true though every one were a liar…”
We have been programmed to lookout for self even at the expense of
“Let God be true and every man a liar”, is probably
one of the sweetest quotes to my ear. But I also realize that as a man I too
can be found amongst the liars. So often we twist truth out of lies and
visa-versa; always looking for the best outcomes for our current predicament;
selfishness high up on the agenda of life. So contrary to how the Lord Jesus
lived while here on earth.
This world and its system are rotten to the core!
Satan has wormed his way into the current monetary system and rules it with lies,
as he is the “father of lies”. It all began in the Garden of Eden, where and
when he introduced the very first lie to mankind. And from there he has only
become more skilled with distorting the truth.
However, without financial stability life is tougher
than it ort to be. This is where I now live and I wonder how I will ultimately
react. I have lost many battles living in instability, but I am not overly
concerned about that, when we fall to the dust, we can by the grace of God call
out to Him and once again get up and dust the dirt from our knees. It is reasonably
the war that unsettles me. Will I learn to trust my God and Father as I ort? He
has overcome and the victory is already His. I now need to believe in His
victory and prove it by the way I walk or will I look for lies and selfishness
to fill my life; will I look to help others when I myself am in need of help?
Time will tell! The true instruction is clear; “One gives freely, yet grows all
the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.” (Proverbs 11:24)
- And above all else; “Now we have received not the
spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might
understand the things freely given us by God.”
(1Corinthians 2:12)
Freely we have received; it is now imperative that we learn to give to those in
need with heart felt sincerity. If we give begrudgingly then it would be better
not to give.
Thank you for all that I have, help me Father God I pray to be less
selfish with what I have and to be more giving to those in need. Help me to not
embrace the spirit of this world, which is full of lies but to clinch with all
my might onto the Spirit which is from God. It is your Spirit that will guide
me into all truth and keep me from believing so many lies and traps that Satan
and this world has cast in stone.
There is a day coming when all of God’s children will receive their
inheritances. God our Father will institute a wedding feast for His Son with
the church as His bride, what a day that will be, but until then let us learn
what needs to be learnt, let us seek out His grace in time of need.
Open our eyes that we may see and open our ears so that we may hear
your small still voice. Why do I ask for this privilege? So that I may deeper
understand your grace and truth which in turn will bring honour to your name,
for you alone are worthy of all honour and praise. All hail King Jesus our
Saviour, my Saviour, your Son, Amen!
Signing off