The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Saturday 15 December 2012

The good and gracious taste of God

(1Peter 2:3) If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious (good).”

What is it that after having “tasted that the Lord is gracious” that truth, which was cast in stone somewhere along the way, seems somehow to be forgotten by the pressures of life? The longing for devouring the “milk of the word” (reading/studying the Bible) no longer burns as bright as it once did. Have I really “tasted that the Lord is Gracious”? I know there is but one answer to that question. Yes is the cry! That cannot be questioned. However we will all have to probe ourselves to find our own answer.

It is now that I recall a time in my life that feeds my hope in Him. It was not about bells and whistles, but a gentle reassurance from God my Father that He was in control and He proved it to me only once I totally relied on His help when there seemed to be not help on the horizon. I had just come through one of the many rough times in my life. I was living in Cape Town and working as a press photographer for Business Day (a local newspaper) where my health was now so depleted that work had become very difficult. I would go through as much as five shirts a night due to night sweats. My immune system was so weak is it was on the verge of final collapse. However just before that happened I was bordered by my company Business Day; in other words I was declare unfit for normal working duties and excused from having to perform any form of my original duties. I was given leave of absence for two years; it was called “permanent disability”, what this meant was that I would be paid 75% of my basic salary and not be entitled to seek any external work to supplement my income.

After a lengthy hospital stint, by the grace of God I pulled through, even to the dismay of one of the doctors. I was now once again involved with a group of believers (church) and actively involved; in whom the whole body is united and held together by every ligament with which it is supplied. As each individual part does its job, the body builds itself up in love.” (Ephesians 4:16) – Sometime during this period one of the leaders asked me to pen my story, hence the birth of my biography “Destroy and Deliver”. It was while recovering from Aids that I use my Apple Mac laptop to pen my story. About two thirds of the way through my laptop crashed. It seemed as if all my work would be lost. After a quotation I was told what it would cost to fix and recover my work. I did not have the money. It was in this place that I recollect crying out to God my Father for His assistance. Shortly after that prayerful time I got a call from someone from Business Day informing me that that have raised funds for some cause and had been left with a surplus and they felt that I should collect the balance. This in itself may seem somewhat trivial to some but at the time it was mammoth. I was able to use that money to fix my “Mac” and finish the book.

Why is it that I have used this example to illustrate God’s grace in my life? There is obviously salvation which was far greater, the day I realised that I had been forgiven for my sin, the day I received Christ’s Spirit through adoption; the day I was now named amongst God’s children and all because of what Christ achieved on Calvary. The day my eye’s where opened to heavenly things, the day I was born again; “Jesus answered him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God."(John 3:3) – For those who are yet blind to this truth it will be impossible to comprehend. I address those who have eyes to see; unfortunately the cares of this life tend to help us forget that great day, which should never happen, but sadly it does, however only for a time. It is once again the grace of God that mercifully presents itself to us in time of need and it is these times that we need to call upon our memories as we remember that we have indeed “tasted that the Lord is Gracious”.

I am once again in a place of financial need in my life and so if my God has helped me before and He has shown His grace to me in this exact same area of my life, how could I ever doubt His ability to once again supply my need. The horizon is full of fog and the cloud are dense but I know beyond that is a blue shy and a bright sun; I accept the fact that though many bad choice I now find myself in this position, nevertheless I believe once I have learnt whatever I need to learn God will once again be gracious. To God belongs the glory both now and forever more, Amen!

I (we) know in whom I (we) believe, yes there may be lots of grey in my life at present but that will not keep me from my hope in Him. Days may be dark, bad choices may seem to win the day but they will never win the battle, so long as we cry out to Him. The God of Jacob, even our God, praise be to our great gracious God.

Signing off



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