The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday 15 October 2012

Hypothesis of Shift

The “hypothesis of shift” in a man’s mind is an imperative to life, no differently for the need to breathe air, in order that he may live. These shifts take place daily; in fact one’s mind from a twinkling to moment will need to make choices as the day progresses. All, not only the Christian is subjected to this reality. A man may lose his job and now be faced with a reality that he never before needed to face; where will my family’s next meal come from? Or he may be diagnosed with cancer and thoughts like what about my family, will I see my children grow up? Then the “sin that so easily besets” may lure the individual into the wrong lifestyle which will have consequences. HIV a reality for some! Whatever the reality in a person’s life at the time, he will be forced to make a decision.

As Christians we can either be thankful, or we could ask “why me”? I seek my heavenly Father’s forgiveness of late for this “Hypothesis of shift”; although I understand why I am in the place that I am there was still a “strain of disdain” in my attitude. We have such a big God; so big that He is omnipresent, the universe cannot escape His presence. Not a corner of the unseen galaxies can ever dare to escape His illustriousness. Let that thought filter deep within the recesses of one’s mind if possible. He is so majestic that if He had to appear in person, the brightness of His glory would be too much for a man to endure; His beauty would cause our flesh and blood bodies to disintegrate as if we were chaff in the wind. This beautiful majestic ever-knowing awesome God withholds His glory from us for we are unable to take it in in its fullness. We have of course sampled his Glory in and through His Son, our Glorious Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ; nevertheless that is by grace through faith.

How often have we gone out of our way to seek out a glorious sunrise or sunset? Its beauty often leaves us breathless as even the amateur reaches for a camera; a necessity to capture a facet of God’s creation, and to share it with others. God’s beauty is so superior to the most glorious sunset, in fact when God reveals His beauty in its fullness this is what will happen to the moon and the sun; “The sun shall be no more your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give you light; but the LORD will be your everlasting light, and your God will be your glory.” (Isaiah 60:19) – In fact God’s glory is so majestic that the sun will be forced to flee from its position in the universe as it witnesses such exquisiteness. What a glorious day that shall be, how I long to witness such splendour. There will be no need for sunscreen to filter the ultraviolet rays; every child of God will bask in His Glory;And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and its lamp is the Lamb.” (Revelation 21:23)

Now with that “hypnosis of shift” in the forefront of our minds may we conquer the day, seeking out God’s grace with boldness as we continually seek out His brilliance and the grandiose glory of our God. Praise the name of Jesus, the One who has made the way for all who have been touched by God the Holy Spirit and had their eyes opened to a glimpse of the glory of God, Amen!

Signing off


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