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Saturday 6 July 2019

True Wisdom

Definitions often come with what seems to be absolute brilliance, however everything falls short if its foundation is flawed and as appealing at it may seem it will never cut the mustard, it will always tickle the ears if it rings true to our carnal understanding. Like metal to a magnet we gravitate towards what we understand as wisdom; we are carnal sold under sin, God is spirit and the complete opposite of sin. We are literary worlds apart and governed by a completely different set of principles. Two completely different play books. Which one are you using?

What is the definition of wisdom? It is a noun; the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement; the quality of being wise. Good, right? A little vague. Wise on whose merit of understanding? There are so many differing opinions on so many topics.

Pay very careful attention, forget what you have been taught, regardless of experience or age… Here is the true understanding of wisdom; “And he said to man, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.’” (Job 28:28) – true wisdom is all about having the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the forefront of our minds with as many decisions as possible and the more we begin to apply this rule to our lives the wiser we become. Now just like Christian met Mr Worldly Wiseman on his pilgrimage so too will we have similar encounters, their counter will be full of “Carnal Policy” and his counsel was this; “I would advise thee then, that thou with all speed get rid of thy Burden; for thou wilt never be settled in thy mind till then: Nor canst thou enjoy the Benefits of the Blessings which God hath bestowed upon thee, till then.” What is true blessing, prosperity and living life in the lap of luxury or finding forgiveness for our sins? The one is temporal the other eternal. Why can’t we have both? Sadly they tend to draw supply from different pools.

God is merciful and will always look to bless those who truly seek Him out. “It is Finished” the gap from the Carnal to the Spirit World is bridged and the key to unlocking its gate is Jesus Christ; there is no other way to find favour, period! It’s our association with Him that strengthens our relationship with God. There are many other voices out there that cry foul, but they only make noise to deceive. If you looking for the truth, or the way and the meaning of life, penned in plain sight so many years ago; And Jesus said; “I am the way the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father but by me.” (John 14:6)

With that established, it’s through repentance that we find forgiveness, regardless of you crime, truth repentance will find forgiveness, thankfully God is merciful and not turn one away. He is the great I AM, what’s to say He couldn’t have been an unmerciful entity, then what chance would we ever have? This in itself is an astonishing truth, religion teaches us that we need to earn salvation, which is a lie, and there is only one sacrifice that God has accepted, the ransom of His only begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ, we all need HIS covering and not our feeble attempts to earn points as we look to buy our way into heaven. The belvederes continue to voice God’s offer to all, but it’s often only the wounded sinner that truly responds. The one in need of a Saviour, it’s only the sick that ever seek out the physician.

You have a decision to make, we do it all the time, and some of you have climbed the ladder of success and have acted from a platform of power when called upon. What will you do? I have made up my mind, as for me and my household we will serve the Lord.

Signing off


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