The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday 17 July 2019


The brilliance of God who can fathom it; really! We are so far from even scratching the surface of God and His brilliance. He is perfect in every way and is full or divine power. Think about that… perfect in righteousness, both a heaven and a hell, which will have eternal inhabitants; those blessed and co heirs with Christ reaping and enjoying the benefits of God’s glory as sons of the living God, whilst others on the end of His wrath for all eternity. Just think about the way we reason things out. How often do we look to condemn the criminal and sentence them to the punishment we think they deserve and often conclude that their sentence is far too light. So why then do we arrive at a summation that if God is love He could never send someone to hell? The only and obvious answer is deception, for some the thought of hell is just too scary and if they ignore the truth behind its existence all will be well, they are wrong! Millions will end up there, but God has made a way for all to escape in and through his beloved son, the Lord Jesus Christ, it’s in HIM alone that we will forgo that looming judgment. The only way to find forgiveness is though repentance. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”” – The answer is obvious cry out to Jesus, call out unto HIM and once acquaintance has truly been established all those nagging question about life will aligned.

My mind then takes me on a journey, or is it the Spirit of God, I cannot say. When we consider life and in particular, our lives and the lessons we could and should be gleaning from to lead us in the direction of God and His brilliance, ending up on the side of His mercy and love is really all we need ever achieve in this life, the rest of our journey is but fill in. Let the truth resonate, picture your life from birth to death in the context of eternity and when plotted on a graph how much would acutely resonate, this is our reality. Has the penny dropped? As they say, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Examine, explore and dissect your lives and see whether you are truly in the faith. Are we making every concerted effort to grab hold onto eternity? I know that I am lacking in this area of my life, but by the grace of God I will not become complacent. I will pay careful attention to those who have gone before me and glean from their understanding through the trial of life and in particular, those whom God chose to pen the bible, as they have by far the most to teach us. God give us the eyes to see and the ears to understand what the Spirit of God is teaching at any given time. It must cut through the strongholds of the mind, and it will if given its rightful place, praise God for His love. He has given us the ability to walk in the Spirit and to put on the mind of Christ, which is mammoth!  So where to from here? It’s Jacob who comes to mind, I have a limp, a car accident many years ago, part of a process, somewhat like having our ears syringed; you see I had become dull of hearing, thank God for his discipline. Jacob on the other hand had his limp form wrestling an angel, he was so determined that he did not let go until he received a blessing. It’s time to wrestle in a sense, make quality time to sit at the feet of Jesus without any distractions and make your requests known to God your Father, because He cares for you. Just don’t make the mistake of asking for the wrong things, mundane worldly trivia, but rather life giving strength to put the old man down.     

I resolve to look for reasons why I can instead of why I can’t.

To God be the glory now and forever more…

Signing off


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