The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday 10 July 2019


I find myself asking the question what it is that God wants from me. There are many correct retorts, but I believe to love His Son with all I have would be top of the pops. He first loved us by sending His son to pay the price for our sin, my sin. There is nothing that can and will hold more value to the guise of my mind. Therefore, whatever looks to rob me from attaining this goal must be rooted out, every effort needs to be made to achieve the result; to love the Lord you God with all our hearts, souls and minds. And we can only begin to achieve this because of His sacrifice, there must be a hunger for Christ in our lives, to be blessed by Him in the early hours of the morning is my prayer. This is possible only because He first loved us and now we love Him, yes we do, if we confess Him as Lord of our lives. But how much do we love Him? Whatever is in the way needs to move or at least aid me in embracing the grace available so that I may endure the hardship. What is the point of never learning, it’s like a child on a merry-go-round, getting dizzy and going nowhere. Every obstacle in life has its purpose and when used correctly it will help us achieve our ultimate goal, which is to love the Lord Jesus with the correct measure intended.

Here is a gem that I am often reminded about; “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.” (Romans 12:2) – There was a man, a king that learnt this well, Solomon arrives at a conclusion; “The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13) – How many of us can actually claim we live our lives by that rule? Is it priority number 1 or is it just somewhere way down the list? 

I realise that this verse (Romans 12:2) has a large part to play in my life, In the book of Romans Paul spend meticulous time leading up to this truth, we must get the importance of the contest behind the instruction. Our lives are full of assessments nothing is random, per say. The brilliance of God is conforming us to the image of His beloved Son, our blessed Saviour. I am convinced that we haven’t even begun to understand the brilliance of our God. Sure we have embrace His mercy, been stroked by His love, placed our heads on the pillow of His peace. Moses came close, it’s only when we see Him for who He actually is, with all His glory that we will appreciate the magnitude of His wonder, I long for that day, even so come quickly Lord Jesus.

Just remember, that whatever you face throughout the day, whatever the outcome there is a far greater purpose behind it all, it’s to teach us all about the character of our great Saviour, we must affirm that there is nothing more importance in our lives than the great I AM! Did you know that suffering helps us conquer sin and leads us to a place of obedience? Just in case you have some doubt; “Although he was a son, he learned obedience through what he suffered.” (Hebrews 5:8) - Once we prove our worth through faith we are blessed by the peace of God that surpasses all understanding. One day soon we will be the sons of God for all eternity. A day where God will look us in the eye and say I am your God and you are my son. How I long for that day, how about you?

Signing off


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