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Thursday 28 July 2016

Understanding - part 3 of 3

The next point we must get is that without God’s Spirit changing us from the inside out we would be useless to Him. Those bent to a Calvinistic way of thinking may want to shelve the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives because there has been so much abuse of late concerning His work amongst the churches of God; “throw the bathwater out with the baby” type of mentality, which would be a grave miscalculation.

We need the Holy Spirit in our lives far more than some have begun to understand. Praise God His work continues in spite of the lack of some believers understanding. God is at work and the gates of hell shall not prevail. As individuals of the body of Christ we need God to help us understand the work of His Spirit and get ourselves out of the way to allow the change to happen in our lives. We need faith for this to be actualised. “For without faith it is impossible to please God”.   

We understand from a scientific point of view that we have opposite and opposing forces that work in tandem and yet change a dynamic and they repel one another. A magnet attracts another magnet when the opposing poles face one another, in other word north and south will attract each other whilst two south poles will repeal and that is why when a magnet is flipped it repeals what it once attracted. A common law that we can most certain learn from and use it as a baseline to get ahead with our understanding.

The Lord Jesus’ often used parables to highlighted a truth, for example you couldn’t put new wine into old wines skin for the old skins would burst, nor can you mend a worn garment with new fabric for the opposing strengths in the material would cause more damage, the new would cause the old to tear; like for like is needed to arrive at the perfect fit. In the case of the magnet opposites are needed to attract; our flesh and sin fits perfectly, but walk in the Spirit and we will repeal sin in our lives. The Apostle Paul establishes this base line for us; This I say thenWalk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.” (Galatians 5:16-17) – This is not a suggestion but rather a common fact concerning the mechanisms of the Spirit versus the flesh, there will always be conflict between the two and it cannot be any other way, no matter how much psycho-jargon is thrown into the mix.

We cannot expect to put on the mind of Christ and use it to its full potential if we muddle those thoughts; Christs actions against our normal engagements. When the two are mixed it will result in a catastrophic concoction of mismatched thoughts that cause more conflict that enlightenment. Here is some more doctrinal evidence to prove this point; “For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit. For to set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peaceFor the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannotThose who are in the flesh cannot please God. (Romans 8:5-8)  
If we go back to the beginning of time, the time of creation and the birth of mankind, I notice something of great value that is easily overlook, which is; “the KNOWLEDGE of good and evil”. We have a skewed perception on what is “good and evil” and therefore our natural reasoning will always lack the knowledge required to arrive at a God saturated conclusion. Our minds are naturally sinful and to put “new wine” into an old “wine skins” will result in a failed attempt every time.

This is why we all needed a new beginning, Christians are born again and given the Spirit of God, which now also affords the ability to put on the mind of Christ. However in order for Christ’s mind to dominate our existence we need to “unlearn what has been learnt”. Without this intent in a believers mind and heart, we will always fail to reach the heights that our beloved Father affords those whom He loves, His children; the sons of God!

We must all learn to walk in the Spirit. It rather simple to understand, but quite another thing to implement; obey the words of God regardless of the cost is the instruction, follow in the footsteps of the Lord Jesus, for God knows what He is doing; bless and do not curse when reviled; the opposite reaction to our natural instinct. Turn the other cheek when it receives a harmful blow; go without so that someone else may have and in so doing we will be realigning the radar of our minds eye when it comes to putting on the mind of Christ; However, when we look for justification to find justice when we have faced injustice we have not understood what it means to put on the mind of Christ. We are endeavouring to put old wine into new wineskins and it will always end with the same result, a miss-match.

God help us and may He give us the eye salve needed to see these truths for what they are and may we be quick in running to Him when grace is needed to overcome our old natures.

Grace and peace to all who confess Jesus as Lord.

Signing off


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