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Sunday 17 July 2016

blessings and curses

(Galatians 3:13) “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us--for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree"—“

I have been traveling back and forth this morning with differing thoughts, words that have jumped through my minds eyes with the arguments of “curse and Blessing” dominating my attention.

Why do some achieve in certain areas of their lives while other fail? Or so it would seem when view on the surface of things. Mankind measures accomplishment on the evidences we witness. Naturally we measure success as blessing and we contemplate the amount of it by what material value we equate to the individual in question. Let’s face it we have all applied for some form of credit throughout our lifetimes. The same scales are always used by the banks; the greater your value the larger the loan; the opposite naturally applies, the less you are valued the greater the liability or “curse” for the sake of our argument, with an alarm bell that goes off in their heads “avoid at all costs”. We all think the same way, whether we are aware of it or not. Test if what I say fits. “Birds of a feather flock together”, you will very seldom see the beggar feasting with the nobility.  

The greatest of all examples has been depicted in and through the life of the man Jesus Christ; whilst he was helping the needy with their needs, feeding the poor, healing the sick and the like, he was the greatest of all blessing to those around him. The multitudes swamped him at every opportunity. Mankind’s natural tendencies at play with this thought alive and well in our hearts, “what can I get out of it”?

The question I need answered is how does God view this topic? I understand that there is a season for all things in a person’s life; it is the way of the world and the pressures place upon its inhabitants, God has so fashioned it; varying trials for differing individuals with many unpredictable times throughout our lives with the unknown at work. However, that is obviously only applicable with mankind and our limited understanding of the bigger picture. God has his plans and they will come into fruition whether some believe this to be true or not is totally irrelevant. God will have his way, He always does, praise His name. His plans cannot be thwarted.  

Out of the greatest curse of all times has come the greatest blessing; the Lord Jesus Christ became a curse so that I could go free; “Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us--for it is written, "Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree"—“ (Galatians 3:13)

The trial of life tests us with our understanding of this principle; are we willing to become a curse so that other may go free? This is what was required of God, the Lord Jesus Christ who became a man and died for the sins of the world. He became a curse so that many could be set free from the pending judgement that Jehovah God will bring upon those in breach of His laws. Those who disregard His offer of salvation in and through the darling of heaven, the Lord Jesus Christ, who first had to became a curse in order to conquer sin before He received his elevated position and is now seated at the right hand of God. What about other examples? Joseph lived in a prison prior to ruling Egypt, Job lost all he had and had to suffer severely before he too was elevated and received a greater blessing. What of Daniel, Noah, David and even Samson, the man who lost his eyes? The Apostle Paul was beaten and stoned, left for dead, shipwrecked and imprisoned. The list is long if we would only dare to examine the scriptures.

It would appear that all the great men of God had their fill of curses prior to receiving their blessings; and at times both seemed to be interwoven through the trials of life. As I see it, simply known as the test of faith; its one thing to believe God when the fig tree blossoms but quite another altogether when there is no fruit on the vine.

The testing of this reality in our lives is verified through endurance and not sprint races even though they too have their place in a believer’s life.

The world may look upon its individuals through the eyes of their rules, but God views His plan in a totally different light. He is "the Way, the Truth and the Life", therefore we are obviously wrong when we think like the masses and He is right.

God help us, help me, put on the mind of Christ is my cry this morning.

Signing off


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