The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Understanding - part 1 of 3

(Romans 8:8) “Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.”

When we are newly saved many questions arise that we need to find answers for and without the correct teaching the possibilities of our lives spiralling out of control is very real. We need sound teaching in order to be established correctly upon the Word of God. 

For many years I ask myself and others a question; if I am a new creature in Christ why do I still have so many rebellious inclinations against God’s Law? Why did my lust not disappear altogether? Some of my habitual tendencies left me for a while without any effort on my part. It was miraculous in its nature, God had stepped in and given me a new heart, a mind bent on his character. Obvious sinful habits that once dominated my life had miraculously left me with no effort on my behalf. But as I began to grow up as a Christian I found some of those lures once again beginning to sparkle and my understanding on certain truths concerning scripture was now being tested. Hence the fight between the flesh and the Spirit became an obsession; the struggle between my lusts as a young man and the call of God’s holiness upon my life. I was confused by the conflict and looked for answers but I never seemed to find contentment with what I was being sold concerning my obvious struggle. If I was a new creature in Christ and old things had all become new like I had experienced as a new born again believer why was I now not finding the same success? Through much toil and struggle I have looked for the answer and can now state that I finally understand the workings of that struggle a lot clearer.

After some time I stray from the call of a life of holiness towards my old nature with depravity once again ruling my life and in hindsight all that type of behaviour produces is outright rebellion against God? If we find ourselves in a similar place, we must take the blame and we must own it. It is not something that we are entitled to explain away, excusing ourselves. I was told I must change but as far as walking in the flesh I was right, it is impossible to change with the wrong application attached to our efforts. We are naturally bent towards sin because we are born as sinners. Can a leopard change its spots? Obviously not! I was right as far as the old man goes. But there where those who propagated that a man could change; hear me clearly, as men in the flesh it is impossible to change. We will only ever change when we understand what it means to walk in the Spirit. Let me be precise with what I am saying, as new born believers we change but do not understand the workings behind that change and often make the mistake of accrediting ourselves with a pat on the back. It is a tendency that a babe in Christ is afforded, but when we mature as Christians we need to understand the work of the Spirit in our lives to remain humble, for we know that “God resist the proud and gives grace to the humble”. To believe that as new creatures in Christ we should never have to war against our old sinful natures is false. We are new creatures in Christ but the old still lives and looks to trip us up. Our flesh still needs to be suppressed; it hasn’t totally been put to death. On the truth of what Christ did for me on Calvary I am now perfect in God’s eyes because of His salvation work and nothing else; “Jesus in my place”. Without God establishing that truth in a believer’s life we wouldn’t be able to approach Him because we have been tainted by our own sin. However our spirits are house in fleshly bodies that instinctively rebel against God. We now have the Spirit of God living within us. After salvation our flesh remains the same but we have the Spirit as a help to combat our natural tendencies. Once that connection is made it will help us understand the called placed upon our lives. Here is a verse that should help cement my point; “Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own.” (Philippians 3:12) – This verse needs more time and space which I am not afforded in this post; suffice to say that we have our old natures that are at war with our new minds, the mind of Christ, the Spirit of God which now guides the believer and we should not be surprized by the conflict. When something is understood it helps us with our intent and our application to the call placed upon that demand.   

The reason for me straying as a Christian is simple but it wasn’t always easy to answer and the reason for it was that I was not taught correctly to begin with, or I simply had ears dull of hearing. Satan approached Eve and all he needed to do was twist what God had commanded. He succeeded!  But he also tried it with the Lord Jesus and failed. Praise God for that! To understand sound doctrine correctly is the pivot of putting on the mind of Christ. When we put on old armour; when we are driven by our human natures, we will always be bent towards sin. Every time, even when we believe we are doing a charitable deed like giving to the poor. It is all about what I am doing to make myself feel good about myself. I am fulfilling a need that needs to be appreciated which lies within my own soul. A theologian put it like this which will help us understand my point with clarity; anything we do or any intent we may have minus God equals the flesh. Not will God be happy with my sacrifice but rather is my understanding of what and why I am doing something triggered by the Spirit or by my flesh. If it is the latter it will always remain dead before God and it won’t be accredited to my account as a good work.

When I act in a way that does not put the will of God first, I am then walking in the flesh and when I am driven by that ordinance it proves that I am still acting out with my carnal nature; which results in this truth without any wiggle room so forget trying to look for it; “those who are in the flesh cannot please God.”

Signing off


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