The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday 11 April 2016

Testings must come

What is the imperative that the Christian needs to appropriate into their environments to be favoured by God? No one can take honour unto himself, even the Lord Jesus did not do that, but God exalted Him above everyone else and this is why He is now seated at right hand of God. It was God the Fathers call; He alone is the One who has it in His power to exalt another. Regardless of the honour we may receive throughout our lives; honour, degrees, awards and so on, they all have their place with their reward but those things are all temporal and they will eventually run their course; However if we are looking beyond the temporal veil of carnality and into eternity our convictions most certainly begin to take on a different appeal. It will soon become evident on how serious we are in finding God’s help.

For any of these truths to become our reality we must believe God at His Word; the seas do not have a choice in the matter; God says halt and they stay! This is the test we will all have to confront in our lives. The greatest example is what our Saviour had to endure on the cross just before he died. What was going through His mind? We get some insight into the emotions that the Lord Jesus Christ faced; “And about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?" that is, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46) – It is obvious that the Lord Jesus felt that he had been abandoned by His Father, even if it was for a fleeting moment. We also know that the Lord Jesus had it in his power to call thousands of angels to annihilate all of his oppressors and yet he chose not too; his entire life was about the will of His Father. He trusted His Father to such an extent that he knew he would be raised from the dead and therefore was committed to the hardships he needed to endure along the way. God had said that on the third day he would rise again; Jesus believed God the Father and proved it by dying upon a cruel Roman cross. He was punished for our sin even though He had no sin. God had a plan for his life just as He has a plan for our lives; it is obviously meniscal in comparison but it has its place in God economy and we will be given varying opportunities to make good on that call, praise the name of Jesus!   

We see that most of the Children of Israel didn’t reach the Promised Land; they lacked faith; God said that He would give them new lands and we know that it is impossible for God to lie because we have been taught this truth in and through the Word of God. Why? Because they murmured and grumbled; therefore it was only Joshua and Caleb who entered the Promised Land. Just think about how many tens of thousands left Egypt at the time and for only two of the original liberation to receive the promise is rather mind blowing. How do we stack up with our commitment to the rescue God has given us?   

We have all been called to trust and obey our God even to the point of death, this is the ultimate test of our faith and we are to find grace along the way as it is available to every born again believer; we must not grumble, but rely on the grace of God to get us through whatever challenge we face. Christianity is about our faith towards God as individuals and we will all be tested through real living experiences. Lets us not be fooled into believe that we will get a pass. Christ has lead by example and now we must follow in his footsteps, all hail King Jesus, Amen!

Abraham believed God; we are not given too much insight into the unfolding of this explanation, at least in the Bible, there is however some historical writings (found in the Book of Jasher referred to in Joshua and Second Samuel) that gives us some insight to Abrams (Abraham) struggle against his father’s foreign gods and how he tested their worth, eventually smashing them. It just about cost him his life, BUT GOD! However seeing that those entries are not part of the Bibles writing I will refer only to what is written in the Holy Bible as I know that these writing are accurate and when we commit to them as intended we will be blessed by our God. “By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to a place that he was to receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.” (Hebrews 11:8) – We must trust to the same extent if we are to come out on the other side purely refined. Sadly the wolves have run riot amongst the sheep folds of God across the globe with their cunning lies, with their false application of faith and how it should be exercised. However this should never detract from our duties with our faith towards our God. Do not let the enemy leave us with a watered down application towards true faith; sadly amongst so many denominations we tend to want to over correct when we see error and therefore we do not reap the intended benefit. Faith is a pivotal ingredient for us to find God’s favour in our lives.

By the grace of God I have reach a place where I will look to my Father to begin to apply scripture with a greater commitment, regardless of the gonging cymbals that look to make so much noise without any doctrinal truth attached to it. “Let God be true and every man a liar!” Everything for this life and our eternities in the future hinges on this very important fact, which is to trust and obey our God as we receive instruction from His Word, the Bible! The written Word is a treasure map filled with palatable delicacies which will help us find our way to heaven.

In conclusion let us spend more time on our knees even the more as we see that day approaching.

Signing off


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