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Sunday 17 April 2016

Measuring Faith

Precision is never frowned upon by those drawn to it. When we consider faith and our faithfulness towards God how do we accurately evaluate it? Some may feel that the one more visibly gifted lives closer to the edge of “faith towards God” than one who isn’t. There may be a hint of truth attached to that thought; unless someone faithfully applied themselves to their calling and God given gifts they could be classed as the ones squandering their talents. See the parable of the talents in Matthew chapter 25.

There is however a misconstrued perceptions of individuals with their “vain imaginations” running riot, which seems to be bantered around various churches across the globe bringing mockery to the Christian faith; this wave of scorn seemed to begin to flourish in the eighties with many having the gifts of “prophecy” and the like. People speaking into each others lives outside of the written Word. All this really proves is a lack of faith as men and women looked to step in and give God a hand with superstition running riot, no differently to individuals depending on the horoscope to find direction for their lives. It’s God’s voice we must pay careful attention too and nothing else!

I am aware that in most cases people have been caught up in the hype of wanting to be accepted and noticed whilst deception has been at play. We have a coherent nature that drives us towards wanting to be in control. The clay never has power over the potter. Because we may not like the look of our kidneys under a microscope it does not mean that we don’t need them to survive. However we do not measure one another by our gifts and callings, election and gifts have nothing to do with the one who is singled out, it is God who singles them out and not the other way around; He choses whom He wills; “though they were not yet born and had done nothing either good or bad--in order that God's purpose of election might continue, not because of works but because of him who calls—“ (Romans 9; 11) - Nevertheless once we have been made aware of our calling and been given various measures of Christ (gifts) it is then up to us to use them wisely and faithfully which will bring comfort to the whole body (the church); “Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to make your calling and election sure, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall.” (2Peter 1:10)   

Its not as if we are expected to be amongst the number of those blessed with a measure of healings or miracles to prove that we are living by faith. Is the shoulder not attached to the chest, the chest to the torso and so on; which are all part of the same body. Because we do not see the heart pumping blood does that mean it doesn’t have its own function, on the contrary it’s the parts of the body that are normally in the background that play the most crucial part in keeping it alive.

Regardless of our growth in Christ, whether a babe or someone who is going onto maturity we can always measure our faith towards God. A babe will always desire the sincere milk of the Word, no differently to a babe seeking out their mother’s teat. “Nan” (man made baby formula) will never cut it for those individuals; “So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander. Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation-- if indeed you have tasted that the Lord is good. As you come to him, a living stone rejected by men but in the sight of God chosen and precious.” (1Peter 2:1-4)

In today’s day and age with humanism and equal rights high up on people agendas; let me go straight for the jugular to drive my point home; we can measure our faith towards God on how accurately we apply ourselves to His voice through the written Word of God, the Bible. It’s not complicated! As soon as we second guess His Word and listen to the others voices around us we prove one thing, our lack of faith. Without singling out any examples, let me say this, men and woman have their varying roles to play in accordance with Gods instructions. My prayer is that we will all find a resolve to devour the Bible so that it will soon become apparent where we all fit in; each member in the body has its particular function. The hand was never designed to do the work off the foot. God’s voice is the finally authority on all things whether people want to accept that or not, which will never change and continue to ring true. God’s character does not change; “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)   

Simply put believe God at his Word regardless of the surrounding voices that speak to the contrary. For us to be precise with our callings it must all revolve around the One who has called, God has His purpose and we need to find our roles within His will. Move outside God’s parameters and the eye of the tornado with soon arrive.

To my beloved sisters in Christ wherever you may be please do not be drawn into the trickery of this age where the voices of this world speak in total contradiction to God’s voice with your roles within society and the body of Christ. We all have our specific roles which God has set in place. When we settle into that mind-set it will be well with our souls.   

Signing off


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