The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Friday 1 April 2016

Giving an account

Wow, was the first word that came to mind when I caught a fresh glimpse of what the Word of God has once again revealed to me; a mystery that so many by default guise to overlook, especially when it concerns self. Human nature is so often twisted for self gain. We like to believe that we place others before ourselves, but strip it down and if candid our hearts are swiftly expose, if we are willing to be true to the matter. It is not how the Lord Jesus conducted Himself, He is my hero! Even when he was being crucified for a crime he didn’t commit he was being thoughtful of his perpetrators; “And Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." And they cast lots to divide his garments.” (Luke 23:34) – Even whilst he was being cruelly treated there where those looking to profit from his death, not understanding their actions. Christ’s death was needful for mankind to profit, but not in a monetary sense. He died so all those who would find repentance in his sacrifice would be forgiven for their sinful conduct against a Holy God. Forlornly there are those who have jumped onto the band wagon of Christianity for that exact reason, financial gain.

Sadly even for us who find salvation still tend to focus on self in one way or another. If honest I am amongst that number, please forgive me Father God and renew a right spirit within me. Scripture is filled with such beautiful revelation and instruction on how we should conduct ourselves as Christians and yet I find what I learn from you is self-sacrifice. What right do I have in finding fault in others when I am not treated the way I feel I should be? I see those who have it in their power to make a difference but procrastination seems to be the order of the day. Scripture is clear on certain topics and when I see those turning a blind eye to my predicament I feel mistreated. Sadly this is the underlying truth to my reality. Once again forgive me Father. I conclude that I wouldn’t behave like others do and yet I find that when I am in a position to give I withhold, just below the surface I am no different. It is who I am, but I no longer wish to live there. I find a perpetual thought process that always looks for an opportunity to justify selfishness. From the greatest to the smallest thoughts it is a pattern I am governed by. When I look left and right and see other living under the same rule, how does that excuse my actions? It doesn’t! We will all stand before our Maker and have to give an account; “So then each of us will give an account of himself to God.” (Romans 14:12) - Help me be more generous in character I pray, make me more like my beloved Saviour is my cry. I understand that I have a long road to travel and for me to reach its end I recognize that much suffering will need to be endured, give me the fortitude to cry out for your grace to get me through is part of that prayer.

In any battle there are always scouts that are sent to spy out the lay of the land. It is a dangerous task but needful to secure victory. I understand that in order to reach the Promised Land all of your children will need to suffer to learn obedience, a denial of self must be high up on our agendas. But we must have a willingness to travel that boulevard, give me the endurance needed and help me see the wood from the trees as I learn to bring glory to my beloved Saviour.

Thank you for hearing my plea my beloved God and Father.

Signing off


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