The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Tuesday 8 April 2014

It is well with my soul!

As we move deeper into the seasons with the sun breaching the horizon in the Southern Hemisphere a little later in the day. As we move into autumn, in the still of the night, the birds silently asleep, with my thought bouncing back and forth and with the help of my late brother in Christ, Charles Spurgeon, my thoughts now settling on so many dear friends that are yet to make a real life changing commitment to my Lord and Saviour. The clock is ticking and the last chimes is about to sound, my prayer goes out to them all. Lord Jesus, have mercy on their souls. Open their eyes that they may truly see!

This then the reality of our eternal existence; God hates sin, in fact it is so repulsive to Him that He send his Son, God in the flesh, the One who knew no sin (lived here on earth as a man without every sinning) and yet He paid the ultimate price for your sin and for my sin; He was nailed to a tree, crucified! More than that it was such an offense to God the Father that He was unable to engage with His Son whilst on the cross when the final amalgamation of the sins of the world was place upon Him; it was such a frightful event in the Lords life that he cried out; “And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, "Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?" which means, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Mark 15:34) – It was not frightful in the sense that the Lord Jesus had been caught off guard as it were, He knew from the outset that was what He had been commissioned to do. He came to do His Fathers bidding, to pay the price for the sins of mankind as they could not in themselves meet Gods perfect requirement. Nevertheless, the separation from His Father was heart wrenching, I wonder how God the Father felt having to turn from His Son until that price, the sins of mankind, the total depravity and disregard for their creator had been met?

It is one thing to have to deal with rejection when we are in good spirits but quite another when we are down cast and at our lowest. This happened to the King of kings, the Lord Jesus Christ when He was gasping for breath! The prophet Isaiah gives us an inkling to the actual condition of the Lord as He hung upon the cross; As the Lord Jesus hung upon the cross gasping for air, as His weight began to weigh heavy and He began to enervate from the pain that must have almost been unbearable; nails in his hands and feet, having to push up on them to fill his lungs with air, with his bones showing through his broken flesh, some out of joint. I can but imagine all that was in his mind was to achieve his Father’s wish and to accomplish what He originally set out to do, be crucified and paid the ultimate price for sinners! It was at this point or there about, I can barely bring myself to pen these words, but I must drive home the point! He was smitten by God; His Father punished Him for my sin and for your sin!  I do hope the point my friends is tugging at your conscience, because if you reject His sacrifice, there is absolutely no other sacrifice that any man, woman or child can bring outside of this perfect love gift from the Lord Jesus that God the Father will ever consider good enough to escape His judgement, Absolutely nothing else will suffice! Reject it and you will pay the ultimate price throughout eternity, Hell, the lake of fire will be your eternal destiny!

I implore you all to seek out God’s forgiveness with a vehement desire; do not rest until you find it!

If God has suffered so much for the sinner and the sinner then still rejects this free gift of Salvation. Free in the sense that it cannot be earned by our own merits. However not free outside the realm of acknowledging one’s own sin and seeking out God’s face and graces in order to fined forgiveness for it. It is imperative to repent! It is then not a free gift outside of repentance! And yet it is the goodness of God that leads a man to repentance. Why then do some find repentance and other do not? All I am permitted to say is seek it out diligently and you shall surely find it! “And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.'” (Act 2:21)

For if you do not find it… if God did not spare His own Son because of it, what chance do you think you will have? Zero!

To all my friends I understand that my tone may seem harsh, but I long to see you all in God’s army, those who are neutral are not those enlisted. Please I beseech you to think long and hard on what I have just penned. I haven’t spent time trying to place myself upon a pedestal; on the contrary the Apostle Paul acknowledges himself as the chief of sinners, I would beg to differ as I am certain that place has sadly been reserved for me. And yet I have by the mercies and graces of God found forgiveness, what a great God I serve!

Many have dark sides but there is nothing to dark that cannot be forgiven in and through the Lord Jesus Christ, He has paid the ultimate penalty never to be repeated; previous, present and future sins have all been paid for. Although we are subject to time, God is not bound by a clock; He exists outside of the realm of time! That is why He can even forgive sins in the future. All that is left now for us to do is to find forgiveness for our own sins and then trust in our God and we shall never die! This cannot be done through a priest, or ones mother or father, it is a personal endeavour that we each have to pursue individually.

Yet as for the self-righteous, the richest and the happiest people alive who reject this perfect gift will not escape the judgment which is just over the vista. Although God is love, do not be fooled into believing that He does not have another side to His character and that is righteous judgment, which with it will bring His wrath! Remember Noah and the flood, which was not a fairy tale but as real as the rising of the sun!  

While you have breath you have hope, there is a day coming when the breath of life will leave us all and who can with any assurance say when it will come. We must be ready, therefore harden not your hearts for today is the day of salvation!

Signing off


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