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Saturday 10 September 2011

The never-changing Word of God!

(Matthew 24:35) “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”

This morning I was asked by a pop up on my computer if I wanted to update my anti-virus software, we all know this needs doing if we are to keep unwanted bugs at bay. Technology is a slippery customer and it is almost impossible to keep ones finger on the pulse. But ignore its progression at your own peril. We clearly see that the ways of this world are not like the ways of our God. This is what the bible teachers; For the wisdom of this world is folly with God. For it is written, "He catches the wise in their craftiness." (1Corinthians 3:19) 

Here we see a continuous attempt by the anti-virus companies to update their software so that they may keep the hackers at bay; it always has to change. There is no constant safe-guard. It is not so with God! He is the same yesterday, today and forever! He has no need to upgrade his character or His Word, He is who He is and He is perfect, praise His name!

His Word will endure forever, apparent Christian movement feel they need to progressively change with the times, they are wrong! All this proves is that they are carnally minded. Even and earth will pass away but there is one constant rule that our great God will abide by; “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” It is not subject to the craftiness of men or for the matter the ploy of the devil. It is undefeatable and it needs no upgrade. It is nothing like the wisdom of this world.

Having said that, this is exactly where the battle rages. There has and will always be an attack on God’s Word but it is the only constant that will stand the test of time. We need to cling to its instruction with all our might. We need to stick to its plain sense. There is no need to confuse our understanding, believe it we must, as our life does depend upon it.

The Lord Jesus is the Word of life and no other deceit or ploy from man will ever change this truth. No other religion or philosophy has any part in God’s reckoning when it comes to His beloved Son, our great saviour. It is a simple truth but an imperative fact we need to cling to with both hands and more. Let us never forget what it cost the Lord to take away our sin. Praise the name of Jesus now and forever more! We owe Him at the very least our loyalty to His Word! And let us remember that is never changes, it is our safe-guard for this life and the life to come!

With this mind-set we need to embrace the Word of God, we need to lay hold of the Lord Jesus who is the gift of life…

“And he goeth up into a mountain, and calleth unto him whom he would: and they came unto him.”
- Mark_3:13
“Here was sovereignty. Impatient spirits may fret and fume, because they are not called to the highest places in the ministry; but reader be it thine to rejoice that Jesus calleth whom he wills. If he shall leave me to be a doorkeeper in his house, I will cheerfully bless him for his grace in permitting me to do anything in his service. The call of Christ’s servants comes from above. Jesus stands on the mountain, evermore above the world in holiness, earnestness, love and power. Those whom he calls must go up the mountain to him, they must seek to rise to his level by living in constant communion with him. They may not be able to mount to classic honours, or attain scholastic eminence, but they must like Moses go up into the mount of God and have familiar intercourse with the unseen God, or they will never be fitted to proclaim the gospel of peace. Jesus went apart to hold high fellowship with the Father, and we must enter into the same divine companionship if we would bless our fellowmen. No wonder that the apostles were clothed with power when they came down fresh from the mountain where Jesus was. This morning we must endeavour to ascend the mount of communion, that there we may be ordained to the lifework for which we are set apart. Let us not see the face of man to-day till we have seen Jesus. Time spent with him is laid out at blessed interest. We too shall cast out devils and work wonders if we go down into the world girded with that divine energy which Christ alone can give. It is of no use going to the Lord’s battle till we are armed with heavenly weapons. We must see Jesus, this is essential. At the mercy-seat we will linger till he shall manifest himself unto us as he doth not unto the world, and until we can truthfully say, “We were with him in the Holy Mount.”” (C.H.Spurgeon)
Signing off


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