Whether I wish to acknowledge it or not, there has been a particular pattern to my life and it seems to never ultimately change; I may be strong for a time in the Lord finding grace and commitment in part to what I have been called to do, obey! But then the wheels come off with debauchery allowed into the playground. Sin acceptable if only for a time, nevertheless alive and well with its voice dictating and influencing my actions. Why does this constantly happen in my life? The pattern constantly repeating itself; is it there to teach me what I am doing wrong and yet I obviously keep missing the lesson. A wise man said only a fool will continue to do the same thing and expect a different result. I continue to fall in a particular area of my life and I am not sure it will ever change. My mind tells me I must change but history has shown that I cannot change. Hate is a strong word, but I hate this part of my life!
Not everyone who says Lord, Lord will make it to heaven, but he who does the will of my Father. So when I act on my weakness as a man I am contravening God’s law and I am guilty as charged. I am not doing the will of God the Father, but rather succumbing to my own lust and will. A terrible predicament and yet I finds myself again in the same place. A pattern to my life, that never seems to change, why? What am I doing wrong, now a serious consideration and can it be rectified once and for. What seems to confuse me is how can a tree bring forth both good and bad fruit? It can’t! So, maybe this now needs to be considered a little closer? “So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus you will recognize them by their fruits.” (Matthew 7:17-20)
Once again to avoid a slanted view on these verses as I now examine myself in light of them, let someone else teach…
1. The illustration of this comparison, of the fruit's being the discovery of the tree. You cannot always distinguish them by their bark and leaves, nor by the spreading of their boughs, but by their fruits ye shall know them. The fruit is according to the tree. Men may, in their professions, put a force upon their nature, and contradict their inward principles, but the stream and bent of their practices will agree with them. Christ insists upon this, the agreeableness between the fruit and the tree, which is such as that, (1.) If you know what the tree is, you may know what fruit to expect. Never look to gather grapes from thorns, nor figs from thistles; it is not in their nature to produce such fruits. An apple may be stuck, or a bunch of grapes may hang, upon a thorn; so may a good truth, a good word or action, be found in a bad man, but you may be sure it never grew there. Note, [1.] Corrupt, vicious, unsanctified hearts are like thorns and thistles, which came in with sin, are worthless, vexing, and for the fire at last. [2.] Good works are good fruit, like grapes and figs, pleasing to God and profitable to men. [3.] This good fruit is never to be expected from bad men, and more than a clean thing out of an unclean: they want an influencing acceptable principle. Out of an evil treasure will be brought forth evil things. (2.) On the other hand, if you know what the fruit is, you may, by that, perceive what the tree is. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit; and a corrupt tree cannot bring forth good fruit, nay, it cannot but bring forth evil fruit. But then that must be reckoned the fruit of the tree which it brings forth naturally and which is its genuine product - which it brings forth plentifully and constantly and which is its usual product. Men are known, not by particular acts, but by the course and tenour of their conversation, and by the more frequent acts, especially those that appear to be free, and most their own, and least under the influence of external motives and inducements.
2. The application of this to the false prophets.
(1.) By way of terror and threatening (Mat_7:19); Every tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down. This very saying John the Baptist had used, Mat_3:10. Christ could have spoken the same sense in other words; could have altered it, or given it a new turn; but he thought it no disparagement to him to say the same that John had said before him; let not ministers be ambitious of coining new expressions, nor people's ears itch for novelties; to write and speak the same things must not be grievous, for it is safe. Here is, [1.] The description of barren trees; they are trees that do not bring forth good fruit; though there be fruit, if it be not good fruit (though that be done, which for the matter of it is good, if it be not done well, in a right manner, and for a right end), the tree is accounted barren. [2.] The doom of barren trees; they are, that is, certainly they shall be, hewn down, and cast into the fire; God will deal with them as men use to deal with dry trees that cumber the ground: he will mark them by some signal tokens of his displeasure, he will bark them by stripping them of their parts and gifts, and will cut them down by death, and cast them into the fire of hell, a fire blown with the bellows of God's wrath, and fed with the wood of barren trees. Compare this with Eze_31:12, Eze_31:13; Dan_4:14; Joh_15:6.
(2.) By way of trial; By their fruits ye shall know them.
[1.] By the fruits of their persons, their words and actions, and the course of their conversation. If you would know whether they be right or not, observe how they live; their works will testify for them or against them. The scribes and Pharisees sat in Moses's chair, and taught the law, but they were proud, and covetous, and false, and oppressive, and therefore Christ warned him disciples to beware of them and of their leaven, Mar_12:38. If men pretend to be prophets and are immoral, that disproves their pretensions; those are no true friends to the cross of Christ, whatever they profess, whose God is their belly, and whose mind earthly things, Phi_3:18, Phi_3:19. Those are not taught nor sent of the holy God, whose lives evidence that they are led by the unclean spirit. God puts the treasure into earthen vessels, but not into such corrupt vessels: they may declare God's statutes, but what have they to do to declare them?
[2.] By the fruits of their doctrine; their fruits as prophets: not that this is the only way, but it is one way, of trying doctrines, whether they be of God or not. What do they tend to do? What affections and practices will they lead those into, that embrace them? If the doctrine be of God, it will tend to promote serious piety, humility, charity, holiness, and love, with other Christian graces; but if, on the contrary, the doctrines these prophets preach have a manifest tendency to make people proud, worldly, and contentious, to make them loose and careless in their conversations, unjust or uncharitable, factious or disturbers of the public peace; if it indulge carnal liberty, and take people off from governing themselves and their families by the strict rules of the narrow way, we may conclude, that this persuasion comes not of him that calleth us, Gal_5:8. This wisdom is from above, Jam_3:15. Faith and a good conscience are held together, 1Ti_1:19; 1Ti_3:9. Note, Doctrines of doubtful disputation must be tried by graces and duties of confessed certainty: those opinions come not from God that lead to sin: but if we cannot know them by their fruits, we must have recourse to the great touchstone, to the law, and to the testimony; do they speak according to that rule? (Matthew Henry)
I do love the accuracy we find in the Word of God, my flesh hates its shackles and yet at times it breaks those restraints and sins against God. Forgive me Father for I have sinned. And on the basis of the pattern of my life, I am in fear of being cut down and cast into the fire. You alone know my eventual outcome. Please be merciful as you have it in your power to show mercy.
Signing off