There was some interest received when I posted another entry into my
blog last week. To be honest that was rather encouraging. I was asked some questions
and a question that resonated was “Why did I stop?” The answer is simple,
Facebook blocked me. It was the main vehicle used to tag my posts. This has now
fired a need to warn others about upcoming events that most are oblivious to.
God the creator of the universe and the introduction of mankind was a time
known as the beginning (IN THE BEGINNING – Genesis 1; 1).
Without going into too much detail about biblical truth on any given
topic, by the grace of God I have decided to use this platform as a truth
indicator. Those who are interested will pay attention and consider what is
being revealed. The blind will continue to lead each other into the ditch.
My only point of reference will be the Holy Bible and what has been
written in it…
The only question you need to ask yourselves is will you believe what
has been written or not?
There are many different religions, but only one true God, the creator
of all things, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
There is also only one way to open the doors to heaven and that is
through Christ, The Lord Jesus Christ, and the One who lived a sinless life in
a flesh and blood body never breaching one of God's laws. He was crucified; and
died and on the third day, God rose him from the dead making a way, and opening
a bridge for us to get back to our Creator. Before that, it was the Jewish way always
trying to attain a law of standards. But now everything had been bundled into one
person's sacrifice and it's through Him and his accomplishment that we can now
communicate with God. We have direct access and can now cry “Abba Father”. The
most common thread for mankind to make it into heaven is if they meet certain criteria,
if their good deeds outweigh the bad they have a good chance of getting into
heaven, THAT IS A LIE! For it's by grace that we have been saved through faith.
The Lord Jesus has opened the way and every other way is a lie!
Before this God expected his people to follow a set of Laws. God handed
these laws to Moses on Mount Sinai. Known to all as the “Ten Commandments.”
However, when it was crunch time they as a nation rejected the Lord Jesus as
their true Messiah thus allowing us the Gentiles opportunity to cry out to Him
and find forgiveness for our sins. The Twelve Apostles and the Gospel started
with Jewish men. This was their message, look to Jesus, confess yourselves as
sinners, and then call out to Him for salvation… Not complicated by a very
simple message; “For there
is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all,
bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For “everyone
who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Romans 10:12-13)
My objective from here on out will be to warn people about the lies the
world is spinning. A lot of hot air, a distraction if you would like, or static
when turning a dial whilst searching for a particular channel. The floods in
Dubai are a case in point, heavy floods in what is a normal desert, they cry “Global
warming or Cloud Seeding!” when it’s simply God bringing judgment. The day of His revenge is
coming and it's now beginning, think about it like a woman going into labour,
and the beginning of birth pains. Today is the day to cry out to Jesus find
forgiveness for your sins and have your eyes opened to the truth. Because “winter
is coming”.
And he laid
hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound
him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him
up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should
be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. (Revelations 20:2-3)
Conclusion: Beware of all the voices that are so brilliantly packaged
to take your eyes away from the truth and get you to believe something else. Anything
against the norm in creation will be explained away with some scientific jargon
attached beware of deception… Every answer to every question can be found out.
But it all starts with Jesus Christ!
The Question I have for you is, will you believe what has been written?
Signing off