The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday 17 April 2024


It is times like these that excite me when I roll out of bed in the early hours of the morning. 3 am and there is an absolute stillness besides the humming coming from my computer fan, even the neighborhood dogs are sleeping. There is beauty here, my thoughts and conversation running around in my mind excited to hear from God. With the Bible open I explore answers to my questions. What a privilege, how many can claim the same tuition? God the Holy Spirit is the ultimate Teacher. He was there from the beginning. Who better to turn to for inspiration? Thankfully, we are not left to our vain imaginations that are always looking to run away with themselves. WE HAVE the WORD of GOD, the Bible to confirm every consideration. Not many can claim such a privilege! Thank you my great God and King for calling me by name, a man so undeserving, so disqualified, and yet forgiven. It boggles my mind when I think of the extent God will go for His children, LOVE CONQURES ALL!   


Thank you Father God for sending your Son, my Saviour to die a cruel death. He paid the price for my sin, our (the believers') sins have been washed white as snow so that I and Christians scattered abroad can now cry out “ABBA FATHER”. This is beyond the grasp of so many. But for us who have been called, the chosen of God, we will never be able to pay back the debt. My prayer is that whatever the cost, help us all find the grace to glorify our Saviour, come what may! The time is just around the corner for so many of us, give us the strength to conquer, and I know we will receive the strength required to accomplish what needs to be done.


All Hail King JESUS!


Signing off



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