The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Wednesday 7 December 2022

Daily thoughts


My daily thoughts, the way my mind operates…


I love you Lord, hallowed be your name, all hail King Jesus. This is a constant brought to mind and yet I am also aware of the fact that if we love the Lord our God we will keep his commandments, in other words I must oppose the driving urges of the flesh and not give in to them, find grace in time of need to overcome. Any urges that oppose the will of God in my life. And this principal remains true for all. Once we strip our lives down this is what we are left with, we will all stand/kneel before the Father having to give an account of ourselves, alone, what do I mean by that? Regardless of how others behaved in the accounts of our lives it’s our response to those events that will be examined. We will be exposed, there can be no blame shaming. However, thankfully for the “saved” we will have the greatest of Advocates, the Lord Jesus Christ will stand in the gap for us all. But, this should never give us a license to sin so that grace may abound, if that is your mindset, and you belong to God as one of HIS own I would suggest a change of heart before too much destruction surrounds your lives. For others the judgment of God is a distant thought tucked away in the back of their minds, with “I’ll get to it when I get to it” types of attitudes. Even though this belief should live in the forefronts of our minds with and urgent need to want to please our God. Judgement is coming and it will begin with the household of God! This is one of the scary thoughts that lives with me; For it is time for judgment to begin at the household of God; and if it begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the gospel of God? (1Peter 4:17)


My life has been filled with so much wasted effort, it saddens me when I pay that inkling too much attention. So many bad choices, but in spite of it all, I thank God for his grace in my life, without it why would I even bother to press on. My hope is this that one day I will be like my Lord and Saviour in character, wow! And I will receive a glorified body like his, an eternal body that will live on forever, this is the Christians hope. From the day that this was realized it’s been tough trying to get excited by the mundane. The encouragement is we need to once again put our hands to the plow if that is what needs doing, we are laying up treasures for eternity. But more than that we will forever be with our God and Father living in unity with our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. This must motivate us to action…


Signing off




Unknown said...
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Benedict said...

Good reflection and observation
To live our life with an eternity mindset is something which every Believer should do. Sadly, too many of us are stuck with the "here and now" and more pressing matters and forget that we are created for an eternal existence in the presence of the Almighty God.

Tyrone said...

Amen brother

Sam said...

Love that! So well written and inspiring.