The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
“Fruit of the poisonous tree”
Monday, 25 October 2010
Children or Not!
Sunday, 24 October 2010
God or Money?
Saturday, 23 October 2010
Finding Strength
(Luke 22:32) “But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers."
How often do we all imagine, in one way or another, what we could be doing for God’s kingdom here on earth. I know I would love to be like Peter and through my failures find strength to strengthen my brothers.
Satan goes around walking to and fro on the earth, we are told by Peter “like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.” Interestingly the Lord Jesus addresses Peter like this, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat.” I can to some extent understand what that means and unfortunately it is not a one off occasion. It is not as if we are tested once only in a certain area. It is nothing like a driver’s license, we pass and the license is then ours for life, we are never tested again. Yet life and its high calling is not like that, daily we need to pick up our cross and follow Jesus. That means each and every single day we may be tested in the same area of our lives and when we do not find victory our burden becomes heavy and it should be light.
We have been commanded to walk in joy; it was unbelief and sin that kept the children of Israel out of the Promised Land. It is sin that keeps us from walking in joy. Listen carefully to what I am saying. Sure the trail of our faith does cause an atmosphere of pressure that at times seems to engulf us. But even if we don’t fall victim to it, we may still feel heavy from its test, but when we come through it victoriously, joy is its fruit. I have no doubt about that. It is only when we fail the test that we are downcast and carry the heavy burden that the Lord Himself has carried on our behalf. So we carry something that does not need to be carried.
I suppose that is how it will be until we put off our bodies of corrupting flesh.
So let us remember the basic fruit’s of repentance. “For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.”
Every day then we must make a conscious decision to examine our hearts before God remembering that He see everything, we can hide nothing from Him. Do not let Satan or his ministering demons of darkness get you to believe a lie. That is his way; remember the Garden of Eden and how he beguiled Eve. He still goes around roaring speaking lies into the minds of the weak, stand on the truth of God’s word and he we depart from you, until the next time. This is the way it is and this is the way God intended it to be. “Father may you give you children strength to stand, I pray.”
A bind eye we must not turn to this truth but rather look to the author and the finisher of our faith, even Jesus Christ our Lord for grace to overcome, and where we do fall let us repent and search out God’s forgiveness, for He will forgive us if we are sincere . Yes, even if it is asking for forgiveness every day for the same sin. The hope we all have, is that one day we may be victorious in whatever area we struggle, it may be more than just one area but the principle remains the same, acknowledge our sin, repent and stand on God’s word and then put our minds to overcoming and this must be done on a daily basis. (Matthew 6:34) "Therefore do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.” It must be done daily for this exact reason. It is hard enough just getting through one day at a time, if and when we try and take on more than one day at a time we are soon swallowed up by failure.
The very first fruit of repentance is carefulness; if I am weak in a particular area then I must avoid that place, I must!
Let me be personal; yesterday was a particular difficult day for me as all my furniture arrived with a delivery note from my wife that read Ashman (maiden name) instead of Arthur and I still haven’t received the summons. It is now the actual realisation of closing a chapter of my life and beginning a new one. Volatility is something of a character flaw that lives with me. In times pass I have said blow it and gone out on the town forgetting God mercy and my Saviour’s sacrifice and let rip. A friend informed me that all my old acquaintances were gathering to celebrate a birthday and asked me if I was coming? My frame of mind was racing with thoughts of a failed marriage, disappointment and anger wanting to raise its head. It was a perfect trap setup just to lure me. But by God’s grace I am able to say, life has taught me some profitable lessons; “fear God and keep His commandments for this is the soul duty of man.” If I had succumbed to the invitation the probability of me drinking and drugging were on the cards. My point! Be careful and do not venture into places you know you will potentially fall, that would not be the fruit of carefulness.
“But I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned again, strengthen your brothers." I think when Peter denied the Lord three times it taught him his own volatility and this in turn helped him help others.
Our particular struggle and more so when we find victory in it I believe it will equip us to have compassion on others and then we will be capable of fortifying others.
May we all be resolved to lay our lives down for one another just as Christ laid down His life for us.
Signing off
Friday, 22 October 2010
Thursday, 21 October 2010
The Will
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
(Hebrews 12:2) “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,”
Is a child who is but a babe not part of the family? Of course it is, when a mother brings life into this world through much pain and anguish as she detests every minute of the hurt. When she holds the child in her arms is not the pain forgotten as joy and glee overwhelms her heart. Yes it is soon forgotten.
My thoughts go out to my great Saviour as I contemplate the agony of Gethsemane and the afflictions of the cross. Did He not suffer pain in His body? Did he not sweet drops of blood from the intense anguish? Of course He did! But why was he willing to suffer? Yes we are able to deduce from other portions of scripture that because it was the will of God the Father that He drank the cup of suffering, He swallowed the entire cup, not just a portion of it, and He gulped down the content of the cup in its entirety. Why would He do such a thing? Maybe He was a lover pain, I think not! Actually history tells us that he was rather a weak physical individual. Despising the shame he was driven by one motivating factor, in this text it is clearly highlighted and no other point is mentioned and this is the point; “for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross.” It is clear to see that it was “the joy” which motivated our Saviour to endure the cross. How could the pain of suffering be joyful? How does a mother endure labour pains? Is it not the hope of a healthy newborn child, a new addition to the family that urges her on and through her labour pains? It sure is! It is the hope of new life that motivates and feeds her will to endure the pain.
The Lord Jesus also endured the cross and all its humiliation and soreness and drew strength from the hope that was to come. In fact His hope was so real that it resulted in an overwhelming joy, an emotion of happiness and this passion in turn resulted in such love that He was able to cry out unto His Father, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Try an imagine the scene at Calvary, all the pain, anguish and humiliation that the Lord Jesus was put through and this text tells us that He “for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,” this great Saviour of mine excites me and ignites my hope as I look to His example. “How great is my God, how great and vast His wide domain, to begin to tell these lips can only start?” Praise His Glorious name! Yes all of you exalt the name of Jesus and sing praises unto Him for He alone is worthy.
What can we learn from this text and Christ example, what is He teaching us? It is rather obvious. This is the lesson; our hope of heaven and eternal life and to be with God forever and ever must always resonate in our minds, but not somewhere hidden in a compartment tucked away. Our hope must be the last thought we have when we lay our head down to sleep and our first consideration when we rise. If Jesus Christ is the hope of glory and He captivates our soul, joy will well up within us and we will find an amazing strength within us to glorify God in and through the toughest times. This is exactly why the Lord Jesus endured the cross. Lets finish the verse because it clearly spell it out; “Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
So I leave you with this thought, remember our High priest and what He endured on our behalf and also remember how He drew strength to endure what he had to tolerate. We have access to the same spiritual weapons the Lord Jesus drew on to find His joy in enduring the cross. Every believer that has His spirit both young and old, a babe in Christ or someone of mature age, all may find joy in remembering the hope that is waiting for us and just around the corner. I will leave you with this quote from John Piper, “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.”
Signing off
Monday, 18 October 2010
(Psalm 51:10) Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
The text from the Psalm is rich with repentance and when examined we are able to glean an abundance of fruit from the tree of truth, this verse in the Psalm’s give us insight into two amazing truth’s, both true repentance and the loving kindness of a God who is full of mercy and forgiveness.
Let us consider our lives and forgetting those things that are behind, let us consider today because today is the day is the day of salvation. We can do nothing for what has passed, it has already happened, but today we have the future in front of us to put anything that is out of kilter back in line. Let us reflect and let us use the mirror of truth which will help us to see those hidden chinks in our armour and then when we perceive them let us fall to our knees and repent. In so doing we will find live, we will bring glory to God, we will exalt His name and we will restore our joy. If we find true repentance today, I assure you and not as one who beats his chest in frustration but rather as one who himself has believe His God and called out to the only one who has the power to forgive and restore one’s joy, God Almighty, the Lord Jesus Christ, and when the call went out from these my lips, He was quick to respond and forgive. How great is my God, how majestic His wonderful name. I now declare with complete confidence His brilliance.
You may feel that you have spent all you have to give to the call to of righteousness, and I say no you have not. Life is filled with daily choices and how often we make the wrong ones. Nevertheless our God is able, a bruised reed He will not break, the smoking flax He will not quench. So fall to your knees cry out to Him for He will not turn one away. Your sin may be a heavy burden and so it should be, but repent and let Him, the only man who ever lived like we live, being tempted in all points just like we are tempted but yet without sin. He never broke one of God’s laws. Yes this is true he never broke a single command from God’s lips! He understands what we all go through here on earth with trials and the consequences we now need to live through because of so many bad choices in our lives.
You are not alone, let us consider king David the writer of this Psalm; he penned this Psalm after Nathan the prophet exposed sin in his life, and this was sin personified; let us unpack the events.
Israel was at war and had just ravaged the Ammonites but David was at home in his castle relaxing and not at war. His life was somewhat idle and we know that an idle mind is the playground of the devil.
(Proverbs 19:15) Slothfulness casts into a deep sleep, and an idle person will suffer hunger (that hunger refers to both natural famine as well as spiritual starvation). So we are to “give no opportunity to the devil.” When we are unused or idle our natural tendency is find something to do and if we are not captivated with a godly purpose then we find ourselves in dangerous territory. This is where David now found himself.
Let us pickup the story; late one afternoon David got up from his afternoon nap and walked on his roof, possibly enjoying the sunset, his eyes move from the beauty of creation into a neighbours bathroom where his eyes beheld a beautiful woman bathing. Instead of resisting the temptation, he now invites it in and sends for her. Bystander’s witnesses the event and it surprised them as they recognised this woman as the wife of Uriah the Hittite. Nevertheless David still sent for her and he slept with her resulting in her falling pregnant. She then informs David that she is with child. Now panic was the order of the day for David and he began to scheme and plot a course to free himself from the mess he was now in. So he sends for Uriah, firstly befriending him and showing him favour. David gets Uriah drunk hoping that he will then go and sleep with his wife and hide his sin. This man Uriah was such a team player, a man of such integrity and valour that because his compatriots where fighting a war, he could not bring himself to any home comforts while his friends slugged it out with the enemy. So he did not go home to his wife.
This now is tragic, what David now does would be almost unforgivable. Here was a man fighting for his king, remembering his friends at war, denying himself the lap of luxury when they were available to him. But King David overlooks all of that and plots a plan to cover up his sin by planning Uriah’s death. He gets his general Joab to sent Uriah into the heat of the battle where death would be eminent. Uriah is killed. The woman Bathsheba mourned for her husband; this tells me that she loved him. What a terrible selfish story but let us not miss the point as it is huge, and if we do not get it, then we will overlook the hidden beauty in this account. Solomon was born to David and Bathsheba and from his lineage was born our Saviour, Jesus Christ our Lord.
David does not see his sin at first but when Nathan the profit confronts him and exposes it to him, how does he react, how will you react when God the Holy Spirit points out sin in your life? David falls to his knees and repents with tears and vehemently prays for the life of his soon to be born son. The child dies and David learns a lot through this saga.
This leaves David penning these words; “create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”
Even through this whole fiasco what must we understand about God, is our God is slow anger, He is long suffering, and full of love?
Repent and call upon the name of the Lord and you will be saved.
How does God view David’s sin? The child died and there were consequences that affected him later on in life with his family. Our sins may leave scars but remember that Jesus is greater that any stronghold they may have on our lives.
Let me leave you with this thought and what God had to say about David, “I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will.”
Signing off
Sunday, 17 October 2010
Love for Jesus
Saturday, 16 October 2010
His own Image!
Friday, 15 October 2010
Christ Crucified
(1Corinthians 2:2) “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”
This morning it is with absolute glee that I consider this my blog, not because I am rich with words or filled to the brim with over-flowing knowledge. No, I am rather excited with the message I am about to pen, you see, this message is a springboard for eternal life and not eternal damnation.
I want you to ask yourself a question. If you were given the choice to write your own obituary what would it say? As Christians what message would we leave behind? Or if we were asked what is the most important topic one can explore in the Bible. Would we look to explore the intriguing topics like gifts or angels or even “The Rapture”? These would be topic well worth our time and an interesting study and a study every Christian would need to understand. Maybe God’s sovereignty would be high on our list. Or how about “The Attributes of God”, we could then unpack the truths of God and all His characteristics and study would have no end. Our God is so vast and so magnificent that if we devoted our entire lifetime this side of eternity to this study, we would barely scratch the surface. Alright, then maybe the study of the Word itself, this surely would be the greatest topic of all to study, and let’s be real, what a great topic it is. My skin begins to tingle as I am excited by the thought of the power and revelation I find when immersed in God glorious word. It screens unsearchable riches to most, but to the few it is a river filled with nuggets of gold. But, we must be in the river boots and all with our pan’s sifting through the sand and water looking for great treasures. This cache is available to all God’s children; however we must mine to find. What else besides the Word, surely there is nothing of more importance than the Word? After all the Word spoke creation into being; what a powerful sight the angles witnessed. It must have been breath taking. I am aware of this fact, that the heavens and earth as we know them will pass away, but the words of the Lord will endure forever. The Word holds the key to the discovery of eternal consequences and must be honoured and treated with great care. Surely we have finally found the greatest of all studies, the Word; we are now getting warmer but also only beginning to scratch the surface. The Word became flesh; this must be the greatest study, the birth of Christ. No! Still this is not the greatest possible study. Then what about the Lord’s test in the garden of Gethsemane it was so intense that He began to sweet blood. This arguably must have been the greatest examination in search of sin in Him that our Lord ever faced and yet without fault He came through victoriously. As great as it was, it still would not be the topic I would pen.
The answer is obvious; it will be “Christ and Him Crucified.” There is no other topic this side of eternity or even in eternity that will ever carry more weight in the eyes of our Heavenly Father than this amazing feat that His Son, our Saviour wrought on Calvary.
Let us remember the words of our Father; "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased."
If we ever wish to get the full attention of our Heavenly father and find favour with Him let us always remember to consider Christ and Him crucified. When we struggle with sin let us remember Christ and Him crucified. When we speak to unsaved family and friends and they present us with objection after objection, bring them back to Christ and Him crucified. The apostle Paul, the same man who was caught into the third heaven and declares to us that some of the things he saw are unlawful for him to even speak about. He tells us that when given the choice he would speak about nothing else except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” Why?
This is why I love God, you see without Christ and Him crucified, we may still have worlds and galaxies, but there would be no eternal hope of life for you or me. We would exist in eternity, forever and ever, but yet, forever dying in constant torment where there will be a wailing and gnashing of teeth from pain, separated from God in total darkness and yet without it ever ending and all because of the sentence that sin would require. What a horrible thought, yet God who is rich in mercy sent His Son to die for me. I now can escape the wrath of God and forever be with Him, I will be like him and eventually receive a glorified body like His and it will be only on that side of eternity that life will truly begin and only because of “Christ and Him Crucified.”
Let us then conclude, of all the true riches to be found in God’s Word-the bible, a book that could never be exhausted. The greatest of all studies must be, Christ and Him crucified. God was well please with His sacrifice, let us also esteem our Saviours sacrifice as the priority to all our daily activities and all our casual conversations.
Whoever thought that scars in a glorified body would be commendable to God; we have a scar and plastic surgery is an option, but not with God and Christ crucified; It pleased the Lord to bruise Him, Let us always remember what is cost the lord to buy our salvation, let us remember Christ and Him crucified.
Signing off