(Hosea 10:12) …for it is the time to seek the LORD, that he may come and
rain righteousness upon you.
to our sinful behaviour needs a recompense to right our wrongs, this is a
requirement that God in His righteous character demands. It would appear that the
righteous of God cannot act outside of what is holy; He is the yardstick
whereby that measurement is dignified. It cannot be trusted to another, He
alone has reserved that judgement. Mankind has had there judgement impaired by the
intrusion of sin, which is in total contradiction to God’s personality and His
laws. It is easy to test the power of sin in our own lives, even if we are
oblivious to its destructive power. When caught in an act of embarrassment, something
done behind close doors, what is our natural response? We lie to cover it up
and go to great lengths to hide what we understand as a crime, if not we would
be open with it. A detective is employed to find clues to unravel a mystery
with the perpetrator looking to cover their tracks. A kid is caught with their
hand in the cookie jar and they blame their brother; “he told me to do it” and
so on. It doesn’t take much retrospection to conclude that we are naturally
sinful from a very young age. The Bible is clear that every sinful act shall be
teaches us this principle with unequivocal certainty, read the Old Testament
and God’s dealings with His people and their enemies and it will become obvious
that nothing passes by unnoticed.
have been setup to run countries which are there to bring law and order.
However, well trained defence attorneys use the law to their advantage to
lessen a sentence or even get a guilty party acquitted. It is not so with our
God, He misses zilch and He will bring every action that is in breech to His
commandments to the fore and it shall be judged in righteousness. He shall do
the judging, saints on the other hand shall judge angels; “Do
you not know that we are to judge angels?” (1Corinthians 6:3)
This is why the greatest
story every told is the account of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the only true
Saviour of the world. God sent His righteous Son to die for unrighteous
sinners. There is and will never be a greater act of love ever witnessed
through the ages of eternity. God chose to rescue those who prior to salvation
would have had their spot reserved in hell. For those who do not find
forgiveness for their sins in and through the Lord Jesus Christ will suffer His
wrath. The offer has gone out and the invitation still stands, what have you
done with it? Have you heard the Gospel message and disregarded it as a “crutch”
for the weak or have you seen the urgency behind this wonderful offer of love?
Is the Lord Jesus Christ a precious treasure to you, or is He a tiring repetitive
name that you disregard for “those people”. He is the most valued treasure of
my life and I am forever thankful for the rescue He has afforded me, praise His
name now and forever more, Amen!
is a voice that has gained momentum and is in full fight and the louder the
knock of death the more prevalent it becomes; mankind trying in their own
strength to do righteous acts which will always be tainted by their own sinful
deductions on what is right and wrong, in the hope that they will escape the
judgement of God, that will never happen! The Bible has spelt out this truth with
certainty; “The end of the matter; all has been
heard. Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man. For God will bring every deed
into judgment, with every secret thing, whether good or evil.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13)
– Its God who will do the judging and it is a fearful thing to fall into the
hands of an angry God. The only way to avoid this judgement, the sentence for
our sins, is to have them covered by the blood of the Lamb and to have our
names penned into the Book of Life; “And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of
life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:15)
– And the only way that our names will ever be inscribed into that glorious
book is if we own our sin, confess it before a holy God and believe in the
finished work of Calvary; His death, His burial and His resurrection. It is not
a complicated message to understand but we all have a choice to make, I have by
the grace of God made mine and I confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour, I
belong to Him just as He belongs to me.
To all my friend that are still on the fence,
Bandit, Paul, David and even Richard the time for God’s reckoning is just over
the horizon and it is time for you to reconsider your stands on life and the alternatives
that have been thrown out there, they are all lies and will lead you to a
Godless eternity with the Lake of Fire as your final destination.
Please be merciful to them Father God just as you
have been merciful to me. Praise, glory and all honour belong to my Saviour,
your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ now and forever more, Amen and Amen!
Signing off