The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Tuesday 2 August 2016

Another year

A year has passed since I posted a blog entitled “Trimming the sail”, so the time of reflection is once again upon me. Time to compare where I stand today in light of where I stood one year ago; from a financial point of view I am worse of than I was back then, but from a Spiritual growth point of view I am “to blessed to be stressed” and I have not been called upon to beg bread. So a verse that by experience has become more of a reality to me today than it was a year ago is this; “But if we have food and clothing, with these we will be content.” (1Timothy 6:8) – There was a time when I was driven by money, I can honestly say today it is not so; God has been merciful to my understanding. Nevertheless in order for me now to make such a pronouncement learning this vital lesson in life did not come inexpensively. I also understand that I have only begun to scratch the surface with what it means to be content with food and clothing, but by the grace of God that door has been cracked, praise God! I trust I will be total delivered from that vice that once captivated my life. I too with Paul want to be able to echo these word with a clear conscience before God and men; “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.(Philippians 4:11)

Putting on the mind of Christ will bring us to the places in our lives that we once held dear to our hearts, but now we realise that so much of it is in fact nothing more than craziness. Once driven by the lust and desires of our heart, always striving but never achieving, with the flip side of that condition, a place of contentment with what God gives us. The irony of the opposite extremes, chasing money and always on the edge of panic, as opposed to having just enough to survive and living a life filled with peace. I have made up my mind on where I want to live from here on in concerning money. As I trim the sail in this area of my life, I am thankful to my heavenly Father for the valuable and yet very costly lessons he has taught me along the way. Thank you Father God for the discipline you instil in my life, I am truly grateful for it.

Another concern I had was not finding forgiveness for the blunders in my life where I lost it all together and lived a life of debauchery. A man troubled by so much, filled with a restless spirit, rebelling and looking to shirk the responsibilities place on the Christian. Although I had turned that corner and the grace of God had forgiven me, I found it hard to accept His forgiveness. The account of the prodigal son, repeated over and over again in my life. But God has tarried with me; today is a day where I have been freed from all guilt and condemnation, even though I was guilty as charged, praise the work of my glorious Saviour, sweet Jesus. The burden of guilt has been lifted by my God, He has renewed a right Spirit in me and I am also thankful for this.

God is not a God only to those who seem to have it all together; His brilliance is reveal in and through the change of heart in those people whom others often right off. He is willing and able to renew a right spirit within their hearts, only cry out to him, and take the blame for you sin, own it and watch our great God bring about an everlasting change to the once weak and feeble believer. We must all learn to wear this encouragement upon our hearts; “admonish the idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak, be patient with them all.” Just as God has been patient with so many of us let us remember from where we have fallen.

It is through these changes in our lives that we witness the Spirit of God working in and through us, ultimately glorifying our heavenly Father. When we see no change it is obvious that our lives are dominated by our flesh and we need a radical shift in our understanding, my prayer is that God would discipline all those in need of His discipline as I have understood in part the benefits to that discipline. Father God begin to shake is my prayer and send our beloved Saviour to fetch your children, Amen and Amen!

Signing off


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