The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Saturday, 6 August 2016

"I AM"

(Exodus 3:14)  “God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM."”  

Light is a remarkable gift that God has afforded mankind. Without the light of God we remain constantly in the dark. We know that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth; but when it comes to the origins of God our attentions are unable to venture into that domain and if explored it is impossible to produce any tangible evidence that satisfies our probing minds. It has not been revealed to us yet, all we have been told is that God is and will always be, he has had no beginning nor will He ever come to an end. When God was asked who he was by Moses, this was His reply, “I AM WHO I AM”!

We are only permitted to explore what we have been given and no more. For a man to waste his energies on things to great to ruminate would be a rather futile exercise. A place where the heathen’s unbelief is often rooted in doubt; Satan’s playground! Faith has an opposite influence which drives us towards God and His Word, the Lord Jesus Christ.

However there is a day coming in the not to distant future when we will see our God as He is and understand much deeper mysteries, but for now we see through that glass dimly, however we see enough to believe what is needed to get us home, praise God for that. It is faith in Christ which drives our hope which longs to be covered by the Love of God and is. It was the love of God that nailed Jesus to the cross and without that understanding as our consideration we will never truly be driven by the measure of faith needed to lay aside the sin that so easily besets or the cares of this life that that hampers our attentions. We must be governed by faith; we must be engulfed with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ our Lord and depending on how clearly we understand that will determine our conduct from day to day.

When this truth becomes the over-arching highlight of my day, my sight that is driven by faith will become a lot clearer and the things of this world will begin to grow strangely dim. Thank you God my Father for the love you have extended to me. Assist me in replicating a measure of that love, so that all men may truly know that I belong to you. There are many amongst us who claim salvation but in fact are no more than thieves looking for opportunities to pillage. There is a day coming when the books will be opened, praise God for that.

As my mind now travels to my hope in you I am pointed to the love of Jesus and how he has chosen us, loved us, bought us, cleansed us, robed us, kept us and soon will glorify us. He is the light of the universe and we see such beauty there. Without light we learn that no radiance flashes from the emerald, just like all the beauty of the saints stem from Jesus. Just as planets reflect the light of the sun our Saviour is the reflection of our righteousness and if His glory were veiled our glory must expire. There is a day coming when our knowledge will be perfect but there will be an unchanging truth that thankfully will never die as the Lord Jesus is the fountain of it all, praise His name now and forever more, Amen!

Signing off


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