The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Friday, 26 August 2016


(Philippians 4:11)  “Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.”

Ball sports teach us that timing is everything when it comes to finding the “sweet-spot” of any particular game, only then can we claim that we are in the “zone”. Golfers, tennis players, cricketers and even authors would know what I am talking about, a time when everything just seems to “click”.

Christianity is no different if we begin to view our experiences throughout life with the right mind-set. But in order for us to arrive at a place of harmony; we need to have ears attentive to God’s instruction. They must be tuned into being able to differentiate between “yes” and “no”. Just because we are capable of attaining certain spoils throughout our lifetimes, if and when our timing is off it will result in disaster. But if God say “GO” nothing will stand in our way and our quests shall be blessed.

A case in point would be the most beautiful story ever told, the gospel. God send His only begotten Son the Lord Jesus Christ to die a cruel death to set repentant sinners free from His upcoming judgement. However in order for me to find deliverance, the Lord Jesus’ life was filled with intrigue and he was hard pressed as a man. He confessed, “Foxes have holes, birds have nests but the son of man has nowhere to lay his head.” Even his life needed His Fathers timing attached to his endeavours. There is a time and a place for all season in our lives and we must learn to openly accept this truth. God teaches his children “the way of the Master”- our Saviour knows best. It is through our own experiences that these lessons will be learnt.

Remember his very first miracle when he turned water into wine, a request from Mary his mother; When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to him, "They have no wine." And Jesus said to her, "Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come." (John 2:3-4) – The request of her timing was off even though He accommodated her request. We too must come to a place in our lives as Christians when we understand the timing of God’s intervention in our lives. The Apostle Paul understood this well, he knew that his existence and the call that God had placed upon his life was all about the furtherance of the gospel. Our lives are no longer our own, they have been bought by the blood of the lamb.

“For I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content”. For a man to make this claim and actually mean it speaks volumes. Can we make such a statement? Our journey through life should drive us towards this understanding. There must be a time of abundance and times of suffering want. However, along the way we must learn to become content with what we have. This is where we will find rest in our Saviour.

We have a natural tendency to force God’s hand when we are in need. But when urgency begins to dominate we will be restless. The peace of God is found when we have learnt this lesson well and it’s only through the trial of life that we will begin to understand.

Thank you Father God for your patience’s with me and I pray that you will continue to teach me these spirited lessons along the way, for they are for my benefit and when understood in full they will bring you the glory; of this I am convinced.

Money is something we all need to survive in this day and age, but when our drive for it is thwarted we will never find peace; of this am I also persuaded.

Faith is needed for us to learn this lesson well and we must have ears that are fined tuned to the voice of our God. King Saul feared the people over the instruction that God gave him when it came to the slaughter of Amalek and it cost him his kingship. We must all strive to be like King David, a man after God’s own heart, this then is my prayer; renew a right spirit in me. Thank you for the trails of life and the way they teach me obedience.

I love you Father, all glory and honour belongs to our Saviour and His total commitment to your instruction whilst here on earth, bless His name now and forever more, Amen and Amen!

Signing off


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