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Thursday, 18 August 2016

To never thirst again

(John 6:35) “…whoever believes in me shall never thirst.

Another intriguing thought that has germinate this morning, is those who rebel against the word of God will always end up on the loosing side. Deceit leads us to believe we have won when we have in fact lost. Satan and his cronies will always endeavour to lead the believer into his web of simulation. Just enough to lure us in and just enough to keep the individual hooked on whatever door has been opened to them. Lust will never be able to be quenched, it is impossible. Our need for water proves the point rather well, we drink when we are thirsty and over a period of time the thirst subsides; until we are thirsty again and so the cycle continues. It is no different with the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh or the pride of life. We are always looking for our next fix; it cannot be any other way, our sinful natures have taken care of that.

However when we come to Christ, He is the eternal water that refreshes, He alone has the power to achieve this; once we have truly been born again and drunk from His cistern, we will never thirst again. What do I mean by this? It’s not as if we will never have to be refreshed by Him, which must happen on a daily basis if we are to keep our guard up. But we will never seek out any other answers concerning the kernel of life, which is too call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in order to be saved from the billions of varying lures of our flesh. He is the eternal water who unquestioningly satisfies. Other religions may keep your attention drawn to its teaching, it may tickle your ears just enough to appease your consciences, but that’s all it will ever do.

“Jesus is the way, the truth and the life” and no man can approach God the Father in any other way. Satan is aware of this and tirelessly throws out decoys looking to deceive. Sadly he goes around like a roaring lion seeking to devour as many as possible, but his days are numbered.

Money is one of the greatest lures and it leads to a serious sinful mind-set which is covetousness. Sexual lust another, the list is endless. Nevertheless the point I hone in on is that which will equip us for the trial of life and it is this; “Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.”” (John 6:35)

This is a fact that will always satisfy, find Christ and you will know what it means to live.

Signing off


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