The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Sunday 19 October 2014

True justice

In light of the Oscar Pistorius court case I have been reminded from whence I have fallen and what a miracle my salvation actually is. My mind goes to the woman caught in adultery, with the masses looking for retribution, crying “stoner her, stone her” and yet the Lord Jesus simple turned to them as said “he who is without sin cast the first stone”. His wisdom is always the greatest equalizer, it forgives the downcast and humbles the proud; I love my Saviour so! Thank you for dying for me Lord Jesus.

With that considered, it may be a good thing to reserve our judgments as if we should be excused as perfect and without our own flaws. I am not for one minute suggestion that justice should not prevail, it must! It is the speculation outside of the actual facts that triggers my thoughts. Everyone has their own opinion as if they are the final authority, may God help us understand that He is the final authority and what he chooses to accomplish will come to pass. He is in perfect control of even the governing authorities, even if they are not aware of that truth.

This then is the point of consideration: Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord." To the contrary, "if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head." Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Romans 12:19-21) – As Christians we have been instructed to always err on the side of grace, even if wronged. With that said let us be quick to remember that we have all offended God in one form or another with our sins and yet He sent His Son, who had no sin, to die in our place. There is a day coming when all will be judged in righteousness by the one who is perfect in righteousness. That means justice will prevail as it should.

While we have breath we have a hope to find forgiveness regardless of how rotten we actually are. What a great forgiving God I serve, bless His name now and forever more. Once death takes its toll on our lives the chance to find forgiveness is gone, no more ventures to right our wrongs in and through the finished work of Calvary. But while we live we have hope. All have the potential to find forgiveness while we still breathe God’s given oxygen. However the door has closed on some of our loved ones who have breathed their last, they either acted with wisdom by repenting and believing on the Lord Jesus Christ and His finished work or they didn’t, and now await their judgment. That is an unbearable thought after having understood God’s love, now what about His wrath? How fierce that shall be! I beg you all to act wisely by calling out unto Jesus asking Him to reveal Himself to you. It is imperative that you find forgiveness from Him and Him alone, as He alone has the power to forgive. Without His forgiveness your end will be the Lake of Fire! To my friends who do not publicly confess the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord, I do not warn you to frighten you although you should be frightened, but rather in love declare the truth according to the holy scriptures; the unseen powers of this world looks to keep this truth from you, But by the grace of God I will not be silent; repent and believe of the Lord Jesus Christ and your eyes shall be open to the purpose of life, it will all make sense. But until then you shall continue to grope in the dark clutching at the straws of folly.

I ask myself this, “if a wretched sinner like me can find forgiveness and then still make so many mistake after salvation who then am I not to forgive others their trespass.” In fact the Lord Jesus taught us this principle in the “Our Father Prayer”; and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” (Matthew 6:12) – Although salvation is a free gift which could never be earned, there are certain conditions attached to redemption; we must confess Jesus as Lord, and it must be done publicly. We must believe in Christ’s resurrection and we must find grace to forgive our debtors. We are now new trees that need to bear palatable fruit that is sweet to the taste. Every branch in our lives that does not bear fruit must then be pruned and in some cases hacked to the bear minimum because of our stubbornness which holds onto our old natures as if we will lose out; sin looking to continually deceive us. God forgive our folly, if that be our standing before you.

Thank God for His patience with me, how I long to finally please Him in every area of my life and yet I seem to be so far-off this goal in so many areas of my life. “While we have breath we have hope!” Today is a new day and God will treat it as such for all who confess their faults to Him. We may remember our sins of the past but God who is rich in mercy has the ability not only to forgive but to forget them, WOW! Who is this God I serve, His ways are far above my puny minds reasoning and yet the glimpses I get blows my appreciation. I have this hope that one day I shall see Him for who He actually is, in His total splendour, what a day that will be and then to finally hear words like this; “The one who conquers will have this heritage, and I will be his God and he will be my son.”
- Even so come quickly Lord Jesus, I long to be with you where moth and rust can no longer taint that which decays, this flesh is of mine is my enemy but thank you Father for the Spirit of your Son who now lives within me.

The war rages on but I am convinced of this one fact that you have overcome every obstacle placed in front of you Lord Jesus and yet without sin. You are phenomenal; you are mine and I am yours. What a hope I have, what a hope the Christian has, bless your holy name now and forever more, Amen!

Many Christians have stumbled and fallen but let us remember to be quick to err on the side of forgiveness, for we have all been forgiven a debt we could never have paid.

Signing off


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