The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Monday 13 October 2014

As a consideration

As a consideration, I have noticed how common courtesy and respect seems to be a tradition that is fading into the distance at a rapid rate. Now before I begin to sound like a “when-we” (someone with a gripe on how good or hard it was in times past). Sin taking hold of the weakness of the flesh now begins to dig its claws deep prior to the ripping and eating of big chunks of flesh. Sin is similar in type to the HIV virus, it deceives the body into thinking that it is working for it instead of against it and when the good cells of the body work out that it is in trouble it is too late, death eminent! Hence the pharmaceutical company coming up with an Anti-retroviral to combat the disease. In type, sin in general will always have the upper hand with us all and this is why God then introduced the “Ten Commandments” and patiently through time has shown us that every generation from the inception of His law has blotched it. In fact the reason for the law is to teach us that we are fallen beings and as good as we think we are, in fact when we examine ourselves against the law and if honest we soon understand that we are law-breakers and not law-keepers! The law exposes our weakness and in fact helps us understand that we are indeed full of sin and in trouble.

Sin on the other hand tricks us into believing that we are not as bad as Joe Soap and therefore we find justification in ourselves, when in fact we are rotten to the core when compared with the righteousness of God. It is easy for most to be commended when compared with a hardened criminal but impossible to find commendation when compared with a Holy God. This is why we needed God to instigate our rescue, which He thankfully did! God sent His Son to die in our place, praise the name of Jesus!

What then was the real purpose of God’s law if because of the curse of one man’s sin we would never be capable of keeping it? The answer is simple but profound; it is our tutor that teaches us that we need a Saviour. Hence the introduction of the Gospel message and over time that message has been skewed, with quotes like, “you’ve tried everything else why not try Jesus?”, Satan twisting the real need of why we should respond to the gospel, which is this simple fact that we are sinners and need to be saved from our sin. No program or psychologist will ever truly save; they may aptly do some patch work but before long more patch work will be needed and so on.

Jesus Christ has paid the debt of sin once and for all! End of story, nothing now is needed to satisfy God’s wrath for those who deliberately went out to break His laws and became his enemy. Now whether you understand that outside of Jesus Christ you are in fact the enemy of God or not, does not change this truth that all those not enlisted in Jesus Christ’s army are God’s enemies. There is no such thing as a neutral. However where this now becomes somewhat more destructive is within the ranks of Christian establishments. The simple Gospel message has been distorted, Christianity has never been about wealth and prosperity and where that message is preached damage has been done to the unadulterated message of the gospel, if you are part of such an establishment, get out fast and seek a bible based church that is big on sound doctrine. False doctrine is a door that has long been opened, flee from it. Many religious establishments are big on tradition but not sound doctrine, they will preach the law but not the saving grace found in Christ, I too was brought up in such an establishment, the Roman Catholic faith still teaches that we need penances to achieve salvation, it is a lie, flee from it! We will never attain to a level that God requires, only His beloved Son, my beloved Saviour has obtained that position, not mother Mary, nor any of the other Apostles or saints, only Jesus Christ the Lord. We must believe in Him and Him alone! It is time to get rid of all the dross as the time of the trumpet call is near approaching.

This then is the simple uncomplicated message of the gospel; understand that you are incapable of keeping God’s law, acknowledge your sin against God, repent of your unbelief in God’s provision, which is to accept that Jesus Christ paid the price for your sin and then call out to God asking for His unmerited favour to forgive you of your sins and the scales will then fall from your eyes and you will then be like the blind beggar who way back then ran out into the street calling out; “I was once blind but now I can see”.

Signing off


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