The link to my book - Destroy and Deliver (Autobiography)

Friday 19 September 2014

Do not be surprised

(1Peter 4:12) “Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you…”

I suppose in being fair to this text, the Apostle Peter’s trial was harsh in comparison to the trials I face and most of us will ever have to endure. Not many of us will end up crucified on a cross for our faith. However in type we have all be called to endure affliction for the sake of the cross; we have been called to die to self and at times this can be very testing. One thing we must never do is be surprised by the assessment. We have been told that this will be the life for the Christian. When we keep asking the question, “why”? All that proves is that we haven’t counted the cost of what it means to be a Christian.

Unless we die with Christ we can never live with Him! As hard as it is for us to die the Apostle Paul irrevocably makes this statement; “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. (Philippians 1:21) – When we accept that dying to self is for our benefit; through the trial we learn to comprehend the magnitude of what it meant for Christ to suffer on our behalf, we get small glimpses of what He went through and when proven, we come through refined on the other side bringing glory to God. Irrespective of what we suffer, if we can learn to accept whatever God places in front of us it will teach us valuable lessons even if we do not quite understand the degree of it at the time, be sure of this one fact it will smooth out some of the rough edges in our lives, bringing glory to God. However when we shirk the test and do our best to avoid what is placed in front of us, we learn very little and remain stagnant in growth. God help us to understand the value of these tests in our lives!

God is sovereign over all! Nothing will or can ever happen to the Christian outside the will of God. Our paths have been carefully mapped out ultimately to bring God the glory. Thankfully He is patient and longsuffering with His children. Some obviously need a lot more discipline in learning these valuable lessons and I am amongst that number. Nevertheless I am thankful for His correction, without it I would be lost. To God be the glory now and forever more, Amen!

As hard as the reality of life may seem at times our great God and Father is moulding us into the beautiful image of Jesus Christ our Saviour.

We have an enemy that goes around like a roaring lion, who has made it his duty to prevent this growth. In faith let us learn to trust God through it all as He is for us and not against us, His ways are far higher than our carnal understanding at times but be assured of this truth, He is in perfect control. Let us then learn to rest in His perfectly orchestrated plan. To God be the glory now and forever more, Amen!

Signing off


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